The meeting went well but the charter is not done quite yet. Mayor White had the ridiculous idea that we may actually want to make sure that it's well written and coherent before we accept it. We'll be working on that online in the discussion group, and trying to hoist a website directly after the charter is done. Our next meeting is set for same time and place on June 13th. We have some good ideas about where to go next but we don't want to talk to the press or schedule and larger meetings until we have a solid charter and a web site to refer people to. The minutes from the meeting are up on the yahoo group.
I have been doing a little writing on the side for the monthly rag midtown/downtown monthly and land park monthly (they're basically the same but with different covers) and they are out on newstands around town now. The Land Park one has the Taylor's Market guy and a cool article. The other one has some River Cat and is not as cool. My review of Birriera Bugambilias is in there, as well as some delicious-sounding recipes that I collected from three local chefs from La Bonne Soupe, Mulvaneys, and Mason's. This is a monthly paper that has been in existence for quite awhile, but now it has a new editor who has improved it greatly in his short tenure. I have high hopes for it and some new projects lined up already for next month's issue. So pick up a copy and let me know if anyone makes any of the recipes. I plan to make all three.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Barbecue Review
The new wine bar 58 degrees I believe is now open, although may not yet have had their grand opening. I checked out the menu and it's pretty boring, but I want to peruse their wine list in person. The prices seem ok, plenty of glasses in the under ten dollar range. And before anyone gets too stressed about it being a chain, yes, it is a chain, but it is only their third place in existence, which puts it on about the crepeville level (low amount of evil). I hope to swing by their tonight and quaff a glass.
Some of you who were in attendance may be wondering how I will rate Miss B's sunday barbecue and I would like to give it 10 thumbs up. The meat cavalcade started around 4:00, with a burger that was made of (I think) hamburger, lamb, and Italian sausage, with onion bits inside the patty. Amazing. Star magazines were leafed through and sangria was consumed as we conjured metaphors for Tara Reid's stomach (someone said something about a wave machine). A person formerly near and dear to me expressed a fondness for Kristin Cavalleri. Hazel tried valiantly to kill a raging kitten to protect us all. I started in on a bottle of rose. Oysters began to come off the grill and I sustained second-degree oyster burns from not being able to wait. Things get a little fuzzier as it starts to get dark. Ribs emerged and were quickly scarfed down. At some point the party moved into the house and now memories emerge from the darkness in fits and starts. GW busted the Roger Rabbit and the running man. I opened a bottle of prosecco I found in the fridge and it was gone within seconds, consumed by who, I could not tell you. Lamb was fallen upon by the ravenous crowd. Margaritas were mentioned and I grabbed a nearby hammer and started hammering on the table chanting "margaritas margaritas" which thankfully were not forthcoming. Then the danger level was heightened as Miss B's liquor cabinet was breached. Exotic liquors from all corners of the world (via Corti's) were uncorked and passed around. I suggested forcefully that we adjourn to the playground across the street in southside park. This is a wonderful yet terrible idea at this point. I'm on the spinny thing and I step off and manage to stumble away from all the padding around the equipment to the cold, hard sidewalk and promptly crash into it. Luckily I mostly fall onto my back and only hit my head a little bit. I limp home, caftan soiled. The next day, against all odds, I felt pretty good and I hope everyone else did, too.
Some of you who were in attendance may be wondering how I will rate Miss B's sunday barbecue and I would like to give it 10 thumbs up. The meat cavalcade started around 4:00, with a burger that was made of (I think) hamburger, lamb, and Italian sausage, with onion bits inside the patty. Amazing. Star magazines were leafed through and sangria was consumed as we conjured metaphors for Tara Reid's stomach (someone said something about a wave machine). A person formerly near and dear to me expressed a fondness for Kristin Cavalleri. Hazel tried valiantly to kill a raging kitten to protect us all. I started in on a bottle of rose. Oysters began to come off the grill and I sustained second-degree oyster burns from not being able to wait. Things get a little fuzzier as it starts to get dark. Ribs emerged and were quickly scarfed down. At some point the party moved into the house and now memories emerge from the darkness in fits and starts. GW busted the Roger Rabbit and the running man. I opened a bottle of prosecco I found in the fridge and it was gone within seconds, consumed by who, I could not tell you. Lamb was fallen upon by the ravenous crowd. Margaritas were mentioned and I grabbed a nearby hammer and started hammering on the table chanting "margaritas margaritas" which thankfully were not forthcoming. Then the danger level was heightened as Miss B's liquor cabinet was breached. Exotic liquors from all corners of the world (via Corti's) were uncorked and passed around. I suggested forcefully that we adjourn to the playground across the street in southside park. This is a wonderful yet terrible idea at this point. I'm on the spinny thing and I step off and manage to stumble away from all the padding around the equipment to the cold, hard sidewalk and promptly crash into it. Luckily I mostly fall onto my back and only hit my head a little bit. I limp home, caftan soiled. The next day, against all odds, I felt pretty good and I hope everyone else did, too.
meeting tonight
I only have a sec to post for now. The meeting of SRD is tonight at six. Email me at if you need to know where. I hope that we can decide on a charter, but it's more likely that we will be hammering out the final version at the meeting tonight rather than accepting the final draft.
Friday, May 26, 2006
RTL show
I can't find a listing on the net, but the Armeniac called and wanted me to mention that Rock the Light has a show tomorrow at On The Y at 9:00. Don't know who else is playing.
RH took some pictures of the Loft if you're already nostalgic for it. Too bad they aren't scratch and sniff.
RH took some pictures of the Loft if you're already nostalgic for it. Too bad they aren't scratch and sniff.
ven·er·a·ble Commanding respect by virtue of age, dignity, character, or position.
Sorry for the posting overload. They're still trying to put a Target in the downtown plaza. Busy busy Rob Fong is all over it. The senior VP of development for westfield (the corp that owns the plaza) had this to say,
One of our biggest challenges to getting something done with Target is that they've got a store a mile away," Green said, referring to the Land Park Target at Broadway and Riverside Drive
Glad he noticed that might be a problem. That never stops Petrovich when he wants to plunk down a new pharmacy, though.
As proof that our type of organization can be successful, the Tower Alliance is cited as a major reason that they're not going to expand the century theater there to more than 12 screens. Hey did you guys at Tower know that the theater is "venerable"
One of our biggest challenges to getting something done with Target is that they've got a store a mile away," Green said, referring to the Land Park Target at Broadway and Riverside Drive
Glad he noticed that might be a problem. That never stops Petrovich when he wants to plunk down a new pharmacy, though.
As proof that our type of organization can be successful, the Tower Alliance is cited as a major reason that they're not going to expand the century theater there to more than 12 screens. Hey did you guys at Tower know that the theater is "venerable"
Rad interview with JayOsan

I have a lot to post today but I know that nobody really does any work on fridays so I'm sure you'll have time to read it all. Jay Onyskin, Heckasac correspondent in Kumamoto has graciously agreed to an interview. Here it is:
Where were you born?
Los Angeles,Ca--the city of Angels,L.A..
Where did you grow up?
L.A,Detroit/Dearborn(summers with grand pa and ma),Short time Golden,Colorado and Sacto
Where'd you go to high school?
Foothill High,Sacto High and a night high school name which i don`t remember but located in North Highlands
Where have you lived in sac and with who?
North Highlands/Foothill Farms(ma and pa),Akali Flats(mike r mike,keri,chris w and lisa ninja),Downtown on T st across from Old I,Tahoe Park..
How long did you live in sac?
Since i was 9....till around 33 tho` i still consider myself sacto..
What bands were you/are you in?
Car 39(high school garage band),Horny Mormons,SEA PIGS,Lizards,Ponystable,ButtPlug and now Ledzepvietcong which is me making tapes drunkenly or playing outside for the walker bys in the kokai arcade area..
Favorite sac neighborhood?
Stockton Corridor---Cheap eats,exotic supermarkets that are awesome and cheap.
Favorite places to eat in sac?
Pho Bolsa,Liugi`s--always down to earth friendly folks.Pho and Liugi`s always threw something extra for me.
Favorite venues/shows that you went to in sac?
Well early Cattle Club was where i saw some cool bands.My old friend Bill had great shows at his house in Davis.Early Old Ironsides before the make up and the pro sound etc.Southside Park Shows with a $20 noise permit and a lax atmosphere no corporate sponors bring your ice chest and the motley assortment of bands.My haus with stuffing of blankets in the window and inviting the neighbors even bringin` them an assortment of yak tori.Yet they still didn`t come and called the 5-0...Party Poopers!!!
Why'd you move to japan?
Well--That`s hard one..Two things involed with my exodus from Sacto.One,Cancer--I was diagnosed after my mom passed away with fighting the disease.I was fired from a job and really didn`t have much to survive with.Alas i did tons of garage sales and sold pretty much everything i owned for house payments,meds,eats and some fun stuff too.Ya can`t frown when everything`s down.The Meds made me crazy and i rode my bike 10 miles to chemo with a doctor tellin` that wasn`t cool.Second-Chikae my girlfriend.She really helped me thru hard times and made me drink crazy shiitake/miitake tea,eat healthly..10 points for her and she was tired of the states and needed to head back for family.I followed along after rads and when the last of my items we`re sold,pillaged or tossed.Some is left at Dave`s Store tho..Also thanks to Charles and Dan for shows that gave me some moo la..I tottally thankful for everybody even with the crazy affect of meds..
Where do you live in japan?
I live in Kumamoto on the Southern island of Kyushu.I think if i throw a rock east towards the states.It would hit Los Angeles or Orange County.Kumamoto is in a valley kinda like Sacto so the weather in summer is hella hot.Winter it`s cold and it snows sometimes as Japan is right below Siberia which is hecka cold.If i walked out of my house and to the corner street eastward on a clear day i can see Mount Aso which is the world`s biggest volcano caldera.But i don`t need to walk out to see Aso--i can actually see it when i`m taking a leak in the bathroom and the neighbors can see me..
How is japan different from sac?
Well the first thing that is totally different--is like everybody talks "japanese"or 99.8 percent do.I`m mean really that is way out different.The Culture is obivously "japanese"..Ya know a sea of Black Suits isn`t much different than Downtown Sacto but in the middle of that sea ya might see a Buddhist Monk Chanting a "good luck"ceremony to a business.People smoke way too much here and there are no Back Yards to really chill at for parties or whatever.The night culture here is insane..Drunkeness is more casual than ever.A couple of days ago i saw a guy walking with a open whiskey Suntory bottle(for relaxing times..)..Sippin` the bottle like casual already two sheets to the win as the bottle is like dangle dangle on his finger tips.He his crusin` with buddies looking for escorts...Summer brings out scents of Ramen,Fish mixed with hot humid rain and musky day vomit stains on the sidewalk this is where somebody from the burbs(stateside) might exclaim "are we in the ethnic part of town?"..Right now the hills/mountains/fields are a lush green where around Sacto will probably"brown out"soon..People always say "ohayo" in the morning and greet ya.Buildings are packed in together---urban planning with industrial areas/Noisy Areas/schools together are the norm..Nosie Pollution is rampant with construction next to your house at 2am can happen quite often..But when ya head to an Onsen or out to the countryside is just beautiful and open like some place ya want to retire and just kick back..
