The Kabinet has a June movie schedule, but it's not up on line yet, so here it is. I'm stoked on Yellow Submarine. And the 5000 fingers of Dr. T. And I just caught the thing at the end about the saturday screening of Paradise Lost. Does it start at eight?
Sunday, June 4th @ 8pm
...starring The Beatles!
This was my favorite film as a kid: a psychedelic fantasy that outdid
even THE WIZARD OF OZ both in its mind-blowing imagery and its
incredible soundtrack. Four decades later, the animation still stands
up well, and needless to say, the songs remain timeless. Come see
John, Paul, George, and Ringo take on the Blue Meanies as they play
their hearts out for the soul of Pepperland!!! (And yes, this is the
extended version featuring the "Hey, Bulldog" sequence that was cut
from the initial US release...)
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Sunday, June 11th
KABINET takes a much needed break!
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Sunday, June 18th @ 8pm
Forget Hollywood-born abominations like THE CAT IN THE HAT and THE
GRINCH WHO STOLE CHRISTMAS. There's only one true live-action
adaptation of Dr, Seuss, and that's the one that Theodore Geisel
himself wrote and art directed. It's a remarkable -- but rarely-seen
-- film about a young boy who doesn't want to practice his piano
lessons, then suddenly finds himself a prisoner of the titular Dr. T,
who kidnaps young children to play cacophonous music on an endless,
winding keyboard -- just one of many examples of Seuss' singular
illustrations come to life. Don't miss this rare screening of a
forgotten childrens' classic...and show your kids the right way to
adapt a Dr. Suess book!
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Sunday, June 25th @ 8pm
I confess: last year's BATMAN BEGINS rekindled my adolescent obsession
with the coolest superhero ever. (Well, okay, maybe that obsession
never really died, but nevermind that...) But as much as I love the
whole "Dark Knight" persona, my infatuation with Bruce Wayne's alter
ego began -- like many children of the era -- with the campy BATMAN TV
series that ran in the late 60s, and was endlessly repeated throughout
the next decade. Well, the series was launched with a feature film
that pit Batman and sidekick Robin against a quartet of supervillains
hellbent on taking over the U.N. (For the record, John Bolton sat out
this dastardly plot.) To round out our month of family-friendly films,
Kabinet is positively giddy about showing the 1966 feature film BATMAN
on the big screen! Worth a look if just for the scene in which the
stone-faced Adam West runs up and down a waterfront, desperately trying
to find a spot that isn't occupied by kids, nuns, or ducks, so that he
can divest himself of a smoldering bomb straight out of a Road Runner
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We do have one other screening in June...but this one is definitely not
for kids. I wish I had heard about it sooner, but I feel that this is
an important event to take part in. This Saturday, June 3rd is a
Worldwide Awareness Day for the West Memphis 3. For those of you
unfamiliar with this case, on June 3rd, 1994, three teenagers were
arrested for the murder of three 8-year old boys in West Memphis,
Arkansas. This story was told in great detail in the documentary
PARADISE LOST, and revisited in the follow-up PARADISE LOT 2 some years
later. I encourage you to visit the website for
more details about the crime, and about the three young men who were
convicted on the flimsiest of evidence -- things like Goth clothing,
heavy metal records, and Stephen King novels. All three remain
incarcerated, one on death row.
So this Saturday, June 3rd at 8pm, we'll be screening PARADISE LOST at
HQ. The movie is free, but we'll be taking up a collection to go
towards the West Memphis 3's defense fund. Please put the word out
about this event. I know this is a late notice, but HQ has a good
history of rallying around important causes on a moment's notice. I
hope you'll join us this Saturday...and throughout the month of June.
As always, thanks for supporting Kabinet and HQ!
Take care,