Wow. Texas. Waco. I wanted to take a picture that captures the essence of Waco so here it is.
That's the parking lot of Luby's, which was not as good as I remembered it to be. Here's some hope for the future, my 78 year old great aunt Minnie Fay, who has lived in Waco her whole life proudly proclaimed herself to be a lifelong Republican who is going to vote for Barack Obama in the next election.
I'm back! Hope I didn't offend any young thriftsters with that last post. I worried about that over the weekend. You screen whatever on whatever you want. Well, not old Le Tigre shirts, please.
Ganglians play a show at Funcastle tomorrow. Joshua Ploeg is doing food pickups the next three weeks. I'd post his thing but I don't think he wants me to.
looks like johannesburg
My go away party is Saturday right after the Ninja Baby Shower. Show up, eat BBQ, and get a head start for 2nd Saturday. There's is at 2pm, mine starts after so uh... 5pm?
The Lizards might be playing that night at Javalounge, and Jay is going to be playing his Japanese banjo after the baby shower.
That's at Bill and Karen's house. If you don't know where that is, email me and I'll give you their address. Anyone and everyone is invited. Yup.
screw ur party and screw the diss on my young thriftster 'tude.
Welcome home!
Isn't Thriftster that hott new website that's putting the thrift stores out of business with it's free thrift-item downloads?
hey whaus!
i think we have our next stupid band name:
young thriftster 'tude
they could open for:
defeating the assless
sex rat
I am being made fun of. thanks.
for what? which thing is hitting you where it counts?
Waco! Did you eat a burger at Health Camp?
Health camp? Never heard of it. There was devastation in the community there lately because the Chat N' Chew closed down. Also, my Uncle Leo told me about some BBQ place in a barn in the middle of a cornfield, but I didn't have a car so I wasn't able to go.
Lizards will be playing at Casa de Chaos(2pm-5pm) and Java Lounge(6pm-10pm).It's our preunion.I brought 2 homemade sanshins back from japan.I will play a couple traditional songs with a cassette of chicken noises playing to mimic my house.I think there are also some train noises and drunk people noises.It's gonna be gutbucket good time!!!
man, why do like ten things have to be going on tonight? and it's only a wednesday!?
Hey Jay all your stuff is on Sadurday, yah??
I will be doing some stuff in August(the first saturday) at R5 records and somewhere in the burbs.Then it's back to the land of rising sun. After these shows I will be heading up thru Oregon,Washington and hopefully British Columbia.At the last show I do-- I will be auctioning my homemade sanshin off.It's made from a tin can and block of wood.I made it myself and stays in tune--well sort of...
Waco! Yea, my whole family is there and many a summer (hot, hot summers) were spent there.
You missed the Dr.Pepper bottling factory? It's a pretty neat place to go.
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