Do you think you will ever move back?
At the moment... no--i just can`t afford what Sacto has become.I hate cars and hour long bus waits for a job suck.Riding a Bike was a little dangerous in Sac..I get called names and shit thrown at me.I been hit 4 times riding a bike in Sac..Kumamoto has 3 or 4 community centers with folks that play music and have toys for the kids.Maybe since most japanese have no back yards and never used a lawn mower ,maybe the city and goverment has made the centers for folks to relax and use.They even have a center for foreigners and locals to meet with a thai restuarant and student coffee house...So i`m enjoying Kumamoto at the moment..
What do you miss the most?
The weather/openness/clean big streets/non smoking places/hearing nature in the city..
What do you not miss at all?
The crime/attiude/the malls/the materialism/valet parking
Favorite place you've travelled to?
Korea--It was cheap and friendly.Once i was on the subway and it was chocolate day.The day girls give guys chocolate..So all these Korean High School girls would hand me a piece of chocolate all nervous like i was a bear in a cage.When i took it they would scream and rush over to their buddy that would do the same thing.This went on till i had a bounty of chocolate from different bus and subway rides.Also in Incheon i got drunk drinking Soju and eating Spam with some Mikans singing korean songs with some old folks.I remeber arriving at a little plastic seat outside a bar drinking hite with some dudes it wasn`t cool and i got up slapped down 10,000 won bowed and stumbled to find a train station in the dark.Nobody dare pick pocket cause i proceeded to vomit on myself and pass out.I drunkenly ran out at a stop i needed to get off but let my books on the train but before the door closed they we`re throw at my head pretty hard.Mad but Honest and thanks for my books back,Korea...
What do you do in Japan?
I teach English Conversation and have a Junk Store with a side of selling japanese music over the internet..I have about 15 students at the moment mainly hospital workers..It`s fun ---thursday the discussion was about whats the better way to take a dump?I said Eastern Toilets and Eastern Way of crouching gets everything out.Western Way ya get a book and gotta push it out so ya get roids.My students said "Ah soka jay sen sei eastern way cool desu?So eastern crouching system is the healthy way to take dump..
Weirdest thing you've eaten in Japan.
People would say "Whale Sperm"--But it probably wasn`t whale sperm but it looked like whale sperm.It`s kinda goes like this--jay san-- "this looks like whale sperm,what ya givin` me ahh--whale sperm!!"oji-chan maki family "whale sperm err,yes..this is umm Whrallle sperm"jay san"c`mon what is this?"--oji chan"nan da mo?(kind of what the heck)it`rs aaa Whale sperm--u eat now"--okay..delicious is it?"--jay san"oh ya--can i have sake straight and now,thanks"--I have also eaten Raw Horse with soyu sauce which is a kumamoto tradition...
Tell me a good Sea Pigs story.
Once we played at a Church where we proceeded to get drunk,naked and throw up all in front of church clergy.My friend who put on the show told the clergy man"yep,that`s pretty normal for them.."
tell me a good lizards story
Playin` in Japan at the milk bar in Shibuya??/Tokyo.Just like the Clockwork Orange Bar..When we played i saw was a sea of people in such a crowded small club room and a few of em` knew our songs which was cool.After we played i drank liqour with a dead snake in it and saw guy pissing next to a police man.It was first time in Japan and it was severe culture shock.Maybe not crazy good story..But the sights and sounds made it surreal and dreamy.It was total Blade Runner...They had djs and strobe lights and yakuza....
tell me a good ed hunter story
No Kill I played the press...Ed threw the mic stand and the mic.He was very drunk and i was pissed.We started to fight outside.He would swing and i would hold him down and then Lisa Fagan? would jump on me saying i was gonna kill em`.Lisa would attack me and then some how get me off him.. Ed getting a few good ones in and this repeating again even when i`m telling the next band to load in which was from Seattle..It was like welcome to "Sacto"..This went on and on and i heard he was pretty sore the next day.Another time when the lizards played at the Chameleon i ended up drinking a bunch of tequila making passes at the crazy booker there and some cholla-s i think too out on the street.We we`re goin` home and he was trying to stuff my head into a drum to vomit but i guess i wouldn`t vomit in the drum but i would vomit in the van.I think some swings were swung in Benecia..But that`s all a mist in vagueness of tequila..
how about a good dave smith story
The T street house--and pee races with some band from chicago.We`re all drunk running with dicks out trying urinate at the same time.Dave going vendor machine mad in japan was pretty cool.He Kept buying whatever and ran out of cash so he had to borrow from Dave.I was hella nervous with 9 month preggie wife and Chikae`s crazy yakuza influenced family..
anything else you'd like to say about sac or whatever, go ahead.
SACTO needs to rethink it`s rebirth of downtown.Friends email and call it mega city/international city and a very pricy city.Folks like me can`t afford it no longer and have moved away. Instead of fancy eats financed by the city where only the well paid can eat and bus takin` poor work. Maybe some thought into more civic/social things like community centers and city daycare.A living wage would be helpful but then the working class might be considered at having too much.Parking Lot Shows/House Shows would be awesome.Japan has it probs---but they really care about it`s citizens cause the population is declining.Our son gets free medical care,5,000 yen a month from the city and 3 community areas with huge rooms and basket full of toys all in a ten minute walking distance.We have concerts in the parks with locals serving homemade sake(free) instead of a bud..sponosored event.The Kumamoto Castle has free stuff like bands and flea markets..Right in the downtown..What happened to the k street farmer`s market was sad..
And As for the Butt Rash-It`s gone thanks to Chemo..And someone made a remark about the funk in my belly button..It comes back after a hot day farming in Ouzo with the family.
If anybody wants to come to Japan--my family is very old style.They will feed you get you drunk.Make your bed,set your bath and won`t charge ya a penny.Sometimes i thinks it`s crazy and usually i pay for it by tilling the farm for it.But that`s what it is--it`s not money or materialism.It`s community like in walking over the drunk in the front room or sharing your sake.Everything is very communal here as in the door to the house just got locked for the first time this year..So get ahold me if ya plan to visit...
best spam ever!
today I got a spam from "the clitoris" with the subject line "hi" but then when I opened the email it was just for lowering my monthly rent. what the hell?
Tofu House review (9243 Folsom). Take 50 to south Watt and exit, and on your way to the restaurant you pass a few other places that also look intriguing, such as a combo Korean/Japanese place. Tofu House is a bland little place in a stripmall that is home to Mr. Bling Bling, Diamond Dog grooming center, and Asia Supermarket, which was closed. First the server brought out a ton of little appetizer items (there must be a Korean name for all the stuff you get to start). There was kimchee, bean sprout salad, a really good potato one, cold asparagus stalks with a BBQ-like sauce (I like this one a lot), tiny, tiny whole shrimp (and I do mean tiny, like a half inch long) instead of the standard tiny whole fish, and best of all to me, one I've never seen before that had some unidentifiable yellow strips of stuff mixed with bits of hot dog!.
We had five people and were ordering family style, so we got to sample quite a few items.
GW had had the spareribs before and recommended them. They arrived on a sizzling plate, a medium-sized pile of meat with a few onions underneath. The meat was salty and very tasty, although the tenderness varied from piece to piece. This was the best entree we had. We also got a scallion pancake because the delicious one from Korea House was fresh in all our minds. They only had a seafood scallion one on the menu here so we got it. It was grossly undercooked, really gummy inside. I picked at it a lot because I was hungry but it was pretty nasty. It had these pink, rubbery "seafood" strips in it and in the middle of the night last night I realized I had no idea what they were. I couldn't sleep and that's the kind of thing I think about. Well, that and cancer. Get the pancake at Korea House but avoid the one here.
As K.W. mentioned there is a section on the menu for tofu dishes and they are like soups that come in a sizzling pot filled with broth and silken tofu that comes with a raw egg for you to crack in. We got the pork one. Once the egg cooks a bit you pour it over your rice. This was pretty bland and the pork was a bit unpleasant tasting. We also got the bi bim bob, and we spent the extra buck to get it hot pot style (my favorite style). It arrived sizzling and colorful, with another raw egg on top. I ate some but I can't tell you what it tasted like because nothing stands out. The best part was the crispy rice layer on the bottom. All in all this wasn't such a great meal, but I still want to try the dumplings entree, and the spareribs are worth a return trip. Split up this entire meal was 13 bucks including tax and a generous tip. Maybe some of the others who came with me would like to offer their opinion?
Tofu House review (9243 Folsom). Take 50 to south Watt and exit, and on your way to the restaurant you pass a few other places that also look intriguing, such as a combo Korean/Japanese place. Tofu House is a bland little place in a stripmall that is home to Mr. Bling Bling, Diamond Dog grooming center, and Asia Supermarket, which was closed. First the server brought out a ton of little appetizer items (there must be a Korean name for all the stuff you get to start). There was kimchee, bean sprout salad, a really good potato one, cold asparagus stalks with a BBQ-like sauce (I like this one a lot), tiny, tiny whole shrimp (and I do mean tiny, like a half inch long) instead of the standard tiny whole fish, and best of all to me, one I've never seen before that had some unidentifiable yellow strips of stuff mixed with bits of hot dog!.
We had five people and were ordering family style, so we got to sample quite a few items.
GW had had the spareribs before and recommended them. They arrived on a sizzling plate, a medium-sized pile of meat with a few onions underneath. The meat was salty and very tasty, although the tenderness varied from piece to piece. This was the best entree we had. We also got a scallion pancake because the delicious one from Korea House was fresh in all our minds. They only had a seafood scallion one on the menu here so we got it. It was grossly undercooked, really gummy inside. I picked at it a lot because I was hungry but it was pretty nasty. It had these pink, rubbery "seafood" strips in it and in the middle of the night last night I realized I had no idea what they were. I couldn't sleep and that's the kind of thing I think about. Well, that and cancer. Get the pancake at Korea House but avoid the one here.
As K.W. mentioned there is a section on the menu for tofu dishes and they are like soups that come in a sizzling pot filled with broth and silken tofu that comes with a raw egg for you to crack in. We got the pork one. Once the egg cooks a bit you pour it over your rice. This was pretty bland and the pork was a bit unpleasant tasting. We also got the bi bim bob, and we spent the extra buck to get it hot pot style (my favorite style). It arrived sizzling and colorful, with another raw egg on top. I ate some but I can't tell you what it tasted like because nothing stands out. The best part was the crispy rice layer on the bottom. All in all this wasn't such a great meal, but I still want to try the dumplings entree, and the spareribs are worth a return trip. Split up this entire meal was 13 bucks including tax and a generous tip. Maybe some of the others who came with me would like to offer their opinion?
