Monday, May 16, 2005

Kinski quotes

Originally uploaded by becklerg.

The autobiography is a must for any Herzog/Kinski fan. Here are some choice quotes:

On a street in Paris, a dog eyes me, and I can't help crying. What did I do to this dog? Or rather, what did it do to me, compelling me to cry? I also have to cry when I see people, objects. I'm pained by the sight of anything I look at. By anything I hear, by anything I think, feel.

The German government writes me that it has awarded me the supreme distinction for an actor: the Gold Film Ribbon. What gall! Who gave those shitheads the right to award me anything? Did it never occur to them that there might be somebody who doesn't want their shit? What filthy arrogance towards me-me, of all people! What does this prize mean anyway? Is it a reward? For what? For my pains, sufferings, despair, tears? A prize for every hell, every dying, every resurrection? Prizes for death and life? Prizes for passion, for hate and love? And how did you shitheads intend to hand me the prize? As a gift? As a favor, like those tasteless hosts that the pope distributes like fast food? I'll kick you! Or do I come submissive, whimpering? I'll kick you again! And there's not even a check. It's outrageous!

Here's from a passage where he talks about his creative process as an actor:

All living and dying, all vibrations pass through me. The entire universe pours into me, rages in me, rampages through me and over me. Annihilates me. It rules me, commands me, envelops me, threatens me, and waits for me everywhere and all the time. It sucks me up, sucks me dry, grows through me. It's in my spinal marrow. In my brain mass. In my blood. In my bones. My muscles. Guts. Genitals. Sperm. Flesh. Eyes. Hearing ....

Well, you get the idea. Couple this with page after page of absolute pornography, outrageous lies, and insults for Herzog's lack of talent and you have an entertaining read.


Anonymous said...

"Did it never occur to them that there might be somebody who doesn't want their shit? "

that's funny!


Anonymous said...

OK, now you owe me money.


beckler said...

What for, exactly?

Anonymous said...

For this.


beckler said...

Oh. Well, lots of people told me to get the book. I keep meaning to print a Kinsky quote of the day but forgetting to bring it to work. I like when he talked smack on Spielburg. How'd you do that little linky thing in comments? You're such a blog whiz. I'm intrigued by you and your blogger friends and will be unmasking your secret identity soon.
P.S.-I still don't believe you live in Sac.

Anonymous said...

"<"a href="whatever URL you want to link">the text you want displayed"<"/a">"

Just don't use the quotes around the brackets, I had to do that so it would display for this example. Now you owe me money for the Kinski quotes AND this HTML lesson.

P.S. You will never discover my true identity, as the Archbishop does not know I blog. Just saw him recently in the Bay Area, where I do not live.
