The Heritage Party 2: Try Burning This One Asshole was a blast. I ended up going home without my shoes, my coat, or my borrowed flask, and with a ripped dress and beer-soaked socks. Now that's a party! Is anyone going to post pictures but please God none of me. In case you saw and didn't know what the hell I was supposed to be because I didn't really feel like being in character, I was supposed to be Squeaky Fromme (on the left) and if you don't know who she is you need to learn your Sac history. The big highlight for me was the old-fashioned sock hop because I never knew how fun it is to spazz out to the Georgia Peach. Also, the appearance by Cat Stevens/Optimus Prime was amazing.
Other than that I would like to tell you that the roast beef at Sampino's market (which they roast there daily) is the best roast beef I've ever had. Either go there and get a sandwich or just buy some and make it at home. I didn't even think I liked roast beef before I tried this. It's tender and rare, and so is my love for it.
Optimus Prime had the best Cat Stevens costume I've ever seen, that's for sure.
Good heritage everyone.
I think that was really Cat Stevens and his costume was Optimus Prime.
I'd like to say thank you to Heckamax for being such an enthusiastic host. You embody the Heritage spirit like no one else. -gw
You were a fantastic Sqeaky, I'd say it was definently a toss up between Sqeaky and J.G's Hopi Indian for foxiest celebrant at the heritage party,though G.Wu's fortune cookie/giant vag costume certainly was in the running.
I think he was a Transformer who could transform into Cat Stevens, which is a lot cooler than transforming into a truck or a building or some such crap.
Thanks for making the sock hop come alive. Really, how can you ignore a classic oldie like "Boom Shaka Locka Boom!" or "Jump Around"?
Oh yeah, that last post was from me.
I will put my pics on flickr from the party tonight. There are some great ones, best being the mudflaps on Cat Stevens pants for sure.RM
If Squeaky had better firearm skills, she would've assassinated the president in my hometown on my seventh birthday, which would've been sort of cool. As it is, she didn't even ruin my birthday party.
Miss Squeeky explains on the home page to the link with her house that she purposely ejected the bullet from the chamber before she went to visit Mister Nixon. The FBI found the ejected bullet on her bathroom floor.
I think she was just playing with his mind, man.
I guess flailing her hands by his face saying, "You're running down a hallway, you turn left, you turn right, and WHAM!" only works for people on drugs.
>Miss Squeeky explains on the home page
>to the link with her house that she
>purposely ejected the bullet from the
>chamber before she went to visit Mister
You sure she was after Nixon? I thought it was Millard Fillmore because of her intense hatred of Whigs.
Chester Arthur
No, she was after YOU due to her intense hatred of absurd facial hair.
- James Garfield
Man, no one remembers poor ol' Jerry Ford. But mostly for good reason.
Since I have no idea who RM is, could somebody direct me to their flickr so that I can see pics?
I would also like to see Heritage shots. Can someone post the link to the flickr site?
who is this mysteriour RM? paparazzi? dear god I hope I didn't slip a nip or it will be all over the internet soon! was my firecrotch showing? it's so hard to remember.
I would like to see shots of Chester Arthur's Whigged out mutton chops. Where is the flickr link?
Dewey Wins
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