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Country Teasers
There's a show this saturday at Delta of Venus that I've heard a certain person express his interest in. I was looking around to see what their deal is and I found this review of a Country Teasers album on Pitchfork. Ouch. Any defenders? And yes, I could just ask Scott about this but I prefer to communicate with him through my blog.
sorry I just can't hold the sarcasm back

This is the bass fishing thing that SM was talking about. Suheil Totah is quoted once again about how great this is for downtown. And this guy was JUST quoted in the Bee about how the whole community wants an arena. Who exactly is this oh so quotable pundit? It's a little hard to unravel but I'm trying. About a year ago he was appointed to run the Sacramento division of Millennia Sacramento (parent company is mega-developer Thomas Enterprises). I guess before being hired by Thomas, he was employed at this law firm (maybe not, it's confusing). You can see a picture of him and look at that impressive list of what he's had his hand in in Sac! Wow, he's a busy guy. Hey look, he helped develop Twelve Bridges in Lincoln, so not only is he shaping the town where I live now, he even helped fuck up my home town until it's one disgusting strip mall! (sorry for the sarcasm, I'll try to just present the facts now).
The Bee article is also confusing. So Thomas Enterprises does not yet own the railyard? They're sure acting like they do. They have a jaunty little website that flashes buzzwords like "urban" and "revitalization", "yuppies only" at you. Wait, did I really see that last one? The drawing I posted is an artists' rendering of the magical fantasy land that they have envisioned, full of semi-transparent people whose pockets are stuffed with money, wandering to and fro into the canal-side cabanas (that's what it looks like, anyway) and frequenting the arena that features such world class events as a supertour with R. Kelly, New Kids on the Block, and Ted Nugent (three of my faves).
But at least the article ends with a Suheil telling a joke,
Totah said Bass Pro hopes to open by 2008. In order to meet that timetable, Thomas Enterprises and the city will have to make fast progress on completing the purchase of the railyard, cleaning up environmental toxics, building new infrastructure and widening and extending streets to better connect the rail yard to downtown and to Interstate 5.
Yeah, better get right on that. Should be a snap.
turning hate into love
My quest for a pilates body has left me quite tired out the last few days. Easier that I should shoot for a Tecate body. It is humiliating when you are in a class and these little old ladies are smiling through a set of exercises that you can't do. Oh well, honed perfection doesn't come easy. Next time you see me I will just be a hard mass of sinew and bone, like Nicole Richie.
I digress, I know what you are all thinking-what has Becky been eating lately and how much does she love R. Kelly-the answer to the latter is that I turn all the hate that I receive for loving R. Kelly into love for R. Kelly. That's just me, I transform hate into love. So keep hating. And as for what I've been eating, well......
I tried the burger at Bernardo, thus further confirming that everything on the menu at Bernardo is good. Not Nationwide good, but very tasty. I ate at Taka's and had a very pleasant dinner with no food poisoning. I made friends with my nemesis albacore tuna once again. My hair and clothes did smell like fried fish as usual but no place is perfect. I had a bento box item (a piece of freshly grilled fish for five bucks) from Oto's, on the recommendation from Randy Paragary and besides the moment when I swallowed a fish bone because I can't stop talking for five seconds even when I'm eating, it was delicious. They had sushi, grilled Korean rib eye, the biggest sake selection in town, and some pristine looking fish in the meat area. I also noticed a new birriera about a block away from Oto's on freeport that I'd like to try. My review of Birriera Bugambilias will be coming out soon in Midtown Monthly. I give it three goats up.
And most exciting of all, tonight I'm going to the Tofu House to try some more delicious Korean food.
Speaking of burgers, the News and Review has some theme issue going on this week where they're rating burgers and the Squeeze Inn tops Nationwide. Ridic. Squeeze Inn is great if you want to feel like barfing for 24 hours. And don't get me started on rating the kitsch factor.
I digress, I know what you are all thinking-what has Becky been eating lately and how much does she love R. Kelly-the answer to the latter is that I turn all the hate that I receive for loving R. Kelly into love for R. Kelly. That's just me, I transform hate into love. So keep hating. And as for what I've been eating, well......
I tried the burger at Bernardo, thus further confirming that everything on the menu at Bernardo is good. Not Nationwide good, but very tasty. I ate at Taka's and had a very pleasant dinner with no food poisoning. I made friends with my nemesis albacore tuna once again. My hair and clothes did smell like fried fish as usual but no place is perfect. I had a bento box item (a piece of freshly grilled fish for five bucks) from Oto's, on the recommendation from Randy Paragary and besides the moment when I swallowed a fish bone because I can't stop talking for five seconds even when I'm eating, it was delicious. They had sushi, grilled Korean rib eye, the biggest sake selection in town, and some pristine looking fish in the meat area. I also noticed a new birriera about a block away from Oto's on freeport that I'd like to try. My review of Birriera Bugambilias will be coming out soon in Midtown Monthly. I give it three goats up.
And most exciting of all, tonight I'm going to the Tofu House to try some more delicious Korean food.
Speaking of burgers, the News and Review has some theme issue going on this week where they're rating burgers and the Squeeze Inn tops Nationwide. Ridic. Squeeze Inn is great if you want to feel like barfing for 24 hours. And don't get me started on rating the kitsch factor.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
yahoo group
In case you missed it, go here to sign up for our yahoo group.
firestone building development
This is an example of something that might be good to discuss in the SRD yahoogroup once it gets going, cuz I don't want the blog to be completely taken up by city planning stuff, but as it's not up yet, I'll post about it.
OK, so one of the things we talked about last night was the rumor that a California Pizza Kitchen may be interested in the old Firestone building. Me and a couple of other people were going to investigate this and report at the next meeting. If this is true, we may need to mobilize on it quickly. Here's what I've found: SacBizJournal reported on April 14th that CPK is eyeing a downtown location. No specifics about where. The Downtown Sacramento Partnership website has a little blurb about it and gives possible contacts, also with no specifics. So next week we will probably discuss our plan of action on this. The DSP website says they are going to restore the art deco look of it. That's a really cool building that is currently an eyesore, so I'm all for that, but I'd like to know what they're planning to put in there.
OK, so one of the things we talked about last night was the rumor that a California Pizza Kitchen may be interested in the old Firestone building. Me and a couple of other people were going to investigate this and report at the next meeting. If this is true, we may need to mobilize on it quickly. Here's what I've found: SacBizJournal reported on April 14th that CPK is eyeing a downtown location. No specifics about where. The Downtown Sacramento Partnership website has a little blurb about it and gives possible contacts, also with no specifics. So next week we will probably discuss our plan of action on this. The DSP website says they are going to restore the art deco look of it. That's a really cool building that is currently an eyesore, so I'm all for that, but I'd like to know what they're planning to put in there.
The meeting was great last night! Really energizing. We decided on a name: Defense of R. Kelly Society or D.O.R.K.S
Psyche-We have a temporary name-Sacramentans for Responsible Development. We are going to vote on whether we want to keep that as the name next week. We are also drafting a charter and voting on it next week. The meeting was great because we were all on the same page about what we want for downtown. The meeting is going to be the same time and place next tuesday, so please email me if you need to know where and when. If you couldn't make it last night don't let that stop you from coming next week so that you can vote on the charter. This group is not about guilt if you can't make it to every meeting. Everyone is busy but we all have an interest in preserving and improving the downtown area. We are also going to be creating a yahoogroup within the next day or two, so I'll give you info about that.
Anyone who was at the meeting who would like to throw their two cents in about it please do. I really can't spend much time posting about it today.
Psyche-We have a temporary name-Sacramentans for Responsible Development. We are going to vote on whether we want to keep that as the name next week. We are also drafting a charter and voting on it next week. The meeting was great because we were all on the same page about what we want for downtown. The meeting is going to be the same time and place next tuesday, so please email me if you need to know where and when. If you couldn't make it last night don't let that stop you from coming next week so that you can vote on the charter. This group is not about guilt if you can't make it to every meeting. Everyone is busy but we all have an interest in preserving and improving the downtown area. We are also going to be creating a yahoogroup within the next day or two, so I'll give you info about that.
Anyone who was at the meeting who would like to throw their two cents in about it please do. I really can't spend much time posting about it today.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
links for you
Have some time to kill? Comics curmudgeon is hilarious, as usual, and he linked to this site. Click on the recipe cards for a good time.
the blogging point-this is the best heading i could think of
Malcolm Gladwell has a really cool article in the new New Yorker. I admire his writing style. He is so popular (for writing the tipping point) that people like to bag on him and give him shit but he could write about a tractor pull in a way that would render it fascinating. You have to buy the magazine to read it, but it's about that dog whisperer guy on national geographic and he talks about some controversy surrounding this guy on his blog
the legend of viggo's tail grows
I just got a hit for "viggo tail". When will US magazine do an expose on this sexy star's tail? I also got a hit for paris benji hooter. Heckasac comes in number 1 and 2 on google, with the four eyes blog rounding it out at number three, and of course, nothing else on the internet containing this particular combo of words.
Heyamoto did a "review" of Elixer, the mystifying new place in my neighborhood. I want to check it out. I think it serves food, but she didn't mention that when she was talking about how much we enjoyed ourselves there.
The second annual Dad's Boil and Fry was a crazy scene when I got there saturday night after ten. It had been going on all day and some people had paid 25 bucks to get all you can eat food and beer, and they were definitely drinking all they could. The photos on that website from last year make it look much more wholesome than it was after the sun went down. It was fun watching tipsy ladies try to saunter sexily while they stumbled and spilled their beer. Pretty entertaining and I love that Dad's has their own super partying crowd. The cops showed up right at the end but they seemed like they were just there to supervise. Hopefully no tickets were issued because all the money went to a good cause.
Heyamoto did a "review" of Elixer, the mystifying new place in my neighborhood. I want to check it out. I think it serves food, but she didn't mention that when she was talking about how much we enjoyed ourselves there.
The second annual Dad's Boil and Fry was a crazy scene when I got there saturday night after ten. It had been going on all day and some people had paid 25 bucks to get all you can eat food and beer, and they were definitely drinking all they could. The photos on that website from last year make it look much more wholesome than it was after the sun went down. It was fun watching tipsy ladies try to saunter sexily while they stumbled and spilled their beer. Pretty entertaining and I love that Dad's has their own super partying crowd. The cops showed up right at the end but they seemed like they were just there to supervise. Hopefully no tickets were issued because all the money went to a good cause.
hey jay o.!
It's looking like we're going to have a pretty sizeable crew for the first meeting of our awesome alliance (AA) (JK). There is still time if you'd like to attend so email me at and if you can't come we'll add you to our email list.
Second order of business, Jay O., I'd like to interview you for this here blog. Your comments are infinitely amusing and I'd like to know what you're up to in Japan and what you think about sac, in the past and now. So email me at that address, too, unless you'd rather just stick to your comments, which is OK too.
