Thursday, January 03, 2008

intense supernanny

Wow, did anyone else see that intense supernanny last night?

So....I have a call into the Northern Cali PR person for Safeway right now about their corporate policy on bag use. I said that I'm writing an article for MM on local markets from an environmental angle to get them to call me back. I bet you'd be pretty excited to read that article if it was real. The thing with the bags at Safeway is fucking crazy. They will double bag a head of lettuce. I want to know what their training for baggers is. It seems to consist of telling them "use the most bags you possibly can".

Did I mention I ate at Tuli Bistro? I may have ranted to you about it in person. I need to give it another chance, but it really let me down. Hey, guys, do you need another place to go get burgers and fries? No? What about pizza? How about "pulled pork" sliders? Why do people love the phrase pulled pork so much? If you would rather have a semi-healthy sandwich our salad you are probably S.O.L. I got an eight dollar salad that would not be enough food for an infant and it was soooo plain. It didn't even have the promised almonds, just a big ball of goat cheese and lettuce. Scott's tuna melt was teeny and the bread was SOAKED in butter, in addition to the sandwich being draped in cheese. I guess the menu changes daily, so maybe they will get a clue.


beckler said...

hmm... a lady at safeway got back to me and asked my specific questions and is going to get back to me. does this mean i actually have to write an article?

Liv Moe said...

perhaps... i'd like to see sac follow sf's lead and ban plastic bags. but that's just me.

Anonymous said...

We went to Safeway the other day with our new reusable bags (thanks Anna!) & the checker took our package of paper towels & filled up the bag with just that. When we said "oh we don't need that in a bag", he looked at it & said "too late". Somehow, against all odds, I took it out of the bag & instead filled it up with all our other groceries.


beckler said...

then he bagged our chicken (which was already in a plastic container) before i could stop him. i hate it when someone bags my chicken without asking.

Anonymous said...

Although my trips to Safeway are pretty rare due to my personal Safeway boycott over to their high prices and just general shittyness I do occasionaly have to B the B as Biz calls it (bust the boycott)and I will just repeatedly tell them to cram as much as they can in one bag. You have to be quick though, they are constantly trying to trick you.

Anonymous said...

In Ireland they made you pay for a bag at the store, usually 15 or 20 cents. It was a little strange at first, because no matter how many items you went up there with they would never even offer a bag, and everyone would just pick up their stuff and put it in their own bag or their pockets or whatever, like it was NO BIG DEAL. I mean c'mon, it got to the point in the trip where I was practically begging the gods for a lousy plastic bag to put my dirty socks in and I coudn't get one.
Anyways that's the eu for you.

Anonymous said...

I noticed at Ikea last night (CHARLES!) that they charge for plastic bags, and even though they are only 5 cents, I feel like everyone was like, "no way..I'm not paying 5 cents!" and jamming the stuff in their pockets.
