Tuesday, November 29, 2005
you know you're pathetic when...
pipe down, liver
interesting article
stop the zelda bashing
public service announcement
boosting the sac
Speaking of Sac boosterism, it can and does run amok, especially when it is faked by the business community in an attempt to line their pockets. Did you know that a bunch of these business types have banded together to "brand" our region? So creepy. Remember when they tried that last time with the stupid Ken and Barbie doll thing? Their first step this time is coming up with a nickname for the area. Here are the proposals they voted on recently: Capitol of the West; Central City of the Central Valley; Land of Golden Opportunities; Learning Community; and Green Place. Barf. None of the above was the choice that won, so sanity prevailed. I hope this plan fails. I have read recently that people are starting to move out of California, so that's encouraging.
The New Yorker had a really interesting little one-pager this week (that I can't link cuz their site sucks) about leisure time and wealth in Europe and America. We all know that western Europeans get more vacation than we do, but they also just have more daily leisure time in general, and consequently they spend way more time doing stuff like cleaning their houses and cooking, which are tasks that Americans increasingly pay other people to do. So we work more and generate more wealth, but then we spend it eating out, paying people to do our laundry, etc., etc., so we are on a continual hamster wheel and getting nowhere. The stats they threw out is that the average French woman (of course) spends 10 more hours a week on household tasks than the average American woman and that we eat out three times more than the Germans do! I eat out waayyyyy too much but you all know how it is when you get home from work the last thing you feel like doing is fighting the crowds at the local market and coming home and cooking for an hour or so and then cleaning up after. It's so much more pleasant and restful to let someone else do it for you. If I cook that's usually pretty much my plans for the night. Now I'm just thinking aloud but the article was thought-provoking. Once again the Euros have it right.
Monday, November 28, 2005
playground review
Playground review:
First, let me get this straight: I am not some kind of let's all return to childhood and frolic-type person. I didn't enjoy my childhood all that much and I prefer to do adult things like have sex and drink. But, that said, the new playground at Southside park is amazing. It is the trippiest playground ever, and it seems to be designed to be used in conjunction with weed. I mean, come on, it's called "universal universe"! A stoner had to come up with that. Right next to the sign with the name on it in spacey writing at the entrance there is a giant silver phallus. There's nothing that little kids love more than phallic sculpture. Across from this, towards the lake, there is a sculpture-in-progress that incorporates an Airstream trailer on a pole that has been turned into a space ship complete with an alien peeking out the top. There are numerous mazes and things to climb on. There is a giant rocking boat that can fit at least six adults. There is one of those dangerous metal merry-go-round things and a running hamster wheel thing that is going to really hurt some kid for sure. You have to run on it and try to keep up but it flings you off within seconds onto the squishy foam rubber ground covering that surrounds all the equipment. The piece de resistance (mispelled no doubt) is the red bucket. It doesn't look like much, just a tilted red bucket that you can sit in that's attached to the ground by a short pole. But as you sit in it and move slightly it begins to spin, and it starts to go quite fast and can be difficult to stop. You have to check it out, I can't describe it very well and I don't understand the physics of how it works. Go play on this playground before all the little brats break the equipment and tag it up.
daisy spot

Originally uploaded by pariscinq.
I have heard a lot of grumbling about this old port-o-let song that Daisy Spot has recently added back into their reportoire. I don't think anyone from the band reads this anyways, but I would like to report that the buzz is that they should put it back in the vaults. I am staying neutral. It doesn't bug me, but it's not my fave, either.
Oasis interview
DW: Ricky Gervais (the boss on the office)told me there's a story that Liam thinks Spinal Tap are a real band. Is that true?
NG: Yeah, he thought they were real people. We went to see them play in Carnegie Hall. Before they played, they came on as three folk singers from the film A Mighty Wind. We were laughing and he said: 'This is shit'. We said: 'No, those three are in Spinal Tap. You do know they are American actors?' 'They're not even a real band?' 'They're not even English! One of them is married to Jamie Lee Curtis.' 'I'm not fuckin' 'avin that,' he says, and walks off right up the middle of Carnegie Hall. He's never watched Spinal Tap since. He'd seen the film and loved it and thought they were a real band.
bike ride photo

Originally uploaded by becklerg.
