Friday, December 21, 2007
a labe of squab
Thursday, December 20, 2007
see you next year
Man, the Taylor's market meat counter is crazy around the holidays. They have duck, goose, capon, rabbit, pheasant, and many more exotic creatures. I've been ending up at Taylor's like every day recently and I love it there. Everyone is so friendly, especially the wine guy. They really need to get a numbering system at the butcher case, though, if you're not on your toes some fat cat will cut in front of you in a second.
I won't be around much until next year, so see you then!
Monday, December 17, 2007
grandmas, rejoice!
I hesitate to share this with you because I want to be the sole guardian of this secret so that I can impress people with my pie crust, but I am by nature a person who cannot keep a secret, so I have to share with you that the soulless robo-cooks over at Cook's Illustrated have for real, created a recipe for the easiest to work with and flakiest and best pie crust ever. The secret ingredient is vodka! Cuz you know how pie crust is a war between moisture and tender flakiness? I personally will always err on the side of flakiness, usually by adding very little moisture and not mixing very vigorously, and subsequently I have ugly pies that are a real trauma to roll out. When I read this recipe I was sooo skeptical. Making pie crust in a food processor? Grandmas everywhere are gnashing their teeth. But they swore that the addition of vodka eliminates the problem of too much water making it tough and they are totally right! It's amazing. The dough is so nice to roll out, it really is like playdough. No stress, beautiful pies and the crust has big shattery flakes. My modifications would be to take out the sugar and double the salt, because I like a salty crust. Here's the link.
Friday, December 14, 2007
un-break my circle, say you'll love me again
Thursday, December 13, 2007
thumbs up
I give Control the thumbs up. This is a clip from Tony Wilson's TV show that was recreated for the movie. On the youtube page for this people were saying that the Killers version is better! There are so many great, influential songs in the movie and then Anton Corbijn blows it at the end by including a Killers cover of a Joy Division song! Anyway, tonight's the last night it plays.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
favorite scene
The Werner Herzog ranking over at Moviecityusa reminded me of Cobra Verde, which reminded me of my favorite part of it, and because we live in the internet age this scene can be found quickly on the internet. Well, part of it, it goes on a for quite a while longer, but there's some bare-breastedness involved. Check out how badass this singer is.
whose interest? whose community?
This article freaks me out. So Fargo was quoted as saying "this community wants to see more housing". Who exactly is saying that? Really, who? Presumably it would be people who want to move here but can't find housing? Are there people like that? I doubt if it's people who can't afford to buy a house cuz that's me and I can't afford nor would I want to live in any of the new housing, especially since it all seems to cost as much as buying a pre-existing house downtown. So if it's not people like that then it would have to just be developers who stand to make money from building the housing. Who are hardly the "community". How about the reporter framing the dissenting comments as a "parade of interest groups" taking "cracks at the development". That's not really neutral reporting language, is it? Isn't Thomas Enterprise the largest "interest group" of them all?
curse you, Davis
Monday, December 10, 2007
stocking stuffer idea
Boring day. I'm excited to see J. Rich. (no I will not call him jojo) at the Palms tomorrow. Yeah! No Ironsides crowd talking over his quiet songs! This man is a LIVING LEGEND. He deserves respect. Hopefully he will not play I was dancing at the lesbian bar.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Christmas jams
omg! Kate Bush looks batshit crazy in this one? I love how she gets all sexy even though it's a christmas song with no sexy lyrics. She's practically giving that chair a handjob.
I think I posted this one last year, too. I think when George Michael says "special" that just might be my favorite single word uttered in any song ever. It's my ringtone right now.
Unfortunately this one just has a fan-made slide show, but still, one of the greatest Christmas songs ever, even though I can't agree with the sentiment of wishing it was Christmas every day.
The most rockin' Christmas song ever. Man, that caveman guy in Slade is so crazy looking. He looks like a little kid who got ahold of the scissors.
The best part of this one is the synth riff and the nice sentiment. Simply having a wonderful Christmas time. No big deal.
Here's the only traditional one on this list. People like this for the novelty of David Bowie and Bing Crosby doing a duet, but it's actually a rad version of this pretty crappy Christmas song.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
embrace thai thai
1 lb potatoes
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 to 3/4 cup olive oil
Accompaniments: sour cream and applesauce
PreparationPreheat oven to 250°F.
