Friday, December 19, 2008
goodbye pussycat, hello all-you-can-eat steak
Gballs linked to this on the poinsettia group. I may have mentioned in this forum before that my grandpa used to work at this establishment.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Longest week, evs, or what? I don't have a lot to say, and I have the next couple of weeks off, so no posts. Does anyone want to post year-end lists?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
euro questions
I'm jumping the gun a little bit, but you guys are always really helpful with tips so I'm gonna ask:
Anybody know a good place/area to stay in Amsterdam? How many days do you think is good for hanging there? If you've been to Belgium, what cities are not to be missed?
Monday, December 15, 2008
Making pickles was both fun and scary (I was going to say exhilarating and terrifying, but maybe I should tone down the hyperbole a notch). We made three kinds and it took 6-7 hours. We made sweet pickles beets, garlic dills, and spicy pickle chips.
Friday, December 12, 2008
local radio story
Elaine Corn of Capital Public Radio started the first of a series of broadcasts she is going to be doing about restaurants on Broadway today on local NPR.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Did you know that there is a Touchez/Rock The Light/San Kazagascar show at Javalounge on saturday?
One of the many things I love about Corti Brothers (yes, I am going to talk about Corti Brothers again) is their selection of weird, obscure, canned goods. I picked this up a few months ago because I was intrigued by the can and it was only a few bucks. You can't really see, but there's a chef guy on it who has a tomato for a face.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
dear sacbee
If anyone still reads this who works at the Sacbee (if anyone still works at the sacbee)-since your redesign I spend about 80% less time reading the paper online. So if the goal was to make it hard to navigate so people wouldn't read it online and would subscribe, good job (except that I won't subscribe). If that was not the goal: fail.
Monday, December 08, 2008
JoJo's back
The MidMo party was pretty magical. There was tons of really good food, I got a cool dress (I tried not to look around at Bows and Arrows because I didn't want to spend but it's IMPOSSIBLE not to find something good there), and Daisy Spot played one of my favorite show of theirs, ever.
Friday, December 05, 2008
The fish are back
I tried to post these food pics on the midmo blog but the picture thing is acting up over there. Has anyone else had that problem?
Due to finally getting to see Personal and The Pizzas up close and personal, I've been rocking the Mosquitoes CD around my house, and I discovered this morning that you can access one of the best songs on the record, "Hong Kong Flu", online here.
Just wait for a sec and click on the play button on the right. I came thisclose to seeing if I could really buy a ringtone of it but when they texted the code to my phone it said it would cost ten bucks.
This blurry soup below is a new culinary fixation/sensation. Remember in my Quan Nemh Ninh Hoa article (yeah, right) when I said that when you go to that restaurant you get the nem nuong? Well, for the most part this is what everyone there is ordering but the other night I wanted a seafood soup so I got this delight. It has a delicate fish broth, peppery fish cake (JD do you know the name of this stuff?), hunks of hamachi (sometimes a little dry), and one little meatball that seems like a mix between fish and pork that is the treat to savor. You can choose between rice noodles or udon, which is cool. The udon version is $5.99 and it's a full meal!
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Hunx and Punx
Red Kross. So that probably got like two people's attention. Do you like Red Kross? The show tonight at the Funcastle features a Red Kross-esque band (Harlem-dumb name, I know) that I quite enjoyed last night. It is also, sadly, the Standard Tribesmens last show.
Last night I was stoked to see Hunx and His Punx. Watch this video to see why. With animation by Janelle.
They have a new 45 out and it features a fully nude, front and back cover of Seth with a scratch off part over the bits. I gladly scratched it. Impressive. All the dudes were dressed in nylons with nothing on underneath and big red bows around their necks. That's the kind of Christmas present I like.
Harlem also played and then, most exciting of all-The Rantouls. They are playing in Sac in January. Stoked!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
stuff to do

I'm at a training thing tomorrow, so no posts. There's a show at Funcastle thursday at 8. Standard Tribesman and Harlem. Tonight there's a gamelan ensemble at Delta of Venus, which I actually bet would be pretty cool, especially with the help of some weed.
