Ok, there's a lot of Locke-related merch. A lot of it is focused around the quote "don't tell me what I can't do". Thing is, some of it is a little insensitive to people in wheelchairs. I think the picture below qualifies:
I guess I can't argue with this one:
I wasn't in the bathroom for the part where Claire said this, right? I'm pretty sure she never said this, although it might have been cool if she had. In Joel's voice, imitating Scarface.
I posted this one because I know this style of shirts drives Smiller crazy. Shirts for fake establishments and businesses, usually centered around an island theme. Also "seafood meats"?
Weak. Ok, pretty good by the standards of cafepress.
Don't even know what to say about this one.
This one is in the fake indie art style that was popularized by Napolean Dynamite. Smiller hates this, too.

No, sorry, if you're going to make a play on the "all I got was this lousy t-shirt" genre, you need to stick to that or it loses all meaning.
You knew someone had to go there
There were a few weak Richard Alpert face cream images, but this is the weakest one. What kind of a slogan is that?
I know that "box" is not a super common term for "vagina" but it's common enough that no one should have made this.
This one was advertised as a "Sawyer grunge tshirt".
Nine years?
Again, weak connection. Is this both Saint Patrick's Day and Lost themed?
This one just seemed really silly because why a pet bowl? The only question the cat wants answered is where is the feast.
This one is kind of good.
I sent this to Scott and he wants to know who started the trend of saying things in this way? What is it based on? LOL cats?
Picture a middle-aged lady wearing this. Oh wait, I'm a middle aged lady.
There are a lot of "X is my constant" but this one is random.
Too much information about your fantasies! Yuck.
Again, a fake business one that will drive Scott insane.
I have it on inside authority that this is the least popular item on cafepress.
Combining a love of knitting and Lost
This one is pretty cool
Here's one based on that Locke quote, but eliminating the "don't" renders it confusing

Also weak.

I re-watched the pilot and the pre-show interviews and the finale again during my rainy day off yesterday. It was waaaaayyyy more emotional for me the 2nd time. I am really feeling the loss now. The finality. I'm also sad because their group disbanding mirrors our viewer group disbanding. I'm going to miss seeing our little Lost gang on Tuesdays.
If you haven't read this blog before, I thought this was an insightful re-cap.
I should buy Matthew's Christmas present early. But how to choose which one!?
"Caught in a net" refers to doin' it, from when Jack and Kate got caught in a net in season 2. When Sawyer finds out it's the whole "so that's what they're calling it now" thing. Funny on the show, not so much on a T-Shirt. These are some amazing finds.
I love this post! Also, I hate this post!
Let's keep this Lost ball rolling! I challenge you guys to make your own lost-related merch image and send it to me. I'll post it and we can vote on the best one.
I love this post so much.
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