Some Woodsist fest articles are coming out and people are claiming Kirsten Dunst was there. There were only like 200 people there and I was there all day and saw no Dunst. Sure there were girls that looked like Dunst, but I don't believe she was there. There was also a busted looking poor man's Joni Mitchell but I'm not claiming she was there. However, check out this awesome picture of Matt R. here. And you can see smiller in his short shorts! Which I demanded that he wear.
Big concert in the park after work! Four Eyes, Shruggs, Enlows, Secretions. Can't wait!
Hey, the Art Museums played the Woodsist fest? I'm so jealous that you got to see them! I heard they just broke up. Man, you were really lucky to have seen them!!
Is this a joke? I'm assuming this is a passive aggressive comment from Scott because we missed the Art Museums and it was allegedly my fault. The fake name "john" gives it away.
do you guys know about the flea market on del paso blvd. tomorrow?
Art Museums played?? No way!!
hey! thanks for that flea market tip!!
I hear the four eyes set will be Prime for something Yet I cannot say which.
I heard that when K. Anger was lecturing one time at CalArts that he tried to leave the stage, due to some question that was asked that pissed him off, but actually the door he opened was a small broom closet. He didn't come out. The teacher had to clear the hall and then go get Anger out of the closet. Everybody knew it was a closet - except Ken I guess.
for some, it's difficult to come out of the closet in a room full of strangers. he obviously felt more comfortable coming out to an individual he trusted.
Hey all,
Knock Knock, San Kazagascar, Hot TV and Modlins are playing Saturday at Old Ironsides. One of the million shows that are happening tomorrow night.
Stoked on the Four Eyes!
That's cool, have a nice weekend. I'll just hang out here.
virginia from mantles / art museums here. I SAW DUNST! she was hanging in the back area most of the time with jennie lewis. whatevaaaaa.
oh, in the VIP area, I see. Not with us plebes. she probably got free chips and salsa, too.
I missed Art Museums AND Dunst?!?! Wow, it's like I wasn't even there.
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