Second order of business, Jay O., I'd like to interview you for this here blog. Your comments are infinitely amusing and I'd like to know what you're up to in Japan and what you think about sac, in the past and now. So email me at that address, too, unless you'd rather just stick to your comments, which is OK too.
Monday, May 22, 2006
korea house review
Korea House is a great place to have a birthday celebration. The best thing to do is sit at the barbecue tables. We ordered some kind of beef and cooked it up with jalapenoes and garlic. They bring out lettuce leaves and rice and salty bean paste so that you can make a Korean taco. It's really good. The best part is all the little bowls of kim chee, various salads, and dried fish that they bring out. They have new menus there and I got really excited to continue my quest to eat all the sausages of the world and attempted to order the Korean sausage. The server's face fell and she said no. When asked to explain she said "they make it with the blood". That sounded ominous but I vow to brave it another time. We got the scallion pancake instead and it was fluffy, steaming hot, and soft with just a hint of egg flavor and a salty dipping sauce. I ate tons. They also have cheap beer, soju, and sake. What more could you ask?
Another great thing is that after you stuff yourself at Korea House you can saunter or waddle about ten feet to your right in the strip mall and you are at Rurulala, an establishment that rents private karaoke rooms. If you have never karaoked in a private room then you haven't really karaoked. And unlike a karaoke room I went to in Japantown, this place sold alcohol, which is nuts. They have big Hite beers for six bucks or soju or some crazy liquor that GW and JG were drinking out of a teapot that seemed to be very strong. We karaoked for over three hours but it flew by like crazy! And it came to less than ten bucks a person, minus the alcohol. I highly recommend this.
Another great thing is that after you stuff yourself at Korea House you can saunter or waddle about ten feet to your right in the strip mall and you are at Rurulala, an establishment that rents private karaoke rooms. If you have never karaoked in a private room then you haven't really karaoked. And unlike a karaoke room I went to in Japantown, this place sold alcohol, which is nuts. They have big Hite beers for six bucks or soju or some crazy liquor that GW and JG were drinking out of a teapot that seemed to be very strong. We karaoked for over three hours but it flew by like crazy! And it came to less than ten bucks a person, minus the alcohol. I highly recommend this.
think inside the box
I've noticed that if I let my posting slide a little bit it starts to seem pointless to do it. Maybe that should tell me something.
nah, anyways, first on the agenda, Soriano is painting over all that historical crap at the loft and taking down the fliers, etc. Does anyone want to take pictures to preserve this piece of sac history? I hope so. I don't even own a camera so I'm not it. If you want to do it, email him to arrange a time
OK, next, that meeting is tomorrow and there is still time to email me at to find out where. I think we'll have a pretty good crew, we'll see. We (the founding members) want us to have a very narrow focus. We would like to focus on nurturing small independent business in the downtown area. We'd like to keep out any more chains. And, this may be an impossible goal, but we'd like to see the city remove the roadblocks they have thrown up to block live music venues. That's it. Hopefully we can decide on a name relatively quickly and then figure out what our first action as a group will be to help further these goals. So if you're planning on coming or maybe would like to be involved in the future, start thinking inside that box.
I did some fun stuff this weekend, including private room karaoke but I need to go do some more work and maybe I can post about it.
nah, anyways, first on the agenda, Soriano is painting over all that historical crap at the loft and taking down the fliers, etc. Does anyone want to take pictures to preserve this piece of sac history? I hope so. I don't even own a camera so I'm not it. If you want to do it, email him to arrange a time
OK, next, that meeting is tomorrow and there is still time to email me at to find out where. I think we'll have a pretty good crew, we'll see. We (the founding members) want us to have a very narrow focus. We would like to focus on nurturing small independent business in the downtown area. We'd like to keep out any more chains. And, this may be an impossible goal, but we'd like to see the city remove the roadblocks they have thrown up to block live music venues. That's it. Hopefully we can decide on a name relatively quickly and then figure out what our first action as a group will be to help further these goals. So if you're planning on coming or maybe would like to be involved in the future, start thinking inside that box.
I did some fun stuff this weekend, including private room karaoke but I need to go do some more work and maybe I can post about it.
Friday, May 19, 2006
pick up soccer game
Katy is organizing one tomorrow at Cal middle school, 1600 Vallejo, 2pm, ball provided.
arena again
So that's why Rob Fong never wrote me back. He's busy putting a shine on the arena deal turd. Metaphorical turd, of course, not literal. Here's a quote from the end:
The developer is now getting permits from the city on how to use the railyard, including an arena, said Suheil Totah, vice president for development for Thomas Enterprises.
"We're getting those approvals so we could build an arena if the financing plan comes together," Totah said Thursday. "We think it's something the community and the city want to see. It will be a great addition for our overall project
Oh really, Suheil? What part of no don't these people understand?
The developer is now getting permits from the city on how to use the railyard, including an arena, said Suheil Totah, vice president for development for Thomas Enterprises.
"We're getting those approvals so we could build an arena if the financing plan comes together," Totah said Thursday. "We think it's something the community and the city want to see. It will be a great addition for our overall project
Oh really, Suheil? What part of no don't these people understand?
don't fugghedaboutit
Don't forget the HQ/Kabinet one year anniversary dealy, tomorrow night, 8-10. Scroll down for the details. They're having their regular sunday night movie screening, too. If I can make it I just might bring a cooler of beer to sell, if that sweetens the deal.
let's do something about it
Last night the wine was flowing at GW's birthday dinner and the conversation turned (as it often does) to the happenings on Heckasac. In particular, the lively debate on city planning and the future of Sac. Anna brought up Katy's comment that we should get together and talk about this stuff. I shot that down by pessimistically saying that I'll vote and write letters but as far as attending meetings as Erik has urged I feel that those things are run from top to bottom by the people with the money and they don't give a shit what the citizens say. But then the idea came up of forming some kind of group or coalition and maybe brainstorming on other actions we could take besides just trying to get 2 minutes at the podium at a city council meeting. Another bottle of wine was opened and we became even more excited about the idea (don't tell me that this isn't how real politicians do it). Our larger dowtown community of friends and acquaintances is an amazingly diverse group. We know city planners, fire fighters, teachers, small business owners, writers for the local media, artists, musicians, social workers, restaurant staff, the list goes on and on. All in all it's a crazy cross section and we're pretty much what the city council is talking about when they pay lip service to preserving the unique character of the city. We could form a perfectly legitimate activist group and I think we should try. I have to work on it for a bit and I'm pretty busy this morning, but I'd like to outline some of the ideas we came up with. One of us is down to host a meeting at her house, perhaps as early as tuesday the 23rd, afternoonish. Would anyone be interested in attending? Let me know your thoughts and go ahead and email me at , too and I can get back to you soon with the exact time and place of the meeting.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
i bet you didn't even notice i was gone
Wow! I'm seriously too busy to read my own blog! I forgot to post that I would be in Lake Tahoe on wednesday. Smiller had a work thing at a sweet Hyatt on the lake and you know I wasn't going to miss that. I have to go do a buncha work now.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
the luxury loftification of downtown
I don't want to overshadow that Kabinet post, so scroll down for God's sake, but here's an interesting article. I'm not the naysayer that you may think I am, if change must come to Sac then I am glad that some of it is in the form of businesses that are open late, which mean that more people crowd the streets at night. I'd like to know what you knowledgeable folks think about the deals the city is cutting with these developers. I'm glad that someone is going to turn that Firestone tire place into a restaurant, it's an awesome space if you really look at it.
happy birthday, kabinet!
Although the crappy Bee redesign made it really hard to find, here's that article on the HQ/Kabinet. Too bad I get quoted using the word "cute". Oh well, I guess it's inevitable because I only use about five adjectives to describe everything. I'm glad I had a hand in an uptick in attendance. Just wait until I start selling beers at the thing. If you want to see what I look like, scroll down to the picture all the way at the bottom, I'm in it. I would post it but I have already spent too much on legal fees this year, what with the libel suit that Kev has filed against me and all.
I'll remind you later this week, but here's a press release on the saturday event from J.
Hi folks
A little more than a year ago, the Sacramento Poetry Center realized that they would need to leave their then-current digs at the Ballet Center sooner than expected. At the same time, six local artists were eager to find a venue to display their diverse works. Meanwhile, I was growing frustrated with the scant choices available to Sacramento cinephiles...
Along with Jim Anderson of the Short Center Repertory Theatre, we all went out on a limb and decided to try an unusual experiment: to create a multi-use, multi disciplinary, shared art space.
It's now May 2006, and HQ has been going strong for a little more than a year now, with growing audiences -- and growing attention from the local media (hopefully, you all saw the very generous article in today's Scene section of the Bee, written by Rachel Leibrock, with photos by Kevin German!) And we're every bit as excited about offering movie screenings every Sunday, poetry readings every Monday, and gallery hours every Saturday and Sunday afternoon as we were when we opened our doors more than 12 months ago. The Short Center Rep is sadly no longer with us, but HQ continues to be a vibrant and unique space for art in Sacramento!
So I hope you'll join us this Saturday, May 20th, as we celebrate our first anniversary at 25th and R. In addition to the current exhibit of works by Asylum Gallery's artists, we've got a stellar line-up of local poets, musicians, and filmmakers for your entertainment:-
CRAWDAD NELSON, INDIGO MOOR, and ROBBIE GROSSKLAUS will astound you with their eloquent recitations...-
ADRIAN BOURGEOIS and BOB STANLEY & MARY ZEPPA will channel the Music of the Spheres for your listening enjoyment...
- plus the world premiere of a short film by BOB MORICZ, Sacramento's most outre auteur!
And who knows? There may be a few more surprises come Saturday. So please be our guests -- oh, did I mention the event is free? -- for this celebration of Sacramento talent and HQ's first year in existence! Food and libations will be served, and a splendid time is guaranteed for all...
Take care -- and see you Saturday!
J.- - - - - - - - - - -
Saturday, May 20th ~ 8-10pm
A celebration of...HQ: Headquarters for the Arts'One-Year Anniversary!
1719 25th Street(Corner of 25th & R)
Midtown Sacramento
I'll remind you later this week, but here's a press release on the saturday event from J.
Hi folks
A little more than a year ago, the Sacramento Poetry Center realized that they would need to leave their then-current digs at the Ballet Center sooner than expected. At the same time, six local artists were eager to find a venue to display their diverse works. Meanwhile, I was growing frustrated with the scant choices available to Sacramento cinephiles...
Along with Jim Anderson of the Short Center Repertory Theatre, we all went out on a limb and decided to try an unusual experiment: to create a multi-use, multi disciplinary, shared art space.
It's now May 2006, and HQ has been going strong for a little more than a year now, with growing audiences -- and growing attention from the local media (hopefully, you all saw the very generous article in today's Scene section of the Bee, written by Rachel Leibrock, with photos by Kevin German!) And we're every bit as excited about offering movie screenings every Sunday, poetry readings every Monday, and gallery hours every Saturday and Sunday afternoon as we were when we opened our doors more than 12 months ago. The Short Center Rep is sadly no longer with us, but HQ continues to be a vibrant and unique space for art in Sacramento!
