Sacramento Garage Building
Originally uploaded by Indy Camargo.
Why the hell did they do that?
Davey D has always bugged the crap out of me BUT he has been so excited about this bomb reggae concert and this morning he was spinning an AWESOME set of reggae and dancehall and he kept toasting over the tracks and talking about how excited he is and I just can't hate him anymore. Plus it totally cracks me up that the bomb reggae party and the fm 102 tamale contest are the same day and that the bomb keeps dissing on it like "Why pay to eat stale tamales in heat, when you could be partyin’ by a pool at the Bomb’s reggae Summer Splash FOR FREE! "
There's a new Ice Cube/Snoop track that I can't help but like. Snoop's part is weak of course cuz he's completely lost it, but the Ice Cube part is classic. It's called Go To Church but it's not religious. You can hear it here. You probably already have icecube.com bookmarked anyway.
Heckamax beat me to it but I was going to post about the Spiral States/Knock Knock/Pets/Didley Squat (I finally get to see them) show at Marilyn's on saturday at ten to benefit the Maloofs and the Downtown arena (JK it's to buy kids instruments). Christian Kiefer has a show that same night at the Fox and Goose so I wish I could be in two places at once but I caint.
And of course tonight is the big Shiny Objects screening at the Fools at 700. Don't miss this!!! The director will be there. Here's a description:
Once known as the "California Riviera", the Salton Sea is now called one of America’s worst ecological disasters: a fetid, stagnant, salty lake, coughing up dead fish and birds by the thousands. Yet a few hardy eccentrics hang on to hope, including a roadside nudist waving at passing European tourists, a man building a religious mountain out of mud and paint, beer-loving Hungarian Revolutionary Hunky Daddy, and the real-estate "Ronald McDonald" known simply as The Landman. Through their perceptions and misperceptions, the strange history and unexpected beauty of the Salton Sea is revealed. "Accidentally" created by an engineering error in 1905, reworked in the 50’s as a world class vacation destination for the rich and famous, and then suddenly abandoned after a series of hurricanes, floods, and fish die-offs, the Salton Sea has a bittersweet past. Congressman Sonny Bono himself was once dedicated to saving the lake, until he went skiing one day... Now amongst the ruins of this man-made mistake, these few remaining people struggle to keep a remodelled version of the dream alive. However, this most unique community is now threatened by the nearby megalopolises of Los Angeles and San Diego, as they attempt to take the agricultural run-off that barely sustains the sea. The fate of this so-called ecological time bomb and the community that surrounds it remain uncertain, as the Salton Sea might just dry up.
I have to miss it because I'm going to see this band in San Francisco. They are real good, cereal.
Vashti Bunyan is tonight at the Great American and I'm very excited. I'm already wearing my Jesus headband and have grown a freak folk beard. Well, actually I just glued some cat hair to my face in an attempt to blend in at the show. Let's hope it works.
Fool's Foundation is showing a movie on friday that I'm going to see. It's a documentary on the Minutemen. It starts at seven and it's five bucks. I ran into J. Greenberg and he said Kabinet would be back this month. Is that true, J? The website hasn't been updated if so. I will be yachting on the Delta that day so I can't attend anyway.
The new Midtown monthly is out with Dave Jones on the cover. My things on the Firehouse and Nopalitos are in there. I'm working on the Harbor Winery article for this month. OK, that's a lie, I interviewed the guy and have done nothing more but it's all up here (I am tapping my head right now). If you are interested in trying an aged white wine go to Cortis and pick up a bottle of his 1989 Semillon for only nine bucks! It is a very interesting wine.