I'm about to head up north, to a little utopia called Portland. Well, as much of a utopia as a place can be without really good Asian and Mexican food. And nobody try to claim that they have that! I'll be trying the legendary Pok Pok this time hopefully.
I made some quick pickles last night with my leftover pickling cucumbers. I believe they are in season right now, and they are very good for snacking. No bitter peels. To make the quick pickles I boiled some white vinegar and some apple cider vinegar (half vinegar, half water) with a healthy dose of sugar (I guess that's a contradiction) and some pinches of chili salt. I threw in some cumin, too. Chill in the fridge and they're quite tasty an hour later.

that blog is amazing, thanks for the link!
Also, made the cranberry bean and pasta soup you posted a few weeks ago, was delicious!
I made it last night, too. I had bought this Bavarian meatloaf at Morants that turned out to taste almost exactly like a hot dog, so I cut that up and threw it in there, too. Mmmm...Bavarian hot dog loaf.
As I toil away downstairs - keeping the house in order, feeding & clothing the cats, balancing the books - it's comforting to know that someone is upstairs getting loaded & taking pictures of the TV.
don't forget that I made you delicious hot dog soup. also that I was not just loaded, I also drank almost an entire Jolly Pumpkin beer. That was just to take the edge off.
No good Asian in Portland?!?
Pok Pok's still pretty hot...the line's out to the street sometimes. It was also said to be one of the rare PDX restaurants that's limited for non-meat-eaters. So Melissa and I haven't tried it. But I can't believe that it could be any better than Khun Pic's Bahn Thai on SE Belmont anyway. That's the best Thai I've had anywhere, and it's also a cool environment in which to enjoy a meal.
Wong's King is the best Chinese restaurant I've ever eaten at, too.
For Mexican...yeah, good luck!
You have to get the pickle plate, if you're at Kenny & Zuke's. The best parts were the pickled celery and the standard pickles.
u were crunked, but your screen grabs are marvelously in focus! maybe that's the trick?
Holy Mountain, Holy Mountain, Holy Mountain!!!!! I was on an extended Jodorowsky kick in the mid-90s that scrambled my mind. His films made me feel lost in a way that I really enjoyed. It was probably one of my first introductions to engaging with art that I didn't understand and being happy about it.
El Topo is great too.
Agree on the Mex, but like Rick said there's some good SE Asian stuff there. I forget the names of the Viet places on 82nd. There's Chaba Thai on NE Sandy (not to be confused w/our beloved Chada Thai).
Don't forget the "chocolate cock n' balls" at Voodoo Donut.
If you've got a few extra bucks to spare, try Le Pigeon on E. Burnside.
the i ♥ hot dogs blog has stills up from The Hunger.
As much as I have been enjoying True Blood these first two seasons, thinking about The Hunger reminds me what TB lacks.
One, genuine eroticism. The Newhart alumni orgies just don't cut it, and Sook and Bill leave me cold. It's cruel to say, but Anna P. is to blame for that.
Two, genuine horror. TB has hardly put a toe in the water, much less plunged into, the unthinkable ideas suggested in its opening sequence (Do bad things to you), namely, that the violence and social pathology that defines the history of the Deep South is directly related to the fact that Southerns maintain a connection to the natural world. Each time the plot starts to suggest this thesis, the characters get all wishy-washy. Take poor Tera. Nothing short of a maenad could keep a woman that beautiful and intelligent out in the sticks as long as she has been there. She's never heard of the Greyhound bus service? I love Rutina Wesley's acting, but Terra is way too conflicted. In reality, she'd be like, Fuck this cornball monster shit, Eggs, let's get our black asses to New York.
TB also lacks Bauhaus.
Hey Rick-
Four Eyes are totally down for Maximum Freedom if the offers still open. You should email Davey with details. I'm leaving the country tomorrow.
Brandi and I were suckers and ate at the Pagoda in Portland. Holy crap is that and awesome building, and holy crap is that the worst food I've ever eaten anywhere. Everything else we ate is Portland was delicious though.
Hey is that snow cone stand downtown still open? Which corner?
Snocone stand: L&7th on the... SW corner, I think. I would imagine it's still open, but I haven't been in awhile.
In college (in Portland) we'd use to eat at this place called El Burrito Loco, which was totally gross. Between that and the bar that gave away free hotdogs, I somehow managed to eat.
But come to think about it, bars serving food is pretty much how I eat in Sac.
The Pagoda was awesome to look at, but yes...very yucky food. Sadly, it's been demolished. See here...
(go to bottom of this post!)
Madewell, did you ever partake in the "free buffet" at the Alibi? I've sent many a touring band to go gorging there, and they always thanked me effusively for that recommendation.
I've actually never been to the Alibi. I don't think...
But this week there was a hot dog buffet at the Preflite lounge. Homemade chili!
I tend to eat at the Old Tavern - grilled cheese & fries for $2!
No snowcones.
I see my attempt to initiate a True Blood symposium/flame war failed.
That's okay. I'm going through a bout of militant dysphoria (cf.:http://www.cinestatic.com/infinitethought/2009/08/militant-dysphoria-event.asp) anyway, and heckasac is on my list of things that are much too decadent to think about.
My conscience says I've got to spend my time flogging myself or, horror or horrors, reading long pdfs on health care policy. For a little while, at least.
Here's the permalink that explains everything:
epic fail
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