Thursday, October 14, 2004

Stop smirking!

For those of you that watched the debate, NPR confirmed what I suspected, which is that Kerry was quoting Bush almost verbatim about not being worried about Osama bin Laden. If you weren't watching, after Kerry quoted him, Bush smirked and laughed (which he was doing throughout the debate) and denied that he had said that.

I went by the Antennas Erupt, My whole hand is wet (?), Feeling show last night at Tonevendor. I say "went by" because a certain experimental "music" thingy gave me a headache and I left. A few of the youngsters (as Prez Bush would say) downtown are rocking a look I like to call "camp counselor chic". Mocassins are and imporant part of this look. Pair mocassins (that spelling doesn't look right) with some khaki short-shorts and a frayed t-shirt, and voila! It's a cute look, but I am too old to attempt it. Boy hipsters haven't changed the look up much, besides the abundance of beards. I saw one young guy who rolled up in ski jacket over hoodie with a beanie on his head. It was approximately 80 degrees last night and I was wearing a tank top.

This post is decidedly uninspired. Perhaps I will post more later. Guphy, if you're reading, if you do finish your list about Sac I would be glad to post it.


Anonymous said...

Dude! I can't believe he even tried to deny saying that! They didn't even need to bother doing the factcheck thing on NBC immediatley following the debate because everyone remembers him saying that! It was just earlier this year!

I hate how he smiles after everything he says, like he's so proud of himself For getting sentence out.

But, Kerry pissed me off even more, saying that shit about how "Middle Eastern people" are crossing the borders now. Does he think that Middle Eastern immigration is a new phenomenon? Does he think that all middle eastern people are terrorists? Cuz that's what he sounded like he thought. You'd think he'd be more enlightened after the "Native...American...blessing" that he recently recieved.


Anonymous said...

"I hate how he smiles after everything he says, like he's so proud of himself For getting sentence out."

Err...I didn't smile after getting this sentence out...
