Tuesday, November 09, 2010

hira vs. rollins

Have you guys seen this? Hira vs. Rollins (kinda). I think that yelling Get In The Van was rude, but also you can see that he's wound way too tight.But isn't that what we all love about him? A few months ago I started reading get in the van when I had insomnia and that book makes him an eternal badass to me.
Besides the Verge open house on Thursday, holy crap Jandek is playing in Davis on Friday. Pretty monumental. A few of us used to have a Jandek listening club, when did that start? Who started it? Memories fuzzy, as usual. I know that we had a tent set up inside at the Gentleman's Club and that we called Corwood Records. And that's how I met The Worm.

AND THEN...on Saturday Dreamdate and Buk Buk Bigups are playing at The Hub and that SAME NIGHT at the Bike Kitchen is Larry's Bday, at which BBB are also playing and DJ Hayley is spinning. Let's hope that everybody at that makes the sojourn to the Hub and then back.


Liv Moe said...

WTF?! That is crazy! Shirin Neshat is badass! This is totally crazy. My respect for Henry Rollins just went up bunch.

Snufkin said...

I'm always on the side of being irritated by Rollins, especially after having dated a Bukowski wanna-be who endlessly went on about his writing. Nice calling various women in the clip sweetheart or chick, though not surprising after reading in "Our Band Could Be Your Life" about how he harassed and belittled Kira. At least judging from the clip, maybe he's mellowed out a little bit and isn't as much of an condescending ass to the ladies in his middle age. Though he fully deserves the snark given the # of times he shows up as as a guest actor or commentator on TV. I'm surprised he hasn't been on Hollywood Squares yet.

Oh and have you read the slash mini-comic where he and Glenn Danzig are a couple? Well worth the $4.

Cody said...

I totally bought that comic in LA. Isn't slash supposed to be like, overtly sexual? Or is that just the term for any male on male fan fiction? The best thing about that comic is their neighbors are a Satan worshiping Hall & Oates.

Anonymous said...

Rollins is the Gen X Dio. His vibe maybe the weirdest in all of humanity: "if your not a good person, smart and adventurous then you are a pussy". Or at least that's how I see it.

I saw him a year or so ago and he was pretty funny. Made fun of him self alot. Takes him self way less seriously.

Anonymous said...

that's painful to watch. comes off like a paranoid whiner. but you made me buy "get in the van" just now.


beckler said...

oh man, don't blame me for that. I used to have a serious rollins problem. like I bought lots of his books.

I also used to read Star Trek novels.

However, I hope you like it!

Anonymous said...

I thought you only liked Star Trek slash fiction?

Anonymous said...

You'll like Get in the Van. Everybody likes Get in the Van!