Peel potatoes and coarsely grate by hand, transferring to a large bowl of cold water as grated. Soak potatoes 1 to 2 minutes after last batch is added to water, then drain well in a colander.
Spread grated potatoes and onion on a kitchen towel and roll up jelly-roll style. Twist towel tightly to wring out as much liquid as possible. Transfer potato mixture to a bowl and stir in egg and salt.
Heat 1/4 cup oil in a 12-inch nonstick skillet over moderately high heat until hot but not smoking. Working in batches of 4 latkes, spoon 2 tablespoons potato mixture per latke into skillet, spreading into 3-inch rounds with a fork. Reduce heat to moderate and cook until undersides are browned, about 5 minutes. Turn latkes over and cook until undersides are browned, about 5 minutes more. Transfer to paper towels to drain and season with salt. Add more oil to skillet as needed. Keep latkes warm on a wire rack set in a shallow baking pan in oven.
the key is the wringing out with the towel, you have to get all the water out. wring out the onions, too. and keep the heat up pretty high, but try not to let the oil smoke.
I need to reiterate, if you haven't been to Thai Thai Express in Pacific Rim plaza on stockton blvd, you really need to go! Unless your go to dish is pineapple fried rice and you're not into branching out. Their pad thai is really good if that's your dish. The other day we got the Thai Thai tom yum, and it has beef liver in it, along with other meats. The beef liver was ground and seasoned and it was so good! Not scary at all. They also often have pork giblets in their soups, which just seem like regular pork and shouldn't keep you from ordering the dishes. I love their papaya salad so much. They put salted crab, dried shrimp, and roasted peanuts in it.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
the 'tis' schnoz
Monday, December 03, 2007
december 2007 (oh what a night)
Saturday night. Oy. I started it off at the Big Tomato press book release thing at Old Soul. There were a ton of peeps and I played a game trying to figure out if one of them was Mike Dunne. There was free local wine, and I hadn't really eaten anything and if you haven't noticed most local wines are so strong that they go straight to the dome. The revolution wines guy was there, and his zinfandel wasn't that bad. I told him that it was lighter than I expected. Then I tried a bogle wine that was like a cup of hot jam. Too much alcohol!
Then we went to the Bows and Arrows opening. I can't seem to keep my wallet shut when I walk in there, especially since I was less than sober, so I bought a dress that Olivia was trying to warn me was too large, and indeed it is. Drunken shopping! We got a couple of Coors out of the ice chest and headed to R5 for the midtown monthly event. I was excited to to see teen punks No Admission, but the singer ruined it for me with his precise, emo punk singing style.
The Four Eyes ripped it up except when they sang "Feliz Navidad" which is the worst song. They revealed their new theme song, which is "Rag Doll" complete with lots of scatting from Joel.
This short chick seemed to dig them.
Then it was off to the Distillery to see the Pizzas. Really, really good. So many pizza jokes, my favorite of which was "River deep dish, mountain pie". A super fun band. I sat there racking my befuddled brain for pizza jokes, and they don't come easy.
Friday, November 30, 2007
chicago fire pizza
Thursday, November 29, 2007
the saturday to end all saturdays

and then bambambam I found out about way too many things going on on saturday. I got invited to some book release thing at old soul, and one of the books coming out is a childrens book about delta and dawn!
And then Bows and Arrows is having their grand opening and I'm thinking I might buy that deadstock space savers brand purse that I foolishly passed up twice on the grounds that it would immediately get really dirty. Hmmm.....I guess there's also a "flashlight party" at the townhouse on friday where they're going to cut all the lights at midnight? Sounds dangerous.
And then the really big deal is the R5/Midtown Monthly event and fund raiser thingy at which a buttload of great local bands are playing!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
people are so mean
However, I must say I approve of Breton using the phrase "lots of homeless dudes" in this article. I think that as the law stands, unfortunately eminent domain CAN be used for crap like putting in a mall, but that wasn't the original intention for it's use. I hope that someday the supreme court will set that straight. I guess it will have to be after Clarence Thomas dies.
what's a juggalo?
What is a Juggalo? Well he ain’t a phony / He’ll walk up and bust a nut in your macaroni / And watch you sit there and finish up the last bit / Cause you’re a stupid-ass dumb fucking idiot.