So I hope you'll join us this Saturday, May 20th, as we celebrate our first anniversary at 25th and R. In addition to the current exhibit of works by Asylum Gallery's artists, we've got a stellar line-up of local poets, musicians, and filmmakers for your entertainment:-
CRAWDAD NELSON, INDIGO MOOR, and ROBBIE GROSSKLAUS will astound you with their eloquent recitations...-
ADRIAN BOURGEOIS and BOB STANLEY & MARY ZEPPA will channel the Music of the Spheres for your listening enjoyment...
- plus the world premiere of a short film by BOB MORICZ, Sacramento's most outre auteur!
And who knows? There may be a few more surprises come Saturday. So please be our guests -- oh, did I mention the event is free? -- for this celebration of Sacramento talent and HQ's first year in existence! Food and libations will be served, and a splendid time is guaranteed for all...
Take care -- and see you Saturday!
J.- - - - - - - - - - -
Saturday, May 20th ~ 8-10pm
A celebration of...HQ: Headquarters for the Arts'One-Year Anniversary!
1719 25th Street(Corner of 25th & R)
Midtown Sacramento
Monday, May 15, 2006
no life jacket=bad idea
Hopefully no one we know would do anything this dumb, but this should be a cautionary tale to all you river lovers out there (myself included). It worries me that I keep reading about how high and fast all the rivers are going to be this summer, and that coupled with record high temperatures we're already getting spells trouble. Everybody is always talking about rafting trips and if it happens, we have to make sure we all wear life jackets!
For the last two weekends, I've been picking up oysters at the sunday farmer's market, and the Tomales bay ones are outstanding! Seven bucks for a dozen, you can't beat it!. And the guy sells oyster knives for 13.50. The farmer's market was off the hook at 10 on sunday, it was rad. (I just had to edit this paragraph for too many exclamation points!)
I had a pre R. Kelly drink at Bistro 33 near Mikuni last night and I felt a bit uncomfortable. It's pretty stiff and fancy inside. The decor is cold and it's surprisingly small. The fare is similar to 33rd st. bistro, with a few different dishes and higher prices. The wine list is the same, with a weird mix of northwest and cali wines, but no wine from any other regions. They have the snoqualmie sauvignon blanc that you can get at Taylor's for a pretty reasonable six bucks a glass. Brew got some kobe mini burgers that were tasty, but overcooked (the bartender didn't ask her how she wanted them and they were well done and a bit dry). Overall, I felt a bit underdressed and ignored by the waitstaff. I don't think I'm the kind of person they want hanging out there. We did see Geoff Petrie and some old assistant coach guy (mike c. spotted them), and that's probably more what the owners have in mind. It's a shame, because I love 33rd street bistro, and besides the ear busting fuck jazz, I feel really comfortable there. In fact, I ate breakfast there on saturday and it was delicious as usual. Bistro 33 does stay open super late, so I may go there again some day for that reason.
For the last two weekends, I've been picking up oysters at the sunday farmer's market, and the Tomales bay ones are outstanding! Seven bucks for a dozen, you can't beat it!. And the guy sells oyster knives for 13.50. The farmer's market was off the hook at 10 on sunday, it was rad. (I just had to edit this paragraph for too many exclamation points!)
I had a pre R. Kelly drink at Bistro 33 near Mikuni last night and I felt a bit uncomfortable. It's pretty stiff and fancy inside. The decor is cold and it's surprisingly small. The fare is similar to 33rd st. bistro, with a few different dishes and higher prices. The wine list is the same, with a weird mix of northwest and cali wines, but no wine from any other regions. They have the snoqualmie sauvignon blanc that you can get at Taylor's for a pretty reasonable six bucks a glass. Brew got some kobe mini burgers that were tasty, but overcooked (the bartender didn't ask her how she wanted them and they were well done and a bit dry). Overall, I felt a bit underdressed and ignored by the waitstaff. I don't think I'm the kind of person they want hanging out there. We did see Geoff Petrie and some old assistant coach guy (mike c. spotted them), and that's probably more what the owners have in mind. It's a shame, because I love 33rd street bistro, and besides the ear busting fuck jazz, I feel really comfortable there. In fact, I ate breakfast there on saturday and it was delicious as usual. Bistro 33 does stay open super late, so I may go there again some day for that reason.

I am in such a state of delirious shock after the R. Kelly concert that I can't even write about it yet. Let me just say that if you are at all a fan and you were not there you should be kicking yourself. And please, no cracks about the man. That show last night was phenomenal. Chris Macias already wrote an annoyingly snarky review (which is crazy, cuz the show didn't end until eleven last night). Yeah, Kels may have fucked around a little bit and had some fun but that true fans loved it. And of course we couldn't help but laugh when he sang that jungle love song. He said that he just wrote it recently while he was stoned and it was supposed to be funny. Why can't anyone anywhere ever understand that he knows that he is funny? He was cracking up and relaxed all throughout the show. AND Macias is wrong about saying that no one would have missed the DJ interlude and the dance numbers. I would have missed it, and most of the crowd would have, too. It's pretty common during hip hop and R&B concerts to play current hits to get the crowd pumped up and dancing, and everyone was screaming to see him dance. Aahh! That review is making me mad.
Liebrock had a nice little interview with Rose Melberg on friday that I didn't catch until today. Speaking of the Bee, I know that people always complain about website re-designs, but the Bee's really reall sucks. And now it's really slow to load and I'm always accidentally clicking on something that takes me somewhere I don't want to go. But back to Rose. That show was really fun. I liked the Moore brothers a lot. Their songs were a meandering but I am a sucker for a pretty voice or two. And speaking of pretty voices, Rose sang with her mom and it was rad! Such close harmonies. Her record is really good, too, although with the demise of Tonevendor you probably will have to mailorder it if you didn't get it at the show.
Friday, May 12, 2006
will it ever end?
From an article on the $78 million dollar expansion of the Crocker:
"Sacramento is growing up, and it's a great city, but to be a truly great city it needs a great art museum," Jones said. "This will be a great museum."
OK, so add that to the list of the things this city needs to be something other than what it is: downtown arena, big, flagship chain stores on K st., an IMAX, anything I forgot? Those kinds of things don't matter as much to the people who live here as they do to the people who visit here (whoever they are, Germans, I guess?). I have nothing against art museums, but a good coffee shop in my neighborhood or a cafe with a nice patio or a park that I will not get stabbed in mean oh so much more on a day to day basis. And that just reminded me, my fucking city councilman Robert Fong never responded to my email about redevelopment on Broadway near Tower. Not even a form email. What am I, chopped liver?!
"Sacramento is growing up, and it's a great city, but to be a truly great city it needs a great art museum," Jones said. "This will be a great museum."
OK, so add that to the list of the things this city needs to be something other than what it is: downtown arena, big, flagship chain stores on K st., an IMAX, anything I forgot? Those kinds of things don't matter as much to the people who live here as they do to the people who visit here (whoever they are, Germans, I guess?). I have nothing against art museums, but a good coffee shop in my neighborhood or a cafe with a nice patio or a park that I will not get stabbed in mean oh so much more on a day to day basis. And that just reminded me, my fucking city councilman Robert Fong never responded to my email about redevelopment on Broadway near Tower. Not even a form email. What am I, chopped liver?!
kiss-off kozen?
Have you ever looked at the best seller lists and wondered who the fuck is still buying the Da Vinci Code after all this time? For instance the HARDCOVER (even though the paperback is on sale) is currently number 9 on the times best sellers list after 162 freaking weeks! Well, I was walking in Davis today and this co-ed behind me says to her friend that she just bought it NEW (at least in paperback). What is wrong with people? How many used copies must be floating around out there? Stop killing trees! This girl also said, "have you heard of that show like American Idol, only it's called American Inventor? I don't know if it started or what it's on but it sounds really good". She's like a TV exec's wet dream. American inventor sounds good to her?!
There's a good city planning article in this weeks News and Review.
I ate at Kozen last night with Brew and GW. I feel bad complaining that it's too expensive because I knew it was going to be expensive. I think that when you know that going in you shouldn't go unless you are prepared to drop some serious dough, and I wasn't prepared. If you've ever seen this restaurant (on Fair Oaks, near ruth's chrisss steaks house-it used to be an Indian place) you know that it is swanky-looking, yet very strangely designed. It looks more like a mountain lodge than a restaurant in the parking lot of a strip mall. The space inside was nice and light, with cool, cube-shaped chairs, but the floor to ceiling windows looked out onto Fair Oaks, not exactly the nicest view. The service was laughably psuedo-highbrow, with some strained hand gesturing and some hushed mentions of "chef recommends". We split a seaweed salad with some very interesting kinds of seaweed that I've never had. It was woefully underdressed (which is an ok break from the normal overdressing most salads get) and although the pink and green seaweeds had interesting flavors, it was lacking in that sesame goodness I look for in a wakame salad. We checked out the sushi menus and they sell nigiri by the piece, not by two pieces. This is LAME and is just a way to charge more. Nigiri has always been two pieces anywhere I've ever eaten. We split three rolls. People on chowhound and other places keep giving props to Kozen for being less mayo-ey and more traditional style. They are right on one count and wrong on the other. The composition of these rolls is really similar to Mikuni, they just have less sauce. Overall, they were a notch tastier than most downtown rolls, I'll give them that. We didn't get any of the other, non-sushi dishes because they just cost too much and I was afraid the portions would be tiny. I ate some granola and yogurt when I got home.
There's a good city planning article in this weeks News and Review.
I ate at Kozen last night with Brew and GW. I feel bad complaining that it's too expensive because I knew it was going to be expensive. I think that when you know that going in you shouldn't go unless you are prepared to drop some serious dough, and I wasn't prepared. If you've ever seen this restaurant (on Fair Oaks, near ruth's chrisss steaks house-it used to be an Indian place) you know that it is swanky-looking, yet very strangely designed. It looks more like a mountain lodge than a restaurant in the parking lot of a strip mall. The space inside was nice and light, with cool, cube-shaped chairs, but the floor to ceiling windows looked out onto Fair Oaks, not exactly the nicest view. The service was laughably psuedo-highbrow, with some strained hand gesturing and some hushed mentions of "chef recommends". We split a seaweed salad with some very interesting kinds of seaweed that I've never had. It was woefully underdressed (which is an ok break from the normal overdressing most salads get) and although the pink and green seaweeds had interesting flavors, it was lacking in that sesame goodness I look for in a wakame salad. We checked out the sushi menus and they sell nigiri by the piece, not by two pieces. This is LAME and is just a way to charge more. Nigiri has always been two pieces anywhere I've ever eaten. We split three rolls. People on chowhound and other places keep giving props to Kozen for being less mayo-ey and more traditional style. They are right on one count and wrong on the other. The composition of these rolls is really similar to Mikuni, they just have less sauce. Overall, they were a notch tastier than most downtown rolls, I'll give them that. We didn't get any of the other, non-sushi dishes because they just cost too much and I was afraid the portions would be tiny. I ate some granola and yogurt when I got home.
it's gonna take some time
Do you feel a hankering to hear the Denios song? You remember, take a peek at Denios, etc. Well, now they have a website that plays it. Something about Denios having a website is funny to me. They have pictures from the 40's (attention old-timey fans) and today. And they boldly claim to broast their own potato planks. I wonder if Auction Town is working on a website. They need to do a live cam of the mini donut guy.
