Originally uploaded by becklerg.
Well, Chris Webber, big fat baby is at it again. Heather clued me in to this interview with him in yesterday's bee:
It's really funny the way he beats around the bush not coming out and saying that Vlade was out of shape and goofing off. I think it was Jana who pointed out that it was odd that Vlade, a professional athlete, could have such flabby upper arms. She said that even going to practice without working out or anything should have given him more definition than he had. Webber also seems to be saying that Brad Miller doesn't really have the intensity he's looking for, either. That's real nice how he implies he was going to start a $30 million project to help kids, but after he got booed he decided not to do it. What a philanthropist. I do like his statement that he can make a "grape feel like wine" and it's sweet that Doug Christie buys him bath salts.
The best is when he claims he's never heard anyone call him "soft" and then the interviewer says "oh i have" and then Chris claims he can't be soft because he "fights the world everyday". Does that mean he fights his masseuse and his supermodel girlfriend everyday? Or what about his chef and driver? If these people are fighting him maybe he should find a new staff, or at least threaten to dock their pay.
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