I however have no qualms about stealing this photo from Katy. This was at the end of the Thanksgiving bike ride, at Discovery Park.
xmas party date change? yay or nay?
I'd like to hear about the Poinsettia trip if anyone who went is reading.
The Rubicon bike ride was off the chain. I'd say between 3-4 hundred people were there. There was meat, beer, dogs, babies, crusties, mardi gras beads, old dudes, young punks, slackers, stoners, burnouts, doctors, lawyers, and what have you. In short, it was Sac in a nutshell and I loved it. Riding the wrong way en masse down N street was the highlight for me.
Then I staggered in a haze over to Thanksgiving dinner at Gillie's which was delicious and fun. She had lots of weird liquor that I was smart to stay away from. About midway through eating my plate of food I felt really nauseous and had to go lay down. It's embarassing (yes i know i probably spelled that wrong) when you eat so much that you make yourself sick.
In a bit I will post a playground review of the new playground in southside park, but for now I have some important business. A few folks can't hang with the December 23rd date for the xmas party and Katy is contemplating moving it to the 16th. She is soliciting responses to this idea. My response is that it would probably be best not to change it because I would guess there will be a whole new set of people who can't make it on the 16th, but I can go to either day so I won't care all that much.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Happy turkey day, turkeys!
I like this ad.
And I love this ad. This guy is a catch. He just looks fun. There's no other word for it.
This one is a bit cringe-worthy. I don't think that herpes is such a big deal that he has to mention it in his ad. Wouldn't he be better off just trying to see if they hit it off and later telling her? If you believe those celebrex ads there's a one out of three chance she would have it anyway.
What title? Let's see, how about "do you like demanding assholes that think the way to attract a woman is to write a personal ad with a rude, abrupt tone?"
ok, that was weak and what am I still doing here? Someone just hit my blog googling "rubicon thanksgiving bike ride". Some poor dork that isn't cool enough to find out where it starts, or maybe an SN&R writer looking to bust it out?
sad news

Originally uploaded by becklerg.
I got seriously choked up when I learned that sam, the world's ugliest dog has passed. Check out his owner's blog and I guarantee a tear will flow.
guy-guy poo play?
on top again
Are you cheap?
Hot Potatoes lyrics
My baby woke me up this mornin'
She said get down that labour exchange,
And if you don't come home with a job son,
You'll get no dinner to-day.
You gotta secure me a weekly workin' wage.
You'll get no more fancy cookin',
You'll get no more apple pie,
You'll just get those plain hot potatoes
To satisfy your appetite.
La la la la la la Potatoes,
Boiled, French fried, any old way that you wanna decide.
Hot potatoes, yeh,
I want your lovin' every single day.
I said I don't need your fancy cooking,
I like the simple things in life,
Just give me those plain hot potatoes
And I'll be well satisfied,
They'll satisfy my appetite.
La la la la la la Potatoes,
Boiled, French fried, any old way that you wanna decide.
Hot potatoes, yeh,
I want your lovin' 60 minutes an hour,
I want your lovin' 24 hours a day,
I want your lovin' 7 days a week.
Yeh, yeh, oh yeh.
I want your love, I need your love,
But all I get is hot potatoes
When I come home late at night
To satisfy my appetite.
Don't give me no more potatoes,
Boiled, French fried, any old way you wanna decide.
Hot potatoes, I want your lovin' every single day.
I want your lovin'
La la la la la la Potatoes,
Boiled, French fried, any old way that you wanna decide.
Hot potatoes,
Hot potatoes, yeh.
Also, I'm thankful for Fleetwood Mac. Which kind of goes hand in hand with the Cali thing.
I have heard some buzz about the new show at Fool's Foundation. I've heard that it involves nudity, so I'm there. It's a collabo between Olivia from Ollipom and some other guy, and Olivia's a nice and lovely lady so check it out. The gallery is open from 3-8 thursday and friday and 12-5 on weekends but I'm sure it's closed tomorrow.
