The show last night was super fun. I love the Hub. I love that Jason D. song that the English Singles play. The 12 string sounded so good. I missed most of Harlem because I was at the Round Corner, which was really stupid of me. I guess they started really quickly after the Singles and I let time slip away. Mayyors sounded so good, really intense. I did sneak out early. Did anything happen with the scary guy in the GG Allin shirt? He headbutted smiller in the shoulder. Even after all these years, GG Allin still scares me. It's based on his appearance on Jerry Springer. I bought it all hook, line, and sinker and it scared me to know people like that existed.
From GG Allin to...the camellia show. Natural transition. Imagine the havoc that GG Allin could have wreaked among a bunch of old ladies and their show camellia bushes. He'd totally shit in the pots for starters. This info is not easy to find (surprise! camellia ladies are not that internet-savvy), but I'ma hook you up. Sorry, I'm very tired. It's this saturday and sunday at the memorial auditorium. FREEEEEE. Saturday 3pm-6pm, Sunday 10am-530 pm.
As a child I was forced by my mother to pick a camelia at Capitol Park - look up the variety in a book she brought along - and go enter it in the Camelia Show. I won a kiddie prize. That is low.
fortunately, gg left quietly with little drama last night which was a surprise and relief. i'm not sure if you noticed but he was drinking a protein shake and then spitting it down his shirt for awhile before going into head butt mode.
last year i called the cops on that dude for stealing from the chalk it up volunteer tent.
I highly recommend the gg allin documentary. I think it's called "hated." it goes from scary to horrifying and disturbing in a matter of minutes!
He went outside after and told me (unprovoked by me in any way) that he was into "organic shit" and sometimes he drinks so much of it he gets "drunk on that shit", then I noticed he had fangs.
Capped off a great evening out.
Ed C
Is the GG dude that bald dude with the chin music and the trippy yellow sunburst vanity contact lenses goin' on? Seems to have stepped out of an industrial music/rivethead subculture time capsule of 15 years ago??? If so, I caught a sharp blow from him last night in the back, too. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the source of last night's ruthless poot attack. That was messed up!
captcha: dinnerpoo
Damn you Elliot Benson!!!! They've said I don't qualify for like 12 consecutive focus groups. Tried to lie, tried telling the truth, nothing works!!!
That was definitely a ruthless ass- attack, what the hell was that? It was like being in someone's can.
verification: inoize
That was the worst poot attack I have ever experienced, and I have a little brother who would hold me down and fart on me, engendering my lifelong hatred of farts.
Ed almost faked his way into an incontinence focus group! My new philosophy is to only tell the total truth to Elliot Benson. That protein drink one I faked myself into was just too stressful. That shit tastes like Metamucil and I had to pretend that I drink it all the time.
word verification: nerippir
as in: that rippir was worse than n e other rippir ever
I also have never been caught in such a fierce and relentless fart storm. It smelled like a mix of dog shit and chemicals. Whoever did it should either be very ashamed or very proud.
Protein shakes give lots of people terrible poots. So I think you guys solved that mystery here.
Who was that filming? or taking pictures last night?
It was Michael Moore. His new doc film is called DIY - GOP, BFF.
Why you! smart ass kids, all of you!
My codeword is rotormen
I have the GG Allin movie "hated" on DVD. It's great. Somewhere I have a VHS tape of when Joel and I say GG in SF. It was scary.
-Dave ninja
Wrestlemania 26 march 28, 4pm, DP (and others)!
Where's Joel when a Joel-bro needs him?
Wrod Verification: chotor
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