There's a lot going on this weekend. Tonight is the Rose Melberg show at Fools. The song that streams on her website is so good! You should go to the show and buy her record.
Tomorrow is No Kill I at the Distillery with the Four Eyes. I didn't know about this show until yesterday.'s a toss-up between this and Ashlee Simplson (ha I wrote that by accident but it works) at the May Fair. We'll see. Sunday I'm going to R. Kelly of course. The Kabinet is playing "Eat the document" a D.A. Pennebaker doc where he plays electric backed by the Band. From other footage I've seen of this era (in that Scorcese doc) I bet this will be....electric.
I can't believe I forgot the Bananas show tonight in Oakland. It has a crazy line-up and Joshua Ploeg will be cooking his excellent vegan grub, that reminds me, he's cooking a dinner in sac this week. You can probably go if you want to (and you should), it's a big benefit dinner at (I think) Troy Mighty's house. His website says to email him if you want to go.
There's a lot going on this weekend. Tonight is the Rose Melberg show at Fools. The song that streams on her website is so good! You should go to the show and buy her record.
Tomorrow is No Kill I at the Distillery with the Four Eyes. I didn't know about this show until yesterday.'s a toss-up between this and Ashlee Simplson (ha I wrote that by accident but it works) at the May Fair. We'll see. Sunday I'm going to R. Kelly of course. The Kabinet is playing "Eat the document" a D.A. Pennebaker doc where he plays electric backed by the Band. From other footage I've seen of this era (in that Scorcese doc) I bet this will be....electric.
I can't believe I forgot the Bananas show tonight in Oakland. It has a crazy line-up and Joshua Ploeg will be cooking his excellent vegan grub, that reminds me, he's cooking a dinner in sac this week. You can probably go if you want to (and you should), it's a big benefit dinner at (I think) Troy Mighty's house. His website says to email him if you want to go.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
la bonne soupe cafe
Today is the first day of the Dixon may fair. Heart is playing tonight. Ashlee Simpson is on saturday. The Dixon may fair is super fun and of a more manageable size than the state fair.
I finally got to go to La Bonne Soupe cafe and I am in love. Everything on the menu sounded so enticing that it was hard to choose. I went with the pate and cornichon sandwich and the tomato bisque. I wished that the pate had a stronger liver flavor (it was very mild) but the bread was phenomenal. I guess he buys it par-baked and bakes it up fresh. The soup was tasty, too. And I love the little bottles of red or white wine for three bucks. I wish I could eat there more. That M-F lunchtime schedule is bad for me. It's on 8th between I and J.
I finally got to go to La Bonne Soupe cafe and I am in love. Everything on the menu sounded so enticing that it was hard to choose. I went with the pate and cornichon sandwich and the tomato bisque. I wished that the pate had a stronger liver flavor (it was very mild) but the bread was phenomenal. I guess he buys it par-baked and bakes it up fresh. The soup was tasty, too. And I love the little bottles of red or white wine for three bucks. I wish I could eat there more. That M-F lunchtime schedule is bad for me. It's on 8th between I and J.
hot link
K.W. linked me today on her review of Pattaya Thai. As with so many of my favorite places to eat in Sac., Ella turned me on to this place.
Brace yourself
Ella, are you sitting down? I have some shocking news. The couple that owns Vientiane decided to retire a year early. If you feel faint, just put a cool cloth on your wrists and temples. The good news is that it's not closing, their cousin is taking it over. The bad news is that the chef is training them in the next three weeks before she leaves. Somehow I doubt that cooking at that level can be mastered in the next three weeks. I felt sick at the news, so smiller and I ate there last night, and will probably eat there every night for the next three weeks. The asian sausage once again blew my mind, but it is so strongly spiced and rich that I figured out the way to go with it is to only eat about one quarter of the dish at a time even though you will be tempted to scarf it all down. We also got the beef laap, and figured out that laap must be the Lao word for larb, because they're the same, but whatever you call it it's fucking good. Then we ordered some asparagus, which was just so-so. We should have known better than to order a veggie dish. They are the meat masters.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
back on thursday
I have tomorrow off, so feel free to continue a raging debate about the Kings in this space. Also don't forget to vote on bump it or dump it over at the Barnseyard. Tom Cruise is about to get his ass DUMPED.
Kings news
Big things are afoot for the Kings.
First, Adelman's out. Probably for the best, especially because now Artest won't have to give up his salary for next year. He so crazy.
I was already planning on coming posting about the Kings when I got back from lunch (at Crepeville-hey instead of calling it Crapville, as many do, how about Crackville, for the abundance of buttcracks? just an idea), because I was perusing a sports section from sunday (it's soooo annoying that crackville doesn't throw out their old papers) and I happened upon this absurd article. If almost every single person involved with the Kings got an A or B, then why the fuck did they lose in the first round of the playoffs? What did all the Spurs get, an A++++++++? Not that it really matters.
First, Adelman's out. Probably for the best, especially because now Artest won't have to give up his salary for next year. He so crazy.
I was already planning on coming posting about the Kings when I got back from lunch (at Crepeville-hey instead of calling it Crapville, as many do, how about Crackville, for the abundance of buttcracks? just an idea), because I was perusing a sports section from sunday (it's soooo annoying that crackville doesn't throw out their old papers) and I happened upon this absurd article. If almost every single person involved with the Kings got an A or B, then why the fuck did they lose in the first round of the playoffs? What did all the Spurs get, an A++++++++? Not that it really matters.
bump it or dump it?
Sorry for my lack of enthusiasm about posting. There are good things going on over at The Barnseyard, however.
Monday, May 08, 2006
stupid kings
The Kings sure went out with a whimper this season. I finally bothered to buy antenna for my TV just to watch this game and now I probably won't use it again until next season. Stupid Kings. They owe me 12 bucks.
The Lootenanny was fun. They raffle off crazy good stuff. I won a bottle of Irish Cream which will probably sit in my liquor area* until Kingdom Come. Everyone was salivating over these western landscape painting but I didn't get one because the fix was in. There were other cool prizes like gift certificates to Beers books and full bike tune-ups and stuff. The Band That Time Forgot were quite enjoyable. The food was a deal. I rode home before it got dark from fear of the stabber.
The attendance at the sunday night Kabinet movies continues to be pretty low. What's up people? Tell me why, me and J. want to know. Is it a bad night for it, are you just not interested, what? I told him I think he should start selling Pabst by the can. Is that what it will take to get you to come?
I'd recommend United Flight 93 if you want to feel all fucked up. It's intense and you'll probably feel pretty crappy afterwards. If you want to see a movie that will make you feel great afterwards, and life-affirmed (is that a thing?), netflix the Jean Renoir flick The River. It will blow your mind. And then watch the extra footage where Renoir talks about it, he seems really cool.
Smiller and Biz-you may be getting a refund on those Fall tickets. And speaking of tickets, the tickets for the Fiery Furnaces June show at the Fillmore are now on sale.
*a prize to the first reader who can guess where my liquor area is
The Lootenanny was fun. They raffle off crazy good stuff. I won a bottle of Irish Cream which will probably sit in my liquor area* until Kingdom Come. Everyone was salivating over these western landscape painting but I didn't get one because the fix was in. There were other cool prizes like gift certificates to Beers books and full bike tune-ups and stuff. The Band That Time Forgot were quite enjoyable. The food was a deal. I rode home before it got dark from fear of the stabber.
The attendance at the sunday night Kabinet movies continues to be pretty low. What's up people? Tell me why, me and J. want to know. Is it a bad night for it, are you just not interested, what? I told him I think he should start selling Pabst by the can. Is that what it will take to get you to come?
I'd recommend United Flight 93 if you want to feel all fucked up. It's intense and you'll probably feel pretty crappy afterwards. If you want to see a movie that will make you feel great afterwards, and life-affirmed (is that a thing?), netflix the Jean Renoir flick The River. It will blow your mind. And then watch the extra footage where Renoir talks about it, he seems really cool.
Smiller and Biz-you may be getting a refund on those Fall tickets. And speaking of tickets, the tickets for the Fiery Furnaces June show at the Fillmore are now on sale.
*a prize to the first reader who can guess where my liquor area is

Bad music news: Grant McLennan of the Go-Betweens died this weekend.
Also, Dan Treacy does not sound like he's doing too well.
Good music news: the Pipettes sound like a ray of sunshine. Listen to a song here.
Friday, May 05, 2006
bad news for maloofs
perhaps their billions will console them
wow. Allen Pieroloni included about 25 words about the actual food at L'Orchid in between bragging about his dining companions. I'm breathlessly awaiting a postcript detailing what STan Atkinson ordered.
wow. Allen Pieroloni included about 25 words about the actual food at L'Orchid in between bragging about his dining companions. I'm breathlessly awaiting a postcript detailing what STan Atkinson ordered.
Ashlee's giant schnoz
Ashlee Simpson totally got a nose job. I just want her to know that I know that. Maybe I will heckle her about it at the Dixon May fair
I finally had to delete the entire post that had the Brian Peppers as Pope John Paul thing cuz I was still getting about a hundred hits a day for it even though the picture link was dead. But I was checking my search terms again to make sure it was gone and I noticed I got some funny ones. Here goes:
chirpa chirpa cheep cheep
montezuma's revenge burning stomach
luba hegre forest (luba!)
history of gentleman's clubs
slang+ shine me on
trashy tara (we know which tara they're looking for)
viggo tail (finally, someone else has noticed viggo mortenson's vestigial tail!)
break up a sixer at BevMo
baby opossums
rum ron vicaro
chirpa chirpa cheep cheep
montezuma's revenge burning stomach
luba hegre forest (luba!)
history of gentleman's clubs
slang+ shine me on
trashy tara (we know which tara they're looking for)
viggo tail (finally, someone else has noticed viggo mortenson's vestigial tail!)
break up a sixer at BevMo
baby opossums
rum ron vicaro
stuff AND things to do
Tonight Baby Grand is playing the Ironsides An Angle CD release show. Is it just me or does that seem like an odd bill?
Tomorrow is the lootenanny. Scroll down for details. It should be lots of fun. If you haven't seen The Band That Time Forgot you're in for a treat. Speaking of the BTTF, one of the singers, Maddy (Maddie?) is also an excellent masseuse and yoga instructor. If you are looking for a yoga class, you should go to hers on tuesday from 4:30 to 5:25. I went this week and I loved it! I was sore afterwards because I am quite out of shape, but I have been feeling more relaxed all week. And it's eight bucks for the first class. The only problem is that I had to get off work early to go so I don't think I can go very often. Does anyone have any recommendations for good, beginner yoga?