So is there a Knock Knock show on friday? What are the details? Also, what's up with the bike ride tomorrow? When and where? Bananas play a free show with Daisy Spot at Red Square on saturday but I will be going to John Cale at Cafe Du Nord with Heckamax that night.
Also, I'm thankful for H&M and the Kinks song "hot potatoes".
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
call the whaaa-mbulance
As the show was starting we pushed our way towards the middle and proceeded to get stoned, as did 99% of the other people at the show. Everyone agreed that this was the stoniest show they had been to in ages. It looked like there was a fog machine going. I took two pretty big hits and was about to go for a third when smiller warned me "watch out, this stuff is strong". I kinda smirked and almost went for it when I hesitated for a second and thought "Wait, I can feel my eyeballs vibrating". That seemed like a sign that I should stop and good thing I did because if I hadn't I can almost guarantee that my night would have ended in the emergency room. Animal Collective took the stage. It was really hot down on the floor and I was wearing a sweater and the third or fourth song started to get scary and intense and I started to pass out. I was lightheaded and my vision started to go black. I stumbled and pushed my way out of the crowd and to the back (stupidly pushing my way away from my friends) and was terrified that I was actually going to faint and that someone would call an ambulance and that I was going to be forced to tell the ambulance driver that I had just gotten too stoned, and imagining myself thrown in jail as a result. I thought maybe if I could cool down in the bathroom I would be OK. I was still drifting out of consciousness so I couldn't make it and I just ended up sitting on the stairs with my head between my knees. I'm sure I was white as a ghost and I was burning up and covered in a clammy sweat. A song or two passed by while I was in this state and finally an employee (who seemed to be able to tell that I was having some sort of drug freakout, I bet they see them all the time) told me he could get me a glass of water but I was going to have to move off the stairs. I found a seat upstairs and proceeded to talk myself down and convince myself that no, the weed was not laced with acid, it was just really strong. The music? Amazing but I only had stoney, disjointed thoughts about it. It was a very different show from last time. Really catchy and poppy. Last time I was down in the middle and lots of the crowd was distracted and chatting while Davey did stuff like crumple paper into the microphone for 10 minutes. This time the crowd was going absolutely apeshit. It was crazy. More unforced, genuine enthusiasm than I can remember seeing in forever. And the band was feeding off of it and seemed touched. They were called back for two encores and I'm pretty sure they didn't expect the second one but the crowd wouldn't give up. Afterwards the Stooges song "no fun" played and a hippie dance circle started with some Animal Collective acolytes who were dressed in like batik and backless shirts and shit. Is A.C. the new Greatful Dead? Only time will tell.
Blanas blares back
I have sent you the email message that I sent the SN&R Magazine regarding the story you read. As you can see I replied to the magazine within a time frame allowed according to the California Public Request Act. My answers are in blue under each question. If you have questions I am always available to talk, please contact me at my office. I would be happy to provide you with answers you might have surrounding the concerns we have with factual reporting in Sacramento’s only local newspaper. Please give us the opportunity to respond to you directly. We reply to all media inquires that are made verbally or in writing. I will attach a copy of the Sheriff’s Media Policy for your review.
Very Truly Yours,
Sgt. R.L. Davis, Sheriff’s Spokesman
Here are the answers to the SN&R questions (I bet the reporter didn't know that the sheriff's office is forwarding his email around. As you can see, he sent out the questions wednesday at noon for a friday deadline. This doesn't give them much time to answer yet he spun it like they were deliberately not responding. On the other hand, the spokesperson responded to me within hours so maybe they were dragging their feet on purpose. No way to know. Also, note the not-so-subtle insult when they say that journalism should be based on facts, not sensationalism):
From: Jeffrey Barker [mailto:jeffreyb@newsreview.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 12:16 PMTo: Davis, RobertSubject: questions for news story
Sgt. Davis:I have some questions for a news story I am working on. My deadline is Friday morning. I'd appreciate a response by then. I'd prefer to speak by phone and would welcome your telephone call (the only reason I am e-mailing now instead of calling you is that I just got back from a two-hour trip to the dentist and my mouth is numb. Ugh.). Thank you so much. Questions follow.