There was just a new yelp of Akebono, so I thought I'd put in my two cents. I was prompted to go there by Mike Dunne's mention that they have ramen. The more ramen I eat, the more respect I have for Edokko II's ramen, because it must be damn hard to get it right. I got the shoyu ramen at Akebono. The broth was bland and thin. The dish was uninspiring, and not that filling. I was still hungry after I finished the bowl. At edokko II I can rarely finish my bowl, and I usually eat the leftovers for lunch the next day, for the same price. And not because it's giant, it's just really rich and complex tasting and filling. OK, and fatty and salty, I'll admit it. That's how I want my ramen to be.
Now pandora is playing tupac. thumbs up! It's cool that they play the unedited versions and not the radio edits.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
breaking the tripe barrier
also, are g and j balls back from ireland? what was the food like. gballs wrote something on the indiechicks about a lymph-containing blood pudding she had?
Monday, November 26, 2007
happy hmong new year (yesterday)
Have any of you ever been to or even noticed Kobasic's candies waaayyy out on Riverside Blvd? They have a lot of handmade candies there, truffles, bars, bark, etc. I was riding my bike to the Pocket yesterday (which was really fun!) and I saw it and went in. I get peanut brittle and English toffee and it was fucking good. They have cute boxes and stuff for those who like to give candy as a gift. Blow off Sees and get your gifts here!

Monday, November 19, 2007
t-day b ride?
It almost time for the bike ride that cannot be named. I'm quite excited. Are you going?
An unforseeable catastrophe involving the Bananas and the recording of background vocals kinda caused me to miss the Heather Klinger benefit show, so I STILL have not seen the Pizzas. Weak. However, I just discovered that you can donate through paypal, and also order Heather's zines and comics and stuff. Jed, follow the link.
Friday, November 16, 2007
show of shows
Thursday, November 15, 2007
let's conduct a test
Send both groups home.
Fiji Islanders? Russians? The US doesn't need any more ethnic groups moving here. This nation has become a garbage dump for the rest of the world and the days of needing or wanting more immigrants is long gone.
5 out of 15 people rated this comment helpful. the bee comments board is serving as a haven for racists to air their views in a legitimizing (if that's a word) forum. This isn't about free speech, this asshole is free to write these things but as I've said a bunch of times before, the Bee DOES MODERATE these comments, and does not allow obscenity or off-topic comments (no matter how innocuous). Someone approved this comment, and also this one from this same guy:
Dozens flee scene of major cockfighting raid
DNWyatt at 4:11 PM PST Thursday, July 5, 2007 wrote:
Legal or illegal, this is part of the Hispanic culture they are so proud of. Isn't diversity great? This country is now like a jammed sewer line that needs to be flushed out and emptied right back to Mexico. Let the organizers and fans of cockfights take knives and fight each other and show that famous machismo bravery. The survivors could then graduate to become gang leaders
I decided to conduct an experiment. I have posted a few comments on this article. to try to see what the bee's criteria are (is?). i of course shudder to write anything racist, but i got as close as i could get. i think probably none will get in because i submitted them all under the same name, but i encourage you to submit some and tell me what they were. here are mine:
What a great article.
Thanks for this useful story! The Bee is the best fucking paper around!
nice picture
man, that guy in the picture is sexy. i'd really like to show him a thing or two about a thing or two, if you get my drift.
This article is great except for the fact that it was written by someone with a foreign sounding name. That makes me feel angry and fearful.
first things first
Second things second-I checked out Bows and Arrows last night, intending to just be there 5 minutes to get a gift certificate and I ended up being there for over and hour and buying a kitchen table and a handmade dress, and smiller got two pairs of shoes. The place is insanely rad! I didn't expect it to have so much good shit. Now I just have to try to sell some stuff to get some credit there.
Third things third-the English Singles have been added to that friday house show!!!