Sunday is the kick off of Bob Dylan month at the Kabinet, with Don't Look Back. I have seen this movie and it's really good, especially the part with Donovan. I just noticed that the website has archived articles from Kabinet film magazine, including this one defending Ishtar. I can't wait to read it.
Oh yeah, and if you are in the Bay Area, Lyme Regis is playine Thee Hemlock tomorrow night. They are sure to perform their hit song, Everybody's underwear is anybody's property.
Also this weekend:
New Band Show Case (this weekend at the Distillery)
Shows starts at 10pm, six bucks, at the Distillery
The Rosie Palms
Einstien and the Geniuses (ex-Big d and current memebers of Spiral States
DeathBeast (members of RTL, the Spiral States)
Swords Awards (members the Four Eyes and the Sprial States)
what members?
I hear that this may be your only chance to catch Deathbeast because they are already going on indefinite hiatus.
Tomorrow is the lootenanny. Scroll down for details. It should be lots of fun. If you haven't seen The Band That Time Forgot you're in for a treat. Speaking of the BTTF, one of the singers, Maddy (Maddie?) is also an excellent masseuse and yoga instructor. If you are looking for a yoga class, you should go to hers on tuesday from 4:30 to 5:25. I went this week and I loved it! I was sore afterwards because I am quite out of shape, but I have been feeling more relaxed all week. And it's eight bucks for the first class. The only problem is that I had to get off work early to go so I don't think I can go very often. Does anyone have any recommendations for good, beginner yoga?
Sunday is the kick off of Bob Dylan month at the Kabinet, with Don't Look Back. I have seen this movie and it's really good, especially the part with Donovan. I just noticed that the website has archived articles from Kabinet film magazine, including this one defending Ishtar. I can't wait to read it.
Oh yeah, and if you are in the Bay Area, Lyme Regis is playine Thee Hemlock tomorrow night. They are sure to perform their hit song, Everybody's underwear is anybody's property.
Also this weekend:
New Band Show Case (this weekend at the Distillery)
Shows starts at 10pm, six bucks, at the Distillery
The Rosie Palms
Einstien and the Geniuses (ex-Big d and current memebers of Spiral States
DeathBeast (members of RTL, the Spiral States)
Swords Awards (members the Four Eyes and the Sprial States)
what members?
I hear that this may be your only chance to catch Deathbeast because they are already going on indefinite hiatus.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Mulvaney's B & L
I had a little something to celebrate (no I'm not pregnant) so me and smiller went to Mulvaney's B & L last night. This place looks great inside. I had considered going to Masons but although the food is outstanding there, the vibe is so dressy and bustling that I hesitated. I just wanted a place that felt casual, and Mulvaneys was just what I had in mind. Most of you have probably been inside this place when it was New Helvetia (before that brief, lame period when it became the Crispy Kreme Korporate offices), so you can picture it. It retains that same character, yet there are some nice new touches here and there. It's a cozy brick space with super high ceilings. There is now a chef's station where the ordering counter used to be, in addition to the kitchen in back. Some warm lighting has been installed and my favorite thing are the two large, cookbook-filled,wooden, glass-fronted bookshelves that are inside.
The menu is pretty small, and I'm betting that it changes frequently, because I know that the chef wants to focus on seasonal, local produce. Quite a few of the starters and small plates sounded very appealing.
Here's some wine list rambling so skip it if you don't care. The wine list is small and there are some great wines on there. We had a German riesling (surprise) that was scrump. Liv, can you help me with the name cuz I want to look for it at Cortis. They offer all wines by the glass and a glass is one-fourth the price of a bottle. Not much incentive to buy a bottle there. Last night they only had prosecco by the glass for their sparkling wines, which is kind of a bummer. Also, too many chardonnays on the white list. Liv tried valiantly to pick one that I would like, but it was still too oaky and soft for me. Lots of intriguing reds, and Liv recommended a good cab.
On to the food. We started with an asparagus, shaved parmesan, proscuitto appetizer. There was also a soft boiled egg presented on the side. The asparagus was quite black from the grill, which gave it a nice smoky flavor. The flavors blended very well, and the yolk was good as a kind of sauce. Ever since GW made hot pot for me, which has a dipping sauce of egg yolk, soy sauce, and some hot sauce, I have been all about the yolks. My only complaint is that the egg could have been softer, it was a bit cold as if it had been pre-boiled and refrigerated. I would actually like a soft poached egg on top of this dish, but that probably wouldn't appeal to everyone. However, delicious.
Then, we split a small plate that was simply described as clams, chorizo, and chick peas. I will order any dish that has chorizo in it. I had debated this as an entree because it sounded more appealing to me than any of the entrees, and it was large enough to be one. I guess I should have asked. It was a large bowl of clams in the shell, slices of chorizo, and chick peas. It also came with two large, grilled, butter-soaked pieces of bread to soak up the tasty broth. I couldn't identify the herbs but I loved this dish. Especially the chorizo.
At this point I was already full but the entrees were still to come. Smiller had lamb, and besides a lamb burger I had once, it was the best lamb I've ever tasted. Not sure of the cut, but it was rare, tender and pretty gamey. I know that gamey is usually a perjorative, but if you really like lamb you probably like that flavor so I don't see it as a bad thing. The sauce was a cabernet reduction that set off the gaminess PERFECTLY. The sauce was so rich that I swore that it had some unsweetened chocolate in it but it didn't. Fucking great!!! I got the California sea bass. I probably should have been adventurous and tried the pork three ways, but the thought of trying to eat ribs neatly stopped me. I'm not that big on cooked fish dishes. Raw fish, sure. The fish was set on some rice that was flavored really well, but at this point I was pretty drunk so my memory for the dish is hazy. The fish itself was just OK, not as fatty as I expected from sea bass, but maybe I haven't had Cali sea bass before.
We finished off the dinner with a glass of Dow's tawny port, compliments of the chef. They only have three ports available, and the tawny had a rich, caramel flavor. I'll be honest though, I was close to wasted by this time so I could have been drinking turpentine and I would have been stoked. We didn't get any dessert, but I did notice that they have hand-made ice cream in interesting flavors, including lavendar, which I would like to try.
So all in all, it was a highly enjoyable dinner and I would LOVE to go back. The atmosphere is completely comfortable and relaxed. The patio will be great in the summer, and I think they are going to start serving lunch soon. It's great for a full-on fancy meal, but I bet it would be really nice for a glass of wine and a small plate on the patio.
A shout out to Marleta (hope I spelled it right) for keeping us hydrated.
The menu is pretty small, and I'm betting that it changes frequently, because I know that the chef wants to focus on seasonal, local produce. Quite a few of the starters and small plates sounded very appealing.
Here's some wine list rambling so skip it if you don't care. The wine list is small and there are some great wines on there. We had a German riesling (surprise) that was scrump. Liv, can you help me with the name cuz I want to look for it at Cortis. They offer all wines by the glass and a glass is one-fourth the price of a bottle. Not much incentive to buy a bottle there. Last night they only had prosecco by the glass for their sparkling wines, which is kind of a bummer. Also, too many chardonnays on the white list. Liv tried valiantly to pick one that I would like, but it was still too oaky and soft for me. Lots of intriguing reds, and Liv recommended a good cab.
On to the food. We started with an asparagus, shaved parmesan, proscuitto appetizer. There was also a soft boiled egg presented on the side. The asparagus was quite black from the grill, which gave it a nice smoky flavor. The flavors blended very well, and the yolk was good as a kind of sauce. Ever since GW made hot pot for me, which has a dipping sauce of egg yolk, soy sauce, and some hot sauce, I have been all about the yolks. My only complaint is that the egg could have been softer, it was a bit cold as if it had been pre-boiled and refrigerated. I would actually like a soft poached egg on top of this dish, but that probably wouldn't appeal to everyone. However, delicious.
Then, we split a small plate that was simply described as clams, chorizo, and chick peas. I will order any dish that has chorizo in it. I had debated this as an entree because it sounded more appealing to me than any of the entrees, and it was large enough to be one. I guess I should have asked. It was a large bowl of clams in the shell, slices of chorizo, and chick peas. It also came with two large, grilled, butter-soaked pieces of bread to soak up the tasty broth. I couldn't identify the herbs but I loved this dish. Especially the chorizo.
At this point I was already full but the entrees were still to come. Smiller had lamb, and besides a lamb burger I had once, it was the best lamb I've ever tasted. Not sure of the cut, but it was rare, tender and pretty gamey. I know that gamey is usually a perjorative, but if you really like lamb you probably like that flavor so I don't see it as a bad thing. The sauce was a cabernet reduction that set off the gaminess PERFECTLY. The sauce was so rich that I swore that it had some unsweetened chocolate in it but it didn't. Fucking great!!! I got the California sea bass. I probably should have been adventurous and tried the pork three ways, but the thought of trying to eat ribs neatly stopped me. I'm not that big on cooked fish dishes. Raw fish, sure. The fish was set on some rice that was flavored really well, but at this point I was pretty drunk so my memory for the dish is hazy. The fish itself was just OK, not as fatty as I expected from sea bass, but maybe I haven't had Cali sea bass before.
We finished off the dinner with a glass of Dow's tawny port, compliments of the chef. They only have three ports available, and the tawny had a rich, caramel flavor. I'll be honest though, I was close to wasted by this time so I could have been drinking turpentine and I would have been stoked. We didn't get any dessert, but I did notice that they have hand-made ice cream in interesting flavors, including lavendar, which I would like to try.
So all in all, it was a highly enjoyable dinner and I would LOVE to go back. The atmosphere is completely comfortable and relaxed. The patio will be great in the summer, and I think they are going to start serving lunch soon. It's great for a full-on fancy meal, but I bet it would be really nice for a glass of wine and a small plate on the patio.
A shout out to Marleta (hope I spelled it right) for keeping us hydrated.
sublet in nyc
My friend (and Sac expat) Josh Reynolds is looking for someone to sublet his room in Brooklyn for the months of June to November for 400 bucks a month. It's a small room in a warehouse that's all set up for people to live there. A lot of the time most of the inhabitants will be on tour with the Red Hot Chili Peppers so it would just be you and another roomate. He would like it to be a friend, or a friend of a friend so that's why he wanted me to blog it. You can email him at if you're interested. It's on Taafe st. in Brooklyn, I can't remember what neighborhood. It has tons of Hasidic Jews if that sweetens the deal for you.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Press release from the Kabinet

Hi folks,
Wow, has it really been a whole month since we screened Robert Altman's
THIEVES LIKE US?! Our "American Outlaws" series just flew by. Thanks
to all of you who made it out to HQ during the month of April, and I
hope you enjoyed each film as much as I did.
