Tuesday, July 02, 2013

video of the day

I linked Cody's new blog at right. Check it out.


Cody said...

Ah, you didn't have to do that, but thank you! It's not great, but it will get better once Breaking Bad comes back, I imagine.

Cody said...

Also, it's so awesome that Mr. Rogers had a little kid come on to share break dancing. I'm not sure what year that was, bit seems pretty early on, maybe a little earlier than I'd expect a kids show to make it main stream, you know? Like I imagine Fred Rogers watching Style Wars and just thinking it was neat and putting it on his show.

beckler said...

I know people say someone is the best pretty often on the internet, which lends itself to superlatives, but I am pretty sure Mr. Rogers is actually the best.

Cody said...

Did you ever hear the This American Life where Davy Rothbart talks about meeting him? Total tear jerker.

Anonymous said...

A college classmates' dad was one of the original writers on the show, so he was lucky enough to get to spend part of his early childhood hanging around the set.

Among my favorite Mr Rogers facts are how he gave George A Romero his first job in the industry, which included asking that Lady Aberlin (the original choice) to play the lead in Night of the Living Dead. Or how he testified in front of Congress to save Public Broadcasting and allow the hometaping on VCRs.

undercover caterer said...

Love love love Mr Rogers. Remember when there were all kinds of haters hating on Mr. Rogers? They were stupid.

beckler said...

I am pretty sure my dad had a crush on Lady Aberlin. She is pretty much a fox. Daniel the tiger pretty much breaks my heart. I LIVED for the all musical episodes when I was a kid.

Scott Miller said...

Secret Best Guy

Snufkin said...

Forgot to log in before, but yeah on the Rogers love! And I named my cat after Daniel Striped Tiger.

More reasons he was the Best:

32. Fred asked Susan Stamberg to host his 1981 special, Mister Rogers Talks To Parents About Divorce. When Susan got cold feet, Daniel Striped Tiger called to convince her that her fears were valid, but that she could do it.