And you guys know about the Midmo holiday fundraiser, right? Come around 6 to catch Daisy Spot.
Monday, December 01, 2008
huge post
I can't really sum up this video in words, just in feelings, and I can't describe those feelings in words.
However, I can sum up the picture below: if you have ever thought about making an apple pie with cardamon (cardamom?) and a dash of black pepper. Go for it, live a little, it's great. I don't have a picture of the finished dude because it is a scarred ugly mess, as usual (curse you, Gourmet cookbook and your shattering crust)
I accidentally had my camera on the sepia setting at the Appetite Enhancement Ride 2008, but for taking a picture of Mark Miller that's pretty appropriate. He would look so old timey if his apron didn't have a Ben Davis logo.
OK, Hmong New Year at Cal Expo. I wrote a thing that will be in the News and Review on it, so here's the pictures.

I think these people were working the Vientianne booth. They had sweet sticky rice and pork in bamboo tubes.
This girl was eating pho, and she put on her hat to do it.
They are very serious about their papaya salad at this. This is Hmong style!
One small example of the fashion, which was totally off the chain.
How bad-ass is this woman?

Hmong sausage.
Tending the meat. The air was sooo smoky.
See how smoky?
More meat. That's "American sausage" (looked like kielbasa) and pork ribs on the right.
These ladies were working a papaya salad window. They made it fresh and each order took about five minutes to prepare.
Hmong master grill
Does anyone know the deal with this? The elders would line up across from each other and toss tennis balls.
Cool hat
Here are the ball tossing rules. They are sensible.
Best thing I've ever done at Cal Expo, and that's kind of saying a lot.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
impromptu tribute to KW
There was some big news in the teeny world of Sacramento food writing this week. Kate Washingon has ended her (four year?) stint as food reviewer for the Sacramento News and Review. She's moving on to Sactown mag. Kate has written hundreds of reviews. This is a Herculean, even Sisyphean, task. She has consistently been professional, cheerful, critical, and discerning. I find myself agreeing with her reviews more often than not, although I hate the star system, but that's not her fault. She is quite kind in her reviews, sometimes almost too kind, but this is a natural outcome of the crazy time constraints she is writing under. She usually only has time to visit a place once. Also, think about how it feels to trash a place that you know someone has put their heart and soul into. It's not fun. OK, it's fun once in a while, but only when they really deserve it, and, when they do, Kate goes for it with gusto. She has distinguished herself by being the only food reviewer in a big media outlet in Sac who would go to obscure and ethnic places, and she is game for anything, without making juvenile gross-out jokes (which I will often resort to). She is erudite and can speak about the finest of fine-dining with authority. She'll be missed!
Nothing big here, just turnips, but I thought I took a nice picture so I posted it.
Luigis is really shaping up to be a great venue.
Friday, November 21, 2008
last of the DC posts
I could go on and on about food in DC, but it probably isn't that interesting unless you've been there or are planning to, so I'll wrap it up today.
Number one: if you are there you need to go to Zatinya. It's chic and it's owned by a celeb chef that worked at El Bulli, but the important thing is that it is delicious and sophisticated food for a very reasonable price.
This food is from a place that I was so happy I tracked down called Akosombo. It's Ghanaian food. You can't even tell it's a restaurant from the outside. It's pretty dumpy inside with just a bunch of steam trays that you pick from. The picture below is rice and beans and spinach and fried fish. Really hearty, wonderful, comforting food.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Yelp vs. Aioli
The owner decided to respond to some negative reviews by posting upwards of nine fake reviews, and now it's getting personal and ugly. I would urge him to instead focus his energy on reading the reviews carefully, and taking the valid criticism to heart. Aioli was a place that I used to go to every once in a while, and I had more than one annoying interaction with staff and finally kind of cut it out of my rotation. Now if I want tapas, I go to Tapa The World.
We have some high caliber shows coming this weekend. On friday, it's Vivian Girls (I really like the album), Nodzz, and Love Is All at Luigis. This show will probably sell out so don't be late. On saturday there is a DAM house show, and you know those are always fun. Nightwounds, Ganglians, Hospitals. Has to be over by ten.