We've got something completely different planned for May. Those of you
who know me know that I'm a bit of a Dylan freak. Well, believe it or
not, Bob the Bard turns 65 this month. That's right: the guy who once
epitomized the youth counterculture of the 60s is about to join AARP!
To wish him many happy returns, we're featuring a program this month
called "Happy Birthday, Bob!" presenting four films profiling the man
and his music...
- - - - - - - - - -
Sunday, May 7th @ 8pm
directed by D.A. Pennebaker, 1965
Okay, if you're not a Dylan fan, then you can be forgiven for missing
the rest of this month's screenings. But not tonight! DON'T LOOK BACK
is a groundbreaking piece of cinema verite, shot in stark black and
white by master documentarian D.A. Pennebaker (best known to
contemporary audiences as the co-director of THE WAR ROOM, the behind
the scenes account of Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign).
Here, in his first feature, Pennebaker trains his camera on Dylan at
the height of his popularity as a folk icon, as he travels England for
what was to be his final acoustic tour. The film's opening sequence --
in which Dylan stands in an alley, casting off cuecards with fragments
of the lyrics to "Subterranean Homesick Blues" while poet Allen
Ginsberg lingers in the background -- is justly revered. But the rest
of the film is every bit as eye-popping, showing Dylan at his best
(usually on stage) and most interviews, and in a musical
pissing match with his British would-be counterpart Donovan...
Sunday, May 14th @ 8pm
directed by D.A. Pennebaker, 1966
What a difference a year makes! Dylan is back in England, touring
while D.A. Pennebaker's cameras once again roll. But this time he's
brought "The Hawks" to back him up. Of course, today they're better
known simply as...The Band. But at the time, Dylan's mix of folk and
electric music was groundbreaking -- and roundly dismissed by many of
his fans. But the music isn't the only thing separating this film from
its predecessor. For one thing, it was shot in vivid color. More
importantly, although Pennebaker again shot and directed, the editing
was undertaken by Howard Alk...and none other than Dylan himself! The
result has moments of "ego trip," to be sure, but mostly it's an
impressively experimental view of what it was like to be "Bob Dylan" at
a time of great acclaim and scorn. If DON'T LOOK BACK was an
outside-looking-in account of Dylan's '65 tour, EAT THE DOCUMENT is an
inside-looking-out account of an artist at an essential crossroads.
Much of the footage shot for this film was featured in last year's
Scorcese-directed bio for PBS. If you're a fan of Dylan and/or The
Band, don't miss this ultra-rare chance to catch a less fleeting
glimpse of these artists at the height of their talents...
Sunday, May 21st @ 8pm
directed by Sam Peckinpah, 1973
If you enjoyed BRING ME THE HEAD OF ALFREDO GARCIA last month, you'll
definitely want to check out this seminal revisionist Western by Sam
Peckinpah -- probably his most admired film after THE WILD BUNCH. Kris
Kristofferson plays Billy while James Coburn embodies Pat Garrett, out
to bring his old outlaw friend to justice. Where does Dylan fit in to
this improbable mix? Well, most importantly, he contributes a
soundtrack that offers a perfect aural accompaniment to Peckinpah's
evocation of the Old West in its last throes; "Knockin' on Heaven's
Door" is the best-known song from these sessions. He also (less
successfully, one might say...) portrays the bandit "Alias" --
thankfully a silent role, for the most part. But Dylan's amateur
acting chops really don't detract from what is one of the Last Great
Westerns...and his score does much to set the mood. So come on down to
Kabinet to hear Dylan at his best, and see him at his...well, just come
on down and see him, okay?
* And since this screening falls on Dylan's birthday, we hope to start
the evening early with some live performances of both well-known and
obscure Dylan tunes... (More info to come.)
Sunday, May 28th @ 8pm
directed by Bob Dylan, 1978
The late 60s and early 70s weren't so kind to Dylan. He went into
convalescence following a 1967 motorcycle crash. And by the mid 70s,
his marriage was on the rocks. But he came back with a vengeance in
1975 with the release of BLOOD ON THE TRACKS, followed quickly by
DESIRE. Dylan's eagerness to assert his relevance played itself out on
a series of stages in the Northeast, as he gathered a gaggle of friends
and fellow musicians -- including former paramour Joan Baez -- for The
Rolling Thunder Revue, probably the most impressive leg of his
"Neverending Tour." As if performing a three-hour concert each night
wasn't enough, Dylan decided that the show needed to be
documented...and that he himself was the ideal director! To supplement
the concert footage, he staged many elaborate, semi-improvised
sequences in which friends played "Bob and Sarah Dylan" while he and
his wife became, for the purpose of fiction, "Renaldo and Clara."
Folks like Ramblin' Jack Elliot and Roger McGuinn of The Byrds came
along for the ride. And he even made a pilgrimage to Jack Kerouac's
grave with (who else?) Allen Ginsberg. The result is as maddening --
and thrilling -- as you'd expect: a four-hour odyssey into the Dylan
mythos, filled with white hot performances and baffling narrative
Needless to say, the film was met primarily with scratched heads and
rolled eyes when it premiered in 1978. It was quickly withdrawn, and
ultimately released in a two-hour version that focused primarily on the
performances. But the original "director's cut" -- almost impossible
to see today -- remains a fascinating glimpse of one of America's
greatest songwriters at the height of his performing powers...and in
personal crisis. The same year this film was released, Dylan also put
out an album called SLOW TRAIN COMING filled exclusively with religious
songs, and he announced his conversion to Christianity. But this is
the real "Dylan Gospel," as he reinvents classics like "A Hard Rain's
Gonna Fall" and debuts new masterpieces such as "Isis" -- all in
ghostly whiteface! All in all, it's the perfect end to our month-long
tribute to one of America's most important artists. Hope you'll join
- - - - - - - - - -
So there you have it, folks. I hope you'll come out this month to
celebrate Bob's 65th. As always, we greatly appreciate your support of
Kabinet, and look forward to hearing from you about our programs...
And just in case you forgot...all of our screenings take place at:
HQ: Headquarters for the Arts
1719 25th Street
(Corner of 25th & R)
Midtown Sacramento
Take care,
P.S. A heads-up: HQ will be celebrating its one-year anniversary (!!!)
on Saturday, May 20th. Keep watching the skies (and checking e-mails)
for more details about the event. But it's shaping up to be quite an
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
restaurant ramblins
I don't have a whole lot to blog about, but thinking about it has stymied me from doing any work so I might as well write some dumb crap. Today I wrote my city councilman about how crappy that block of Tower with the closed down Joe Marty's, closed down Irish shop, etc., looks. I was all like "hey, how come the council is so obsessed with K st. yet there's no help for areas like this?" and he'll be all, "thanks for writing, but I'm busy trying to secure a Disney store for the K st. mall". I also sent some questions to Waterboy chef Rick Mahan, so I'm hoping to hear back from him. I sneakily wedged a request that his new restaurant be a French bistro (rather than yet another American one) at the end of the questions to force him to read my rant on the subject.
Lately I've been stoked on white wine, especially rieslings. There's one at Taylors called Dr. Loosens that's fucking good. Peachy but not that sweet. I'm just writing this because I wish I was drinking it right now. They even have it in the cold case, so pick up a bottle if you like a good white.
Hukilau is closed and there is a sign that says "pronto, coming soon". I'm thinking it is probably going to be an Italian place. I never ate at Hukilau and now I will shed a tear because I'll never have a chance.
Mike Dunne gave an overly positive (in my opinion) review to Paesanos. Here's a quote:
Paesanos has a tendency to reinterpret even customarily light and lilting dishes so they come out with surprising shout and slap.
Another way to say this is that they drown everything in oil and cream and garlic and salt. The majority of their pasta sauces are cream sauces, and the other ones are boring. He does mention that things are oversalted but not that they are too heavy.
Two buildings have been demolished fairly recently. The antique mall across from Hukilau is now rubble, as is this cool old house that was across from the church on the corner of (I think) 27th and capitol (on the block with Bernardo). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that these spaces don't become candy-colored, stucco luxury lofts.
Lately I've been stoked on white wine, especially rieslings. There's one at Taylors called Dr. Loosens that's fucking good. Peachy but not that sweet. I'm just writing this because I wish I was drinking it right now. They even have it in the cold case, so pick up a bottle if you like a good white.
Hukilau is closed and there is a sign that says "pronto, coming soon". I'm thinking it is probably going to be an Italian place. I never ate at Hukilau and now I will shed a tear because I'll never have a chance.
Mike Dunne gave an overly positive (in my opinion) review to Paesanos. Here's a quote:
Paesanos has a tendency to reinterpret even customarily light and lilting dishes so they come out with surprising shout and slap.
Another way to say this is that they drown everything in oil and cream and garlic and salt. The majority of their pasta sauces are cream sauces, and the other ones are boring. He does mention that things are oversalted but not that they are too heavy.
Two buildings have been demolished fairly recently. The antique mall across from Hukilau is now rubble, as is this cool old house that was across from the church on the corner of (I think) 27th and capitol (on the block with Bernardo). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that these spaces don't become candy-colored, stucco luxury lofts.
Monday, May 01, 2006

Fuck, I'm busy today. Bananas rocked the L.A. area and pretty much demolished San Pedro (the link is to a pedro blog, san pedrans have hella city pride). The show at Harold's Place was off the chain, for real. Harold's place is this biker-y bar that gave the band tons of beer and were just generally cool. In fact, Bananas fans drink so much beer that the bar actually ran out! They went on a beer run and ran out of that too. On the flickr page where I found this picture, this was the caption:
Harold's Place is a bar on Pacific between 19th & 20th Streets in San Pedro. Recently the owner was arrested on federal firearms charges (he had an arsenal of guns, and a pile of crystal meth, too), but the place stays open. It has become the center of punk activity in San Pedro.
The kids in San Pedro (and Anaheim) totally rule and we stayed at one of their houses. Aahh, sleeping on the kitchen floor under a table, just like old times. The next morning we were all a sorry sight but Mike R. Mike rallied us with an underwear clad version of "I like that old time rock and roll" which he sang into a knife. The Bananas were to rock the Smell on saturday, in downtown L.A. so we packed up our stuff pretty early and drove to Willy and Ella's charming cottage in Tujunga. A day of jamming commenced, interrupted only by a nature walk on which Heather caught a horny toad, and culminating in the ultimate jam "smoke two joints". There was also some torta eating and some thrifting. I have raised the bar for everyone by purchasing a leather cape/poncho, which means that I have to go on the next Poinsettia trip because it is the only place in the world where wearing something like that would be completely appropriate.
The Smell left a bad taste in my mouth. The show STARTED at 11:30. The line-up had this ridic Welsh band on it that played forever. I missed most of it because I was at a bar but was told that the phrase "shit stained breasts" was contained within the lyrics (great, I can't wait till I start getting google hits for that phrase). The Bananas played at 1:30 and the band and crowd (most of whom had seen them last night) were deliriously tired. Whoever set up that show was a dumbass, but the Bananas valiantly attempted to rock and did a pretty good job.
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