I guess everyone has heard about the !!! Mayyors show on Friday, ay? That's pretty effing nuts. There's a nice pretty noisy spacy folky show happening at The Hub tomorrow. Mt. Eerie, and then the rest of the listing says "Tara Jane ONeil Karl Blau No Kids". I'm not sure how many bands that is. Boy I bet smiller is going to bummed that he's in stupid old Amsterdam missing this show tomorrow! That will show him. Speaking of pretty, Brightblack Morning Light are coming back to Delta of Venus on Sunday. I was really sorry to miss the last time they played there. I heard it was really good.
A friend just gave me a huge bag of organic almonds. What should I do with it? Almond liqueur? Almond cake? What?
Almond liqueur. It's pretty hard to find Amaretto on the grid the last time I looked for it for my old roommate's girly cocktail.
How do I make it herr skipper? I will do whatever you say.
Homemade jordan almonds with metallic coating, like the ones I got for Orson's baby shower. I'm sure that wouldn't be difficult at all.
Mt. Eerie's last couple of records had bored me to tears, but this new one is incredible. One of the best of '09 so far...But be ready for the unmistakable flavor of black metal in this new stuff!
There's another ridiculously awesome spacey/folky/psychey show on Wednesday night, too, and it's really a headscratcher that these shows aren't happening together, but Prince Rama of Ayodhya is back from Massachusetts and playing in Davis at 802 Villanova. They also made one of the best records of '09 which fans of An Electric Storm by White Noise should dig immensely. More of a friendly sorta witchery than evil, for sure.
I was dreading having to choose between these shows, but I'll be on a plane to Memphis for Gonerfest, so that solves it. I'll be catching The Reatards that night.
Hmmm...it's been awhile since I've made liqueurs.
I remember the sugar ratio being 10 parts vodka to 1 part sugar (something like 5 cups vodka to 1/2 cup sugar). The book I had on home-made Amaretto called for a cinnamon stick and 2 cups chopped raw almonds.
Basically, you just put everything into a mason jar and let it sit for at least a month agitating it every few days. You then let everything settle for another week with no agitation.
Afterward you sieve and filter (cheese cloth or coffee filter) the liqueur into another clean jar. It's fine to use at this point, but there are further steps that I've read about like continuing to sieve and filter for another few weeks to completely remove all sediment. Then there are additional additives like glycerine for that syrupy texture as well as other flavoring like vanilla, clove, etc.
I used it purely for cooking, so I never bothered with the additional steps. Might be worth doing if you're making cocktails.
Make romesco sauce
great suggestions! i will make both of these.
oh yea. No Popov. Wolfschmidt or Vodka of the Gods would probably be off the bottom of the floor enough in terms of quality.
Oh and in regards to the poster, as long as it's not some guru like Bikram posing in a loin cloth, you're safely within the city limits of Cool City.
Yeah, that one crosses the line kinda like my Kabbalah poster that I bought form Tree of Life back in the time. It's not a Hollywood-style Coolballah trendy one either, it's so jam packed with info in the levels and the paths that I leave a magnifying glass next to it so's people can read stuff if they want to.
That poster you've got there reminds me of a birthday cupcake with one candle for some reason. Not knockin' it though. For one thing, I wasn't aware of the 1893 stuff so I looked it up. You made me learn something! You are the mayor of Cool City!
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