I'm back!
I got this wine from Taylor's, it's excellent! I think it's like 12 bucks. It's some kind of red blend, I think. It's a vin de pays du gascogne, but I can't find any info on the internet about what grapes are in there.

This was the Valentine's day dinner. Stuffed green peppers. A classic, just like grandma used to make. I just kinda made a meatloaf, with rice, and stuffed it in there. I used Bledsoe's grassfed beef. It's cheap and organic.

Mendocino was wonderful. The only really good place we eat was Mendo Burgery (it's "mendo burger" but i liked that I coined the term 'burgery" accidentally), which I highly recommend. Friendly hippy couple, cute dog to pet, she cuts the fries from the potato as you watch. The burger reminded me of a Whitey's burger. Here's some scenery. It's hard to take a bad picture there.

It's kinda hard to make it out, but this was a crazy swoopy house on a cliff in Scott's beloved town of Caspar.

See that weird yellow tinge to the ocean water? It was a toxic-looking foam. I'm sure it was natural.

Succulents! We stole a couple to plant at home.

This was a cool sign that was near the Devil's Stinkhole. The warning signs were a little outrageous. One actually said "how to survive this beach". I started to feel like I was going to get trapped between a rogue wave and a mountain lion.

This bridge is over the beach at Russian Gulch state park. If you toss a mendo burger wrapper in this area you will hit a new state park. It's lousy with them. There's also Van Damme park, which we did not go to.

I would recommend a hike up the river at the Mendo Headlands state park, and a trip to the Cabrillo Point lighthouse.
Van Damme Park!! That's gotta be the most kick ass park of al times!
Looks like the city has more retarded plans for k street. Now with mermaids! And dough dancing!
Is that ketchup on that stuffed bell pepper?
but of course, a truly elegant touch to finish
The rest of the ground beef was put in to cupcake wrappers & baked with a delicious ketchup frosting. All I know is that if K Street really wants a kick in the pants, it should open a beef cupcake place.
with dancing workers! and mermaids!
and swank!
cupcakes are so 2008
Yea, they're not very good value.
what about meatcakes, though? that's putting an 09 spin on things
I guess this place is just too cool for beef cupcakes.
Wait...are you serious about the beef cupcakes? Because I'd be willing to invest in a franchise. Such a good idea.
veriword: jobalsic
insert Joe Baltake joke here, preferably with reference to DB. I can't think of one good enough.
How about, did you catch how the Bee's movie reviewer is super into Debra Winger?
That's JobalSIC, man!
there's my attempt to use it, based on one of the only things I can remember about Joe Baltake. I remember him writing something about her sexy, honking voice.
OK, Tower and ex-Tower employees, what the hell is this yelp reviewer talking about? I'm pretty sure this has never happened, because if it did the people would attempt to sue Tower
Tower Theater
Sacramento, CA
4 star rating 2/19/2009
Yes, yes, this place is Sac History and that's great and all, but even better are the seats in the very back theater. I have been here many times now and always LOVE the fact that people are constantly trying to sit in invisible seats. Its hilarious and at times even more entertaining than the movie I have come to see.
If you know me, you know that I am REALLY anti-social and hate being around crowds and really people in general. So, when I go out to see a movie I MUST sit in the very back row. And it appears that's where the excitement happens at Tower. It never fails. I will be in the back row and here comes a couple and for some odd reason, they will try and sit in some seats that don't exist right next to me. Sometimes they realize there is nothing there and sometimes its too late and BAM! down they go. If its a very crowded theater, it will happen four or five times. It's so bizarre
There was a little bit of beef cupcake left in the fridge at our Mendo cabin so I threw it out on the lawn for some lucky animal. Immediately the alpha bird that was calling the shots on our porch & hogging all the bread crumbs swooped down & grabbed it. It was a beautiful sight watching him fly through the air with it. I bet he's still talking about how good it was.
verification word: "chrphy". That's totally what that bird's beef cupcake burp sounded like.
frisky rhythm
Ah, the legendary Tower ghost seats.
cupcakes are passe, but a layer cake is classic.
I want meat cake.
Just like Sacto to pick up on something figured out in Portland a few years ago.
Although the Portland resident in question is a Sacramento expatriate (and former StateNet employee) friend of mine, so maybe there is a Sacramento connection.
It's actually a Vin de Pays de Vaucluse, from further east than Gascony, and it is comprised primarily of Grenache.
hmm, why did i think it was gascogne, when the picture blurrily tells me otherwise? perhaps that's the white wine i was drinking all the time until taylors sold out of it?
Here's the flickr pool for 2120 V st.
Yeah, that white wine is from Gascony. Sold out, eh?
People sue Tower all the time. It's not something that makes the news. Seats collapse, people falling down the stairs, that type of thing. Nothing about rats walking across people.
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