I realized that there was a point that I got shy about posting stuff about food I have made. I guess because with the proliferation of food blogs there are so many who do it better. Plus, it is a little boring.
Anyways, the advent of fall brings instant inspiration. I had a butternut squash from my community garden sitting around for weeks. And I recently went to a Mulvaney's dinner where he served a delicious butternut squash soup with crispy fried chanterelles on top. I did the same, only I added some habanero paste that I had in the fridge from my habanero plant to the soup. I fried the chanterelles in butter and chicken drippins.
That chicken looks amazing. Recipe please! -Alisha
Yes, tell me more about this chicken.
Make a salty herb butter (I used a half stick, recipe called for whole stick) and stick it under the skin and rub on the chicken. Heat oven to 400. Put excess herb butter (about a quarter stick)into the skillet and put the skillet in the oven. Wait for the butter to melt and stop foaming, and then add a crushed garlic clove and some white or red wine (or water). Put chicken in, breast side down.
It it's a 3-4 pound chicken, cook for 20 minutes at this heat. If it's 5 pounds (as this one was) give it about 30. Then flip over and baste. Cook 10 or 15 more minutes and turn down to 325 and keep basting.
After you turn the heat down, you can start checking the temp with a meat thermometer. You want it to read about 155-165 in the deep part of the thigh. I probably went about 5 minutes long because of the size of the bird.
Pull out of the oven and let it rest. Then eat all the skin because it won't be good as leftovers and it's kind of the best part.
A big happy birthday to Anthony Kiedis! He turns 48 today.
geez louise that looks good.
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