In the weirdest show bill and location I've ever heard of, the legendary
Paul Collins from The Nerves and Paul Collins Beat will be playing in the suburbs tomorrow with Pansy Division??!?!? It's at a club in Citrus Heights called The Fire Escape. The address is 7431 Madison Ave.
Whoa. That is hella weird. How was the Cass McCombs show?
They are also playing with my bro Ted's new band Problem Girls. Wish I could go!
Wish you would go! Please go.
Cass Mccoombs was good. He is a unique performer, with kind of a weird niche. He's cute, and has a lot of stage presence and I like a lot of his songs. Girls was really good, and had a bunch of fashiony fans that came to see them. I figured out that the record I got in Portland was The Girls, not Girls.
Did you see this? Pretty cool
Does anyone wanna go to this share who's interested in ridesharing? I could drive, or you could drive. I just don't care to go by myself. Whattaya say?
maybe rick. What dat was it again? Tommorrow? Call me.
rick-carpool tonight you mean?
what's so weird about this show happening at Fire Escape? -- they've been doing shows for months that are all over the map -- a number of really interesting ones included-- booked by the guy who used to do Capitol Garage and Junta -- yeah, it's not on the grid but it's closer than Davis and where else would this show happen in Sacramento. Plus, they went out of their way to make it all ages.
oh yeah, ever, ever go to a show by yourself. Who knows what might happen
I heard a rumor that this show was originally going to be at Ironsides but who knows. Personally I think that would be a better attended show but hey, all ages is cool too. As far as "where else would this happen be in Sacramento?" - I don't really understand that question. Luigi's? Ironsides? Blue Lamp? All of those are places that wouldn't be at all out of the question.
Anonymous, who's bringing Davis into this conversation? So long as it's you, would you really rather see a show in Citrus Heights than in Davis because Citrus Heights is closer than Davis?
Googlemaps says that the drive from Midtown to the Fire Escape is 22 minutes. The drive to Davis is also 22 minutes. So long as it's the same distance, I'd rather see a show in a place where there will be dozens of appreciative people who are there because they know about good music. Something to do with a local population who are glued to a certain world-class radio station which Citrus Hts. locals cannot hear due to evangelical broadcast interference.
I've lived in Sacto for the last couple years and would rather see more shows happen right here within biking distance like everyone else, and I got sick of living in Davis because of Davis people, so I'm not reverting back to my old Davis-is-better-than-Sacto-for-shows ways (which was only a valid argument from 2003-2007 (post-Espresso Metro/Primo's and pre-Delta of Venus got all "jah"-shows-only-again)).
And why wouldn't I wanna go to a show by myself? I've done it many times, and usually enjoyed it enough. But I prefer to enjoy music with friends. It's more fun that way.
I have been curious about this Fire Escape place since I heard about it starting to have shows, but there've been very few shows that have made me wanna go.
also, did you know that carpooling saves gas and enables everyone but the driver to drink beer?
Don't drink too much beer and watch this.....
Um...why would you bother posting that anon? I guess to make fools like me watch it for a second. Isn't there a low rent Dr. Bizzarro knock off you can show this to?
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