Monday, January 31, 2005


I am going to the grand opening of the new Luis' tonight. This is momentous for me. I can't believe I have had to suffer through half the winter with no 2 dollar bowl of chicken soup. Countless times I have been looking for a late-night snack and thought or said, "if Luis' was still in business, I'd be there right now". Yeah!!

I hope no one misunderstands my gentle teasing of local swingers to be disapproving. I'm no prude, that's for sure. I think it's fascinating that people can get drunk and sleep with their friends and roomates and then just hang out and watch basketball together the next day. It's not for me, and not because all my friends aren't sexy. Because you are. Well, maybe not you, but that other dude is. But you have to admit, it's kinda funny. The younger generation of orgy-ers that I know (Generation O?) have a light hearted attitude about it and I've heard them make jokes. Speaking of orgies, another poor soul about to leave their twenties is having a dirty thirty party this weekend. Who knows what debauchery may occur? Expect a full report, with names omitted to protect the revelers.

1 comment:

John Q. Public esq. said...

they can be lots of fun at parties! IMO