Friday, May 16, 2014

chop bustin'

 I was surprised more people weren't at the Tyvek show. They were so awesome.
G. Green were super rippin'. That's my favorite set of theirs I've ever seen. I've really come around to G. Green over the years. The line up has changed a ton and this is my favorite one.

Man, KJ getting his chops busted on Deadspin. This is big. I hope it continues.


beckler said...

the comments are blowing up, too

As a longtime Sacramento resident and someone who worked directly under Michelle Rhee I can offer that this gruesome twosome is viewed as a joke, social suicide and irrelevant. No one respects them. They, and her nonprofit, are essentially shut out from the capitol and everyone is basically embarrassed by both of their transparent agendas.

Snufkin said...

The comments from that former Students First employees' are the best too. Not to mention the follow up: "Kevin Johnson doesn't think about anything outside of basketball and Pizza. Even St. Hope is just an extension of her obsession with charter schools and privatizing the US education system. Kevin is annoying, she is a sociopath." Not that Deadspin is going to get into issues about political corruption and charter schools, but good to get some light shown on both KJ and Rhee.

DJ Rick said...

Sorry I missed Tyvek. When Andrew of G. Green told me that it didn't actually start 'til 9:30, I took that as a license to take a nap. I woke up from the nap with Al-Jazeera America on TV wondering what time it was. 1:48am. So, I guess I gotta go to Oakland tonight! Work is killing me.

beckler said...

There are so many comments on that thread from people who know about his creeper. Sure hearsay, innuendo, but the point is the word got around at St. Hope. I was just discussing the other day how in high school there were always a few creepy teachers and everyone knew. Rumors did not circulate like that about every male teacher, just the ones who were actually creepy.

wburg said...

KJ is into pizza? What's his take on the Trick Pony controversy?

The Armeniac said...

I hope this gets picked up by more national press. The fact that the Sac establishment just ignores KJ's predatory history is insane.

beckler said...

I've never seen KJ at a pizza place. Maybe he just trolls Chuck E. Cheese for dates. Zing!

beckler said...
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