Another bomb-ass place in DC that I would trade my left nut for it to be in Sac is called Domku. Slavic and Scandinavian fusion with good Belgian beer on draft and creative aquavit cocktails? Yes please.
Blogger decided it would go back to up l0ading pictures in reverse order, so here is my main course, which were Polish-style crepes loaded with chicken and buckwheat (surprisingly good) and covered with a tomato sauce. That's a fresh Hennepin on the side.
This was my first course, gravlax and knackbrod with accoutrement. I had this with a dill-infused and muddled cucumber aquavit cocktail. This was one of the best pairings I've ever had.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
memorable meals
I ate so goddamn much good food in DC. I had a few of the more memorable meals of my life. Some of them I ate alone, which only enhanced my rapture. This one below made me tear up a little. I know that some of you might think that's weird. I had lunch at this Capitol Hill spot called Montmartre. The picture below is a lightly dressed frisee salad with duck gizzard confit and bacon. The dressing mingled with the juices to form a delicious sauce. I had it with a glass of Ugni Blanc, which I just discovered is what the French call the trebbiano grape.
By the way, my New Year's resolution is to figure out a way to take better food pictures this year.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wintry delights
Here's Julia Child's recipe for coq au vin. I consulted this, but ultimately used Molly Steven's recipe. I used bacon instead of lardons, and I didn't have cognac, so I used wine to deglaze the pan. I have to get a bottle of cooking cognac so I can light the chicken on fire next time!
Last night I made a variation on a soup using dried cranberry beans from my Marcella Hazan book. Sautee an onion and some bacon or pancetta until golden. Throw in chopped whatever you have on hand. I had purchased kohlrabi at the farmer's market and didn't know what to do with it, so I peeled it and chopped it and threw it in, along with some mustard greens I had sitting around. Throw in a can of plum tomatoes and juice, along with the beans that have been soaking for a day (this is important-I only soaked them for 8 hours and they were too firm even after two hours of cooking-one cup of beans with a bunch of water), salt and pepper. Simmer for 2 hours. Really good. The greens were great in there, you could use collards or kale or whatever.
I have been using little bits of Morant's bacon to flavor a lot of my dishes. I bought a pound of it and split it up and froze it, and I just defrost as needed.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
weird show
I forgot to mention the Dreamdate show on friday. I loved it, what did some of you readers there think? These girls are adorable and fun. I wish I knew the name of my favorite song, because I didn't get to request it. I hope to see them play again soon.
The Boyfriendz/Ganglians/Woods show was weird. I got there at 8:30 and missed Boyfriendz. Ganglians set up fairly quickly and played three (or maybe 4) songs and were then kicked off the stage by the sound guy against their will. I don't get this because they were off the stage by 9:05. That left two hours for the next two bands to play. I would urge Luigis to not book four band shows if they are going to be fascist about the times. I paid to see the Ganglians!
Monday, November 10, 2008
cat circus
Hello, folks. I'm on deadline for some Midmo stuff so not much time to post.
I happened to be at Taylors on saturday when they were having their first wine tasting in the space next door. It was from 1-4 and I can't tell if they're going to do it every saturday or once a month. It was a crazy good deal of large tastes of 6 wines for 5 bucks and they had a lot of snacks out. They had duck confit, figs, cheese, and other good stuff.
I guess I missed this cat circus at the Crest yesterday?!?!? Did anyone go?
Friday, November 07, 2008
I can't believe a nation that was brought together by the election of Barack Obama has so quickly been torn asunder by Lighrailpubcrawlgate. Will Guphy attain the notoriety of G. Gordon Liddy? Can I be Deep Throat? I've earned the title, believe me. Ha! J.K., you literal-minded folks out there.
I'm on the fence about whether I want to see Orgasmic Birth tonight at Movies On A Big Screen. But for sure I'm going to see Dreamdate. I know I've linked to their myspace a lot before, but I'm gonna get a little micromanage-y right now and say that the first song that pops up to play is not one of my favorite. If you're on the fence about the show, I recommend you listen to "the one I need" or "why don't you make me". I've heard this band is popular in Davis, so it's not like it will be ill-attended. I just think some of you would like it.
