Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Eichler heaven

You guys know about the mid century modern home tour, right? Pretty exciting! The June MidMo will have some additional coverage.


beckler said...

crickets chirping...another question

have you guys seen the wacko religious nuts hanging out around sacramento? liv mentioned seeing them in old sac. i saw them at the cathedral by the crest. they had anti-gay signs and had kids with them. they were singing a creepy song about catholics molesting little kids in gleeful voices. who are these nutjobs?

WonderMama said...

The Westboro Church. They conducted an action outside of Shalom School yesterday. It takes a special kind of person to shout God Hates Jews and Fags at four year olds.

Count Mockula said...

I don't actually love mid-century modern, but it's so different than what we usually see on our home tours (I go to a lot of the ones that feature Craftsman homes), that it might be a nice palate cleanser. Thanks for the heads-up!

Charles Albright said...

I just wasted 20 minutes reading their wikipedia page:


they are fucking insane. I want to punch them but then they'd get to sue me.


Anonymous said...

Love: Mid-century moderns. I really miss my old place. Sigh...

Hate: The Westboro Baptist Church. Charles, no one will say a word if you slugged those fuckers. They gotta catch you first...

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, Westboro Baptist Church. The most vile of the vile. Besides all the other groups they like to target, they also picketed the funeral of a woman in Reno who was raped/murdered by a serial killer. Clearly they're doing God's work.

Liv Moe said...

I suppose everyone needs a calling...