Remember a while back when I read in an interview with Sasha Grey that she liked hanging out at Tower Theater and I asked who the hell she was hanging out with? I guess it's some guy that worked there named Ian that I never met and don't recognize, but if you check this video at about the 2:15 mark he's on the Tyra Banks show with Sasha.
Speaking of Tower, I really liked The Ghost Writer. Snicker if you must but it was so rad to see an actress (Olivia Williams, the English teacher from Rushmore) who is in her 40s and looks like she is in her 40s with a face that moves who is totally beautiful and plays a smart, sexy character. Also, Kim Cattrall is in it, which is kind of funny. It's like Polanski is trying to atone by only casting women over 40.
Anyway, here's the clip. If you know the guy it's probably crazy to see this.
Another week, another amazing dinner at Ella. Beef bourguignon with mashed potatoes, trumpet mushrooms (I think), yummy sauce, and then pasta gratin on the side with breadcrumbs. The beef just melted into bite after perfect bite of tender meat and fat.
They still have the 50 dollar dinner deal this week and it's corned beef.
The Four Eyes played the Shamrock'n marathon in Old Sac-home to tshirts such as this. Are these cats part of the red hat society? Do they let cats join? Do they have to be female cats and what age?
some tired fans
they played songs to get the crowd pumped like "Ben Race-y", eye of the tiger, you're the best, etc. It was so fun. When they played Eye of the Tiger people who were walking would burst out running.

here are some delighted fans
oldest fan in the world!
youngest fan. the next generation.
on Sunday, Mulvaney held his annual (is it annual? this is the first one I've been to) pig roast. These ladies walked through the crush with a bagpipe and a super loud snare.
Here's the guest of honor.
This was a very Sac event, so of course there were people in costume and someone was wearing a cat-in-the-hat hat. Smiller declared St. Patrick's Day the most Sac holiday.
Here's the guys portioning out the pig.
In addition to the whole pig there was a whole lamb, roast chickens, potato salad, beans, the whole magilla. As is often the case with food at Mulvaneys, the mulitple desserts were remarkable. He had this awesome, slightly bitter toffee that I need to look into. And Guinness ice cream, which I didn't get to try.
Thank you so much Patrick!! This man should be knighted by the city for what he's done for us. What a huge amount of work and expense this must have been! Everyone had a blast.

that dude hasn't worked there in the last 7+ years.
unless he worked there March 07 till later that year when I came back. Yolkie would know.
I really liked the Ghost Writer! I thought the plot was kind of irrelevant, but the style and characters were great. It was basically a very deliberately executed classic thriller.
that t-shirt represents the founder of the red hat society.
Three cheers for Sir Patrick Mulvaney! Best pig roast evs!
I didn't realize how out of the loop I am on cool sac happenings until now. I didn't know about the pig roast and missed the St. Patty's parade in Old Sac (Tea would have loved it!) Is it because I don't read the Bee anymore?
I was under the impression that the pig roast wasn't open to the public and one has to be invited. At least that's what I was told last year when I called Mulvaney's about it. Is this not true?
GW, time to start chatting him up. PM lives about 3 blocks from you...
the pig roast is kind of for restaurant folks and tangentially related restaurant folks. for instance: whitey.
Ok, I'll stalk PM until I'm invited to next year's or see if Whitey would like to bring me as his guest.
i was hanging out by the bbq and then i looked down on the lawn and leroy was there just pigging out. pigging out!!! fucker must have ate a week's worth of food while i was chatting.
Dammit! The Four Eyes look awesome! I'm still tripping out on Ian in all his Tyra Banks glory.
Is that Bill Cunningham???
Sacramento's Bill Cunningham! He had a press pass and was writing notes. The Four Eyes could end up on the cover of Senion Magazine!
The old guy took a close up of joel's face from about a foot away. I remeber laughing because it caused Joel to screw up a riff. It was fun setting up as the sun rose in 40 degree weather. Now if only I could get American Bandstand out of my head.
Step 1: half marathon
Step 2: parade float
Step 3: cruise ship
Wow, that Ian dude is from way back in the day. Like '98-'99 probably. Strange fellow if you can believe it.
I was cruising by Mulvaney's Sunday evening and it seemed like everyone was wasted. There was a dude puking behind the restaurant and everyone was hecka loud. Looked like a good time.
One messed up riff accounted for, 30 more to go.
His name is Ian Cinnamon. I remember him from when I worked at Tower (1997-1999). He was really into Joy Division and proud of the fact that he had the same initials as Ian Curtis.
Her agent was really a delight, yes? I need a shower.
wv= bailling
bailing out of the balling industry
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