Friday, January 30, 2009

tons o'guns

Man, the Ancient Sons were on fire!  Very psychedelic, and I have to ask, have Justin's guns gotten bigger?  If not, he was just showcasing them in an excellent way whilst shaking his maracas.  It was all I could do to not yell "more guns in the monitor!".  Too bad that jerk Cody was there, ruining my time.  If he wants to start a blog war he can bring it, cuz once you've blog-fought with Kevin Seconds you've pretty much been in the shit and can take whatever comes your way.  I'm steaking my claim to blog supremacy right now.

OK, guys, this post is NSFW because of that steamy picture below, so you might want to minimize the window so the boss doesn't see it.  

I bought this sweet, steamy beauty at Wing Wa for only $2.99 a pound.  They also had live blue crabs, and some really nice looking squid.


Anonymous said...

That is one sexy crab.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming to our show last night! I feel alot like a steamed crab at work right now.

The Armeniac said...

I tell ya using erotic sea life imagery is one hell of a way to win a blog war. If only KevSecs had thought of it! Thanks for the big ups on our show last night!

The Armeniac said...

By the way, you were right, Justin's guns are in fact bigger than ever. He's been on a steady diet of lifting weights and drinking muscle milk till he pukes. Getting ready for fatherhood I imagine.

beckler said...

he's gonna lift the hell out of that baby

beckler said...

db had a good column in the news and review. I would read a regular column of dan's musings. I was bummed to find out that nachoman the bbq mexican is no more. I was going to review that place!

Anonymous said...

I think I saw a sexier piece of sausage the other day at the "German Deli". Hey-yo!!!


p.s. the quotes mean it wasn't a real deli. It was a man. A big German man. Wearing black socks by the Roseville trainyard. Sexier than Sawyer ee-vahn. Then I went to a real deli for Leberkäse. Exit. Stage left.

beckler said...

skpr-you left your "pot" at my house.