Oh yeah, Javalounge is having two days of benefit shows. Remember, they serve beer now. The Four Eyes are playing on saturday sometime from 2pm until midnight.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
I know I will catch shit for this, but...
Have you ever seen anyone take a lightrail pub crawl so seriously?
I will officially proclaim right now, that yelper Scott C. invented the idea of taking lightrail to various bars. I haven't read the article yet, but I imagine that Guphy was making a gentle joke when she claimed to be copyrighting the term. We young hip gridsters are so busy putting on our tight pants and riding our fixies around and getting stds and wearing neon sunglasses or whatever the fuck you think we Midmo contributors are all doing that we don't have the time to come up with original material, sorry. I do indeed feel great shame that I did not personally contact the "round corner crew" to verify the fact that yelper Scott C. has all rights and claims to this phrase and concept in perpetuity.
Beer and wine is fine.
OK, this it totally fucking ridiculous! One thing that struck me when I was in Portland (which our city is supposedly aspiring to be like) is that it feels much more adult and cosmopolitan because you can get alcoholic beverages everywhere, including really good beer at the Stumptown coffee shops that are all over the place. What are we a bunch of Puritanical babies?!!? This is not Salt Lake City. Does anyone have an idea of where I can take this outrage of mine, as far as letter writing, protesting, what I can chain myself to, etc.?
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Luis! Luis!
Well, there's nothing more that I can say about the national elections, and I'm sad about some of the propositions that passed, but what about that KJ? What an arrogant speech! You sir, are no Barack Obama. You won because of your fame, not despite many obstacles. Although, at the end when he called up Luis (in a dick move, rubbing that city hall thing in Fargo's face) and he started to chant "Luis Luis Luis" that was pretty Sac of him. If you want to watch it, go here and start on 11 minutes in. You have to watch a short Amway commercial first
Great show tonight at Luigis. English Singles start at eight and they are debuting their new mascot, Dishums, and their pyrotechnics display. The Crystal Stilts record is good, I'm stoked to see them.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
vote for Maries
Well, I voted (of course). No lines. It was great. My polling place is right by New Roma so I impulsively bought a dozen doughnuts, and, boy are Marie's doughnuts the best or what? Soooo much better than New Roma.
this one is pretty cute
a reggaeton version
Monday, November 03, 2008
big week
So everyone knows that there's a veryveryveryveryvery big day this week. On this day we need to leave our warm cozy houses, and line up to....get into the Crystal Stilts/Cause Commotion/English Singles show on wednesday at Luigis!!!!!
Starts at eight pm, five bucks (cheap). Wednesday, not tuesday even though I pulled that little trick on you.Also, on friday, an excellent pop show at Luigis. Dreamdate at Luigis. If you like pretty pop sung by girls then go to this show.
On Tuesday, Midmo is having an election night party that Th' Losin' Streaks are playing at. It's at the Press Club, it's free and Th' Losin' Streaks promise to play by ten.
This is going to be a long week and possibly a horrible or wonderful week, so you probably don't want to think about friday, but do you want to think about Orgasmic Birth? I finally made it out to Movies On A Big Screen for Suspiria and it's an awesome space. And I was able to fit in a quick meal at Vientiane beforehand. I'm going to try to attend more movies there. They have an upcoming Star Trek movie that has Uhura and Chekhov and Cameron from Ferris Beuller in it?!?! Mikermike are you coming to that with me?
Another poverty dinner yesterday, inspired by an inspiring article on the Auvergne region of France that was in Saveur and a trip to Morants. I finally tried the bacon at Morants and it's wonderful. It's kind of like a cross between Canadian bacon and regular bacon. It is very meaty and barely shrinks when you cook it. For this dish I sauteed bacon and then added chopped onion, carrot, and celery. Then I threw in the lentils du puy from the co-op and a couple of bay leaves and some flat leaf parsley. Simmer for a little over an hour.

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