Only the Bee could try to put a positive spin on this. It's not on the online addition, but the print headline contains a subheader that asks if this is good. And Breton was quick to chime in with a smarmy column about that "barrelchested bull of a man" Stan Thomas. If such a macho man can't get this development pushed through, who can?
"It might turn out that having a well capitalized owner is a good thing" Poor Thomas, if only he was well capatalized, I mean besides our capital that he received in City loans, there might be roads leading into the railyards by now!
Breton's column is gnarly! Could he stroke Thomas any more?
you're just jealous because you're not a barrelchested bull of a man. oh wait...you are
Uh, What about me?
The sad part is that knowing the city & the Bee, you don't even have to look for the article to know that'll be the spin. And barf on Breton's comments.
All that money spent and loaned. Imagine if they'd used it instead on finally getting all the levees around the city fixed.
In the headline, Thomas is called the "railyard dreamer". Freakin a, Breton, I understand you've got a boner for this guy, but is that any reason to rewrite The Fountainhead?
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