What is the policy for responding to media inquiries from the Sacramento News & Review?
The media office will respond to verbal or written requests from identified employees of your organization (press credentials).
What is the policy for responding to media inquiries from The Sacramento Bee?
The same
When were these policies put into effect?
We have always had these policies.
Are the policies written down anywhere? If so, where?
See attachment
Who originated the policies?
Our policy is based on the Government Code
Are there policies regarding how the Sheriff's Department Media Bureau deals with other members of the media, i.e. television and radio reporters?
See attachment
Has the department's legal staff reviewed the policy regarding the Bee or SN&R to determine its legality?
The policy for the SN&R magazine is the same as all of the media.
Are there specific, factual errors in stories published by either the Bee or the News & Review that prompted these policies? If so, what are they?
Our policy is very clear and if we have any problems with either organization we will ask for a retraction/correction. If further steps needed to be taken we would contact the organization’s management.
Does Sheriff Lou Blanas believe that he, as a public official, and his department, as a public agency, have a duty to remain open and accountable to the public which he and the department serve?
We are a transparent organization and we do feel that it is important to be accountable to the public, just like we feel it’s important for journalism to be based on facts, not sensationalism.
Does Sheriff Blanas believe the media-contact policies with the Bee and SN&R help or hinder that kind of openness and accountability?
We have an open policy with the media and will continue to do so.
And for a really exciting read, here's the official media policy:
news media policy and procedures
the purpose of this general order is to define policy and procedures regarding news media relations.
i. general
a. policy
this department recognizes its obligation to provide accurate and timely information to the public regarding law enforcement activities.
the policy of this department shall be to permit free access by recognized news media representatives to all public areas under the control of sheriff's personnel whenever possible. news media representatives are those persons who identify themselves as such through the use of press credentials, media business cards, agency credentials or other documentation which establish their primary purpose to be gathering news.
b. access
watch commanders or other officers in charge of an operation shall permit members of the news media access to the scene and shall not prevent the photographing of the scene, Sheriff's personnel, or the operation.
c. restriction of news media access
the media may be controlled and/or restricted during the conduct of departmental operations when the media may be expected to cause:
1. contamination of the crime scene;
2. injury or death to another person (this restriction shall not apply to authorized press personnel who have been advised of potential danger to themselves, and whose presence does not increase the hazard to others); or
3. interference with essential movements or actions of law enforcement or other emergency personnel.
the presence and identity of news media representatives may be recorded and/or escorted at the discretion of the scene commander where it appears reasonably necessary to maintain site/area/situation security and/or protect the property of another.
ii. responsibilities
a. public information and communication is a basic responsibility of management personnel.
b. the authority to respond to a media inquiry may be delegated directly by the office of information or operationally within the service areas through the chain of command.
c. the department member, rank notwithstanding, who is most familiar with an investigation, crime, or incident should be designated to respond to media inquiries and shall advise the office of information. when this is not practical, the immediate supervisor or superior should respond after being fully informed by knowledgeable subordinates.
d. under no circumstances will any employee be compelled to respond to the media. each employee or supervisor shall assess the particular inquiry and direct the reporter to the appropriate individual.
e. in situations where a media inquiry has been received and is not connected to an immediate and on-going situation in the field, response to the media representative may be made only after clearance from the public information officer, his/her designee, or the service area chief deputy. this section does not preclude advance delegation of authority to spokespersons.
f. comments to the media regarding any investigation being conducted by the internal investigations unit, litigation involving department employees, and investigations conducted by other agencies regarding department employees is prohibited. such information may be provided to the media only by the sheriff, undersheriff, or a designated representative.
g. any employee or service area wishing to make a press release or secure media coverage of a particular event shall coordinate the announcement or notification through the office of information.
