Hmm...let's see if my first gif works. This little gif of mine is very appropriate because I want to let you know about a big movie premiere that is coming to Sac. Sactown magazine always lets you know when big stars like Wesley Snipes or Cloris Leachman are in Sac but only Heckasac will clue you in to the fact that Johnny Tapsallottapuss is coming to town. And City Slicker. And a Yeti. June 20th at the Guild Theater. Watch the trailer here. There are lots of other good movies on this channel such as Futurecop and the whole Spybuster series.
There's a crazy good show tonight after Lost! Cassie from the Vivian Girls is in a band called Babies, and the Four Eyes just got added, too! Crazy! It starts at ten, right after Lost. It's at the old Hub.
Man BAR really tore Esquire Grill a new one! They deserve it. Paragary needs to step up his game. He should get back in the kitchen and stop with the king-making political maneuverings. This Sacramento 60 thing is making me barf. Give it up! KJ has not done anything that will compel the citizens (notice I say citizens and not developers or business interests) to give him more power. Does anyone know who is in the Sac 60? Besides the people listed in the Bee article? They don't seem to have a website, which makes sense because they will just be working behind the scenes.
Sac 60 seems like a giant Chamber of Commerce. They used to call that an Oligarchy. The gif is great btw!!!
Yes, very manly.
I will say it again the absolute dullness of our hatchet is really captured here.
I do like to watch animations of my husband chopping wood on the internet while at work.
Snow Buddies' Sacramento premier is June 27th.
I love how you just wove together a restaurant review and political commentary! You are SO good at that!
Sacramento 60, don't get me started. Don't eat there!!!
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