Monday, August 20, 2012


oy vey. I didn't do a damn thing Friday or Saturday night, drinks-wise, but Sunday I decided that 8 or so drinks was a good idea.  Here's what I ALWAYS do.  Wait until I'm good and buzzed on beer and wine, go to a bar and then order the strongest drink I can think of.  Sometimes it's a gin martini, last night it was a Manhattan.  Good decision.  Also, you know what?  After all that drinking, water doesn't sound good at all.  I just drank so much, why would I be thirsty? Better to go to bed without drinking any water.
This is the matcha latte from Insight.  A little too sweet for me, but look how pretty!
Have you seen this sign in South Sac (intersection of 47th ave and Stockton, in the same parking lot as Long Sandwich).  That's some real grassroots hatred.
Manchego and membrillo.   A classic combo, right?
Edible Sac Mag had a lovely dinner for contributors yesterday out at the hot new farm in town: Feeding Crane Farms.  It's super cool.  This is their garlic room.  It smelled really good.
Look at all those garlic skins! The farmer said that she learned this year that garlic has a big problem with weeds.  I think this is the first year of the farm.

1 comment:

DJ Rick said...

There were a several other locations of that same anti-KJ stencil during the months leading up to the CA primary election, but the only other one that's still up as far as I know is on 65th Street Expwy, visible when you are driving north past San Joaquin Street.