h. no comments shall be made regarding any case that has been referred to the district attorney's office for prosecution/evaluation. no comments shall be made regarding cases being actively investigated by other police agencies. official comments shall be the exclusive purview of the lead agency having responsibility for the conduct/prosecution of the case.
i. problems with news media personnel shall be reported through the chain of command to the public information officer.
iii. notification
a. major incidents
in major incidents the on-duty patrol watch commander shall direct and ensure that the on-duty communications bureau supervisor notifies the undersheriff and the media information officer. when no watch commander is on duty, notification direction shall be assumed by the responsible patrol supervisor. a major incident is a potential or actual disaster, a situation requiring the commitment of a large number of officers, the arrest of a known public figure or celebrity, or any other event likely to attract news media either at that time or during the following day.
the media information officer shall respond to the scene and assist the on scene commander in providing liaison with news media present. the information officer shall prepare general press releases for other media who are not at the scene as appropriate.
b. media releases
personnel responding to media inquiries and/or making press releases, shall advise the office of information verbally or in writing by the next regular business day.
iv. report access
a. arrest reports
during non-business hours, the media shall have access to copies of arrest reports kept on file in the main jail classification/booking area. copies of arrest reports are not considered "on file" until the completion of the entire booking process. during regular department business hours copies of arrest reports shall be available at the office of information.
b. offense reports
face sheet copies of offense reports (7401 form 012) shall be made available by the records section for media review at the front counter of the sheriff's headquarters building. sensitive information protected by law shall be obliterated if not already excluded by the use of the "victim address deletion form."
c. other reports or contents thereof shall not be released to the media except through the office of information.
v. guidelines for the release of information
when authorized to provide information to the news media, the following guidelines shall apply:
a. information which may be released
1. facts and circumstances of the arrest
(a) time and place
(b) resistance put up by the suspect
(c) pursuit necessary to apprehend
(d) use of weapons by officer or suspect
2. identification of investigating and arresting officers and length of investigation.
3. limited description of evidence seized (do not make any references to confessions, admissions, or statements).
4. disclose the nature, substance, text of charge (can include a brief description of the offense charged).
5. quote from or refer to public records of the court in the case without personal comment.
6. schedule or result of any stage of the judicial process.
7. any request for assistance from the public to obtain evidence.
8. the identity of victim or complainant if the release of that information is not otherwise prohibited by law (no release of victim identity may be made if the crime is defined in the penal code or covers sections 261, 264, 264.1, 273a, 273d, 286, 288a, or 289).
b. do not release
1. prior to the arrest, do not release the identity of the suspect.
2. prior to arrest, do not release the results of investigative procedures.
3. can release above items 1 and 2, if:
(a) will aid in the investigation
(b) assist in the apprehension of the suspect
(c) will warn the public of danger
4. prior criminal record, reputation, or character (can release name, age, residence, occupation, and family status).
5. identity or any personal information of a juvenile arrestee or suspect.
6. existence or contents of any confession or statement given by the suspect or the refusal to make a statement.
7. give an opinion about the possibility of a plea of guilty to offense charged or a lesser offense or other disposition.
8. performance of any examinations or tests, or the suspect's refusal to or failure to submit to an examination or test.
9. any photographs or mug shots except:
(a) if release will aid in arrest of suspect
(b) aid in the investigation
(c) warn the public of danger
10. the identity, testimony, or credibility of prospective witnesses.
11. any personal opinion concerning the suspect's guilt, innocence, or merits of the case.
12. any information which would be known to be inadmissible in court.
13. do not move or pose suspects solely for the purpose of allowing photographs or news film to be taken. however, do not prevent photographers from taking unposed pictures in public places.
14. references to investigative procedures such as fingerprints, polygraph tests, ballistic tests, or laboratory tests.
Monday, November 21, 2005
stay tuned
enough already!
make a stink! make a stink!
overlong post about stuff i ate
So, no celebs at Butter but we did have an ultra amazing dinner. I'll tell you about it after I complain that I spent most of the day in bed watching Six Feet Under as various viruses had their way with me. I better feel better tomorrow or I am going to remove my swollen gland myself with a chilled spoon. Stupid gland. (update, it may be a node according to Amy P.)
