I am toooooo caffeinated this morning (thanks to some sort of special kind of espresso large cappucino from Temple that is blowing my mind). How do I know I have had too much caffeine? Because I am furiously making all sorts of hectic plans. Don't tell Miller cuz he doesn't know yet that we are going hiking tomorrow. And possibly butchering a goat and sewing our own pants. Shh, it's a secret. I have also been bidding on absurd things on ebay, including that cat pillow you see in the picture. I'll try to calm my jangling nerves.
I ate at Jamies Bar and Grill last night and it was top-notch. You can read the full story in next months midtown monthly (and hopefully it will have online content soon?). I'll just say this: second best burger in sac, GW gave her burger an 8 out of 10. I will be eating the much vaunted dim sum at New Canton today, also to be reviewed in the rag.
Don't forget that movie tonight at fools and the show! And go see Jackass 2 it's really funny and so is the Science of Sleep. I'd say the second half of the year is shaping up to be much much better for movies than the dismal first half.
to clarify: the cappucino from temple had some sort of special espresso that you can pay extra for. it was very tasty.
I love Temple so much! The tea and coffee are the best and the people who work there are so nice and know what they are doing.
Jamies Bar and Grill on Broadway?
I only believe in the Temple of Connie.
Incidently, of interest only to me, I have discovered there is a business in Humboldt County called Stephen's Glass.
Love to eat them mousies . . .
Mousies what I love to eat!
Bite they little heads off,
Nibble on they tiny feet!
I see that the anonymous posts on this site have shifted from mean spirited to bizarre
That's a classic Kliban cat reference. The cat's playing the guitar & singing that mousies song. It's on a coffee cup at SPCA thrift right now in fact!
online content! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...
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