Thursday, June 09, 2011

Found mag

My interview with Davy Rothbart of Found Magazine is in the SNR today.  He's going to be in Sac on Sunday at Movies on a Big Screen because he's the subject of a new documentary called "My Heart Is An Idiot".  I watched the screener and it was not what I expected at all from reading Found and hearing Davy on This American Life.  It was an interesting movie but I came away with a bad taste in my mouth about the dude in general.  But then talking to him, he told me how the experience of editing the movie had changed his view on things, and he talked about how it was hard to watch some of the things he had done, and my sympathies shifted again.  Not all of that is in the interview, because it was long, and if you haven't seen the movie you wouldn't get some of it.  But anyway, MOBS will be screening it and Davy and the director will be there and you should check it out.

And speaking of movies...Marwencol will be at Verge one week from tonight.  Even if you've seen it, come for the camaraderie and the discussion.  It will be scintillating, perhaps even titillating, certainly enervating.  No wait, not enervating. It will be nervating?


beckler said...

Comments from coworkers about my outfit: "you look Amish" "you're wearing witch shoes". I must be doing something right, fashion-wise today!

beckler said...

I got hits from the search phrases "albright billionaire" and "wonderful boobs" today