I started out the dinnner with a glass of Perrier-Jouet, which I've always wanted to try because I love the Art Nouveau bottle (the one with the flowers). I liked it but it was no better than countless sparkling Cali wines that cost half as much. Then the VIP treatment began. Two different kinds of soup were sent out, some crazy white bean and mussel soup that was amazing and a pudding-like butternut squash. Then they sent out seared foie gras with figs and chocolate bread. I do not like seared foie gras. I think it tastes like hot fat. I love pate, though. That was the only off note for me, but the others at the table snapped it up. We also got scallops, and an appetizer with pasta and spicy lamb sausage. I'm afraid I will bore you if I continue with the menu but everything was delcious. One person got lobster which was exciting to try. Here's a link to a (slightly outdated) dessert menu so you can see the delicious stuff that my friend has created. He sent out every single one of the desserts on the menu and we washed it all down with a flowery glass of muscat that I wish I knew the name of even though I probably couldn't afford a bottle.
Other amazing meals-medium rare lamb burger at Chez Oskar may be the best burger ever and successfully solved the dispute of whether rare or raw lamb is a good thing. A nice, cheap homestyle Italian feast was had at La Locanda in Williamsburg. As the review promised, it was hipster free. In fact it was mostly enormous guys in tracksuits shoveling escarole and beans into their mouths with their meaty paws and chatting up the cute waitresses. I love a place that will fill your glass of good chianti to the brim and charge you $4.50 for it. In fact, I love it so much I had two glasses and consequently I think the waitress caught me checking out her rack which sucks. But everyone there can back me up that it was hard not to look! Also, I ate breakfast twice at Bonita and I think their breakfasts are not to be missed if you're in Brooklyn. And so cheap! 5.50 for the huevos Mexicanos. It's a giant mound of scrambled eggs with tomato, peppers, and onion with beans on the side and tortillas. And the cafe con leche is a milky glass of heaven. OK don't ever remind me that I wrote that sentence but I wish I was drinking it right now.
Later I'll post about upcoming shows if you were skimming your way through my culinary adventures.
posting guilt
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
my swollen gland
To the anonymous snot head: I am an excellent speller and when I spell chardonnay wrong I know that I am spelling it wrong but I am too lazy to look it up. I know how to spell fuck you, though. And to the person busting my chops about Mason's, you are an ineffective chop buster, so give it up. I never even said Mason's wasn't good, if you read the actual post, I just complained that the Bee was talking about them constantly which you cannot deny no matter how much of an idiot you are (notice I just trapped the buster along the lines of when Groucho Marx asks someone "have you stopped beating your wife?"). Also, to the other snot-o that said you will be filing your nails the night of the Animal Collective show, good for you, hold onto that smug feeling it will take you far. These are obviously all just my OPINIONS on this blog, not fact, if you don't agree then express that but you don't have to be anonymously rude. I am feeling feisty because I have had some brews and have spent far to much time wondering who the anonymous haters could be. I would like to coin a phrase here (you can quote me if you like) and say, don't hate, appreciate. I am only trying to entertain you for a few measly minutes at work and entertain myself while I'm at it.
Thankfully I am out of our nations crapitol which is not so great. I'm sure there are great things about it but the whole capitol mall (or is it capital, chop buster?) area is busted looking. Would it kill them to keep the lawn up a little? Ugly. But I am now in beautiful Billyburg (which would annoy Josh but I think he stopped reading when I said it the last time) and have been sampling the delights of Bedford, among them excellent Polish food and a bar called Spuyten Duyvil with delicious, albeit pricey, beer. Tonight we are heading to Butter as I mentioned before. It is raining. This whole weather thing is so inconvenient. It leads to wet feet and curly bangs, the bane of my existence (besides the aforementioned gland). What's going on in Sac? Who is going to be the best band at the Halloween show? I know Oasis has been talking shit but what about the Mac? Anyone else want to make a claim?