Fourth things fourth-I went to Oz Korean BBQ for the first time in over a year yesterday. That place has gotten really weird. In addition to the flatscreens and signed Kings stuff, etc., they have made a real effort to make their menus accessible and not scary by making up English names for the dishes, like calling a seafood soup Korean cioppino. And they have like chicken finger appetizers and shit. It gives it a weird vibe. Our server was really awesome but I really had very little idea what she was saying or what we had ordered until it came to the table. The confusion centered around us trying to order one of the expensive soups that said that it was for two. Turns out it's in a giant cauldron and is really for like 4 or 5. And then we somehow ended up ordering two plates of bbqed meat (pre-bbqed, we didn't sit at the table). One was a kind of plain, thinly sliced beef that I liked a lot on the lettuce with the salty bean paste. I think the other was bulgogi, but it was too sweet for me and not spicy enough. Too much like beef with KC masterpiece on it. It annoyed me that the server warned us about the spiciness of everything and then it wasn't spicy at all, and I'm not some kind of macho "bring on the spice" person. The seafood in the soup was not very high quality and the broth was bland. The one really interesting thing was that there were tons of these gray pods floating in the soup that looked like eyeballs. I felt brave for biting into one before I knew what it was. It had liquid inside and something hard. I asked the server and she said there's no western name for it, but that it was in fact some kind of kelp that you don't eat but that the prize is the soup squirting out in your mouth when you bite down. Crazy! I found the pods to have a light soapy or perfumey taste, in addition to the fishiness of the soup.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
mantles in sac

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Here are the guys doling out the beer.
Friday, November 09, 2007
hey dudes
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
fuck roseville dining
Here are the three sisters, looking very beige.
Monday, October 29, 2007
I've written about these two places before, so nothing new under my sun but...
I went to Edokko II the other night and got the tan tan men, and I have to reiterate that their ramen blows Shoki out of the water. Give it a try if you've only been to Shoki. I'd be interested to know if people agree or disagree.
Also, I went to Rolle again for lunch and even though I felt very tantrumy (inside) to find that they had run out of baguettes AGAIN, I got the salad nicoise with poached salmon and it was fucking GOOD. The mustard vinaigrette is delicious. I also got the gratin of the day (red potato) and it was sooo rich and the dusting of herbs de provence was perfect.
viva the free box
I hear that local entrepeneur Olivia of Olipom is starting up a new business. And she's going to buy and sell clothes ala Crossroads. This is very exciting and seems sure to prosper. I'm going to have to stop giving away my thrift store finds to friends and make some money on that shit. jk!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
davis shmavis
I also checked out this weird wine shop (Valley Wine Co) on 4th and G in Davis that MH clued me in to. I've passed by it a thousand times on my way to the co-op and always thought it wasn't open to the public. But it is, although there are tons of cardboard boxes obscuring the front entrance and you have to go in through the side. They have an interesting selection. I got a 2004 Alsacian blend for 11 bucks, and smiller got a 2004 Fuller's vintage ale that I don't think they realized they had, it had just been sitting in the fridge for two years. The guys who run it are nice.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
franzia white zin?
MD posted something about wine on his "food" blog (surprise) about the rankings of wine ordered at restaurants and after the nasty, nasty list of the top ten there was a sad, tragic, heartrending, tearjerking fact :
Overall, chardonnay easily was the most popular varietal at restaurants, accounting for nearly 43 percent of sales, and 41 of the 105 wines in the magazine's complete list\
why people, why? free your palates! you can't even chalk this up to cost because there are so many affordable and delicious whites on the market
preservationist nitpickers
Today in the bee, Breton has an axe to grind against all us nit-pickers, historical preservationists, and "nincompoops" drowning out "viable visions deserving of support". Yes, that's right, he thinks that all of us common citizens should just shut the fuck up, lay back, and enjoy whatever Thomas Enterprises chooses to do to us. And why? Because they've already spent $75 million (according to him) on the railyards project. So it follows that laying out that much cash means no one should try to block or even question any of their plans. Got that? Here's how he wraps it up:
Otherwise, the city of our civic dreams will never come to pass.
"our" civic dreams? Are you sure about that, Marcos?
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
angry letter
Hey! Look over here! Bill Burg was on Insight with Jeffrey Callison last week talking about his Southside Park book. I hear the book is really good, Beers has it.
Speaking of Beers', Queen Sheba on Broadway has this awesome Hakim "stout" (it's not really a stout-style beer, just a dark beer) that is really spicy and fresh and juicy.
AP reviewed Maalouf's (which is great, I mean great that he reviewed it and of course the food is superb). Here's a couple of definitions he busts:
We began with a bowl of hummus ($5.50), which is pureed garbanzo beans (chickpeas) mixed with tahini (sesame paste), accented with garlic and lemon juice, and topped with olive oil.
