For all of you Lost fans out there that are unfortunate enough to not be caught up, the whole world must be a spoiler for you, so you will find no spoilers here! Just cat pictures.
This unfixed, sleek male is romancing Babs through the window. He drives her wild!

I scored at the Bows garage sale. I got an African-print red shift dress for a dollar that fits really well. The shop was mobbed at like 8:15 am! One guy got really aggro when I accidentally touched his girlfriends pile. It was getting crazy in there.

My garden had an open house. It was a nice neighborhood event. There were a ton of kids having fun but I know people don't like pictures of their kids posted on the internet.

This is not my garden plot. I wish it was.

Mmmm...grilled pork banh mi from Hong Luong. Why can't I be eating this right now. They also had a lady operating a coconut waffle station while I was there. I was too full to try one.

Wow, could you have tried a little bit harder wtih this sign, maybe?

The weather was perfect for Max Freedom. I was surprised at how cool the gamelan was. Mostly because I had no idea what it was until I got to the fest.

Yay English Singles! Good set!
dude had a pile of girlfriends? envious!
sac state has a gamelan and anyone who is interested is welcome to join us! no experience necessary. we'll start up again in the fall.
-alicia (
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