I was on strike yesterday. My union voted to strike because we have been trying to negotiate a contract for 18 months (pre-budget crisis) and they say the university hasn't been bargaining in good faith. Then the professors jumped on it because our strike was on the first day of class. The students and the professors stole all the limelight, but that's OK. It was pretty inspiring. This isn't just about the budget crisis, it's about UC funding being consistently cut year after year, and about the fact that prisons have taken the place in the budget that higher education used to have. The UC system is going to lose quality and prestige in the coming years if this isn't reversed. They urged us to write letters to our representatives, which is never very satisfying, but what else can you do?

I'm not exactly sure why I was singled out for Dayragin', but suggesting to readers that I'm a functional alcoholic should do wonders for my credibility.
sorry DB I'll think twice before not thinking next time.
The Mt. Eerie show was too much for the Hub. I even made a joke when Phil E. walked over to the PA before his set and he didn't think it was so funny. oh well. it was hot, but a decent show.
I'm reading more about Mackenzie Phillips and now I"m feeling bad for what I said. She's probably not lying, and one fact for sure is that John Phillips was a horrible dad. So I take it back.
But what does Sn&R have to say for the Best Place For a Slumber Party?
I think we all know that's my house.
ps. heckasac should have it's own best of list that we can vote on. you know, cutest smile, ugliest pet, whatever.
feelings could be hurt, though. just like in yearbook.
This isn't just about the budget crisis, it's about UC funding being consistently cut year after year, and about the fact that prisons have taken the place in the budget that higher education used to have.
Totally. Prison reform is the one thing California can't ignore if it ever wants to come back from the brink of dystopia.
If anybody is into the wonky shit, here's a good diavlog between MARK KLEIMAN and REIHAN SALAM about prison reform.
That's the very first time I've seen or heard the term diavlog. A new word to hate - thanks, Jeff.
...don't forget how top the UC's (and the CSUS's) are with administrators. In fact, didn't the UC system almost give there administrators a raise recently?
Yeah diavlog (it's a mashup of dialog and vlog, or video blog) is a pretty ugly jumble of phonemes.
You can blame Bob Wright for that one.
I kind of like the big carrot bike racks by the garden on Q and 16th, but they are actually useful for 2 bikes. the rest of them can suck it though!
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