Falafel is deep-fried, hush puppy-lookin' croquettes of mashed garbanzo beans, rich with the aromas of spices.
Is there anyone left in the world besides toddlers and the extremely elderly who do not know what hummus is?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Congratulations go out to our local Rubicon Brewing Co. for winning a gold medal at the Great American Beer Festival in the Belgian-style sour ale category for their high mountain cherry ale. This is like the academy awards of America beer, so this is a big deal. Unfortunately, they don't have this beer on draft, but they do have plans to bottle it soon, and I can't wait. I've really been enjoying American sour ales lately, particularly those brewed by Russian River...but you'll have to read about my visit to Russian River Brewing in the next Midtown Monthly.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Can someone read Heyamoto's column from yesterday and explain the Steve Cohn item to me? Also, can someone attempt to construct a sentence more awkward than "Good thing Austria hadn't come calling"? A prize to anyone who does.
friday morning george michael
Remember how great this video was, when he had just been busted for having sex in that bathroom, and then he has a song about having sex outside and the bathroom turns into a disco and everyone is making out and the cops are busting them and then the cops start making out! Somehow I think that noone reading this is going to enjoy this as much as I do.
The new Fiery Furnaces record is out, Widow City. I've listened to half of the double album and I like it a lot. Matt Friedberger is a genius. They're playing in SF on the 19th.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Sy Hersh, no less
The onion blog (which has lots of good content) just posted a comments policy. The Bee should follow this model. Does the Bee even have an official policy on their comments?
No one is supposed to mention how I said I was going to retire, because then I get embarrassed about it. Can't a woman change her mind?
I checked out the two dollar bar food McCormick and Schmick's happy hour thing yesterday. The place looks like a hotel banquet room inside, which really surprised me. I thought it was really fancy, but the cheap tiling and green carpeting (you should never have carpet in a restaurant, never!) make it look kind of crappy. Between four and six, and from 930 to close, they offer two dollar Coors Light or Bug on draft, and some food items for two bucks. There's a two drink minimum, which seems to be enforced, but they don't have to be alcoholic drinks. Long story short, the food was pretty mediocre. I mean, of course it was, it was two bucks! You can get two oysters on the half shell for two bucks, and when I asked which kind the waitress started to say it's whatever they need to get rid of, and then tried to pretend that's not what she was saying. Of course that's what they are, they're two bucks! You know what else they were? Room temperature. Not appetizing. They didn't make me sick or anything, they just weren't delicious. Everything else was just OK, too. But they do have a hamburger AND fries for two bucks, so if you're really broke, have at it. The best thing I had? A Moscow Mule, which was like 8 bucks.
The house show last night was fun and really well attended. A whole new generation of kids, and they're not bad! The only thing I object to is the unecessary hats. I'm all for hat nerding, but when it's warm inside and everyone is wearing knit hats, I just fixate on the fact that I know their heads are getting all hot and sweaty and why not just take the hat off at that point? The highlight was a new Sac band that was good and I've never seen anyone in it before in my life. They're called Ganglians. We were tripping on them and wondering what their influences are, and I guess you can tell from their myspace.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
gaping hole
I just was looking at a Bee story where they allowed someone in the comments to call two black people "monkeys". Oops, some overt racism slipped through their guidelines that usually only allow covert racism! Not really a proud moment for the Bee.
The comments on this one are making me laugh, though. Man, Breton is getting his chops busted left and right!
Holy shit! And look at the comments on this Heyamoto column!
show tonight
Wed, 10/10 - EAT SKULL (PDX) + MAYYORS + GANGLIANS23rd & L House, Sacramento - 8:00 SHARP, $5 donation, all ages Best new PDX band a'la Times New Viking meets Hunches, sorta...really!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
The Head needs some help, she wants to know where she can get her 1980 Honda Express moped fixed.
someone should have told me
There's a house show tomorrow that is going to be really good. Why? I'm not sure, but I'm going to go anyway. Here are the details on it.
I missed the Aguirre screening and instead stayed home (after a decidedly bland and lackluster meal at Shoki Ramen House, they really let me down this time) and watched a collection of Herzog shorts. The first one, The Great Ecstasy of the sculptor Steiner (which is a hilarious example of Herzog trying to impose his own ideas on the documentary he made about ski jumping, he only show the guys sculptures for 2 seconds), about Steiner is fucking amazing, with really stirring music by Popol Vuh