Thursday, November 10, 2005
smell ya later!
I'm going to that Mt. Eerie show tonight at FF despite the warnings that the guy takes his shirt off. And that's a bad thing? Enjoy your three day weekend if you get one!
this is fucked
I forgot to listen to myself get namedroped on Insight yesterday, I'm pretty sure that this is the link to listen, I'll check it out when I have a minute.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Did you know that there's a group going to Poinsettia over Thanksgiving? Email Ella if you want to know about it. I'm mulling it over because my family has decided to crap out on the whole being a family, togetherness thing and we don't have holidays anymore. That may sound sad but really it means I can do whatever I want and I don't have to put up with any of their bullshit any more, so is it really sad? Is it? BUT I have John Cale tickets, so I probably won't go.
There are shows tonight and tomorrow at Fool's Foundation. I will probably go to the one tomorrow because, I don't know, just because.
Other upcoming shows that I've already mentioned are Animal Collective on monday, the 21st. If you don't care about seeing the best band in the world then you can just stay home and file your nails. See if I care. And the Finches show at Hotel Utah is the same night (the 19th) as the lovely Tessian's bday party at Port Costa (fort costa?). I found out today that another band called Still Flyin that I really want to see (and that play rarely) are on the Finches show. Crap!
Paragary lets me down
I ate at Chaat Corner last night. Let's just say they spared all expense on the decor. They don't even have the News and Review review posted! It's very drafty, too. But, the food is quite good and so cheap. As everyone else has said the samosa chaat is not to be missed. That was the best thing. The other dishes we tried were good and not too oily but nothing to write home about. I would like to try more of the stuff on the menu. And you can get tons of food for less than ten bucks.
The Sacbee cannot stop talking about that new Mason's complex. You would think they were getting a kickback from the owner or something. I think they have had 4 articles in the last couple of weeks, two of them major. Yesterday a feature on the family that owns it took up most of the front page of the Scene section, with color photos. This one was at least kind of interesting (not like that blathering one I linked to before), because this family has been prominent on the sac business scene for a few generations. I STILL haven't heard anything about what the food tastes like, at either Mason's or Ma Jongs. The Bee needs to try to vary their coverage a bit more. It's sad that they're salivating over these businesses. It's another desperate attempt to make sac appear hip, which we're not.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
what's this guy's game?
low standards
And then there's this guy, who can't find any "real" women. Where are these guys hanging out? Trannytown?*
*worst joke of the day (so far)
maybe i'll eat my first pupusa (sounds dirty, no?)
know your david cross
finches shows!
!!! west coast tour
!!! To Tour Tour Tour West Coast
Matthew Solarski reports:!!! are the ultimate mood gauge. Because you may gab about them using any monosyllabic utterance thrice repeated, !!!-related conversations provide invaluable insight into a speaker's temperament. For instance, the gleeful may remark, "scope you at the Yay Yay Yay gig tonight, G!" To which the cynical may reply, "what the Fuck Fuck Fuck?" For the miserable, it's the Woe Woe Woe or Die Die Die show, while the unimpressed may duly refer to !!! as Blah Blah Blah or Eh Eh Eh. But fie fie fie on the haters, I say.
Whatever your disposition, I think we all can agree to shake that butt at Nic Offer's command when !!! descend upon the West Coast next month. The band behind the "Feel Good Hit of the Fall" plans to wrap up this season of dying leaves in appropriately decadent fashion, by sashaying up and down the western shores of the U.S. and Canadia on a seven-date party bender, also sometimes called a tour.
Shake shake shake it:
12-01 Eugene, OR - W.O.W. Hall
12-02 Portland, OR - Berbati's Pan
12-03 Seattle, WA - Crocodile Café
12-04 Vancouver, British Columbia - The Plaza
12-07 San Francisco, CA - Mezzanine
12-09 Pomona, CA - Glass House
12-10 Los Angeles, CA - El Rey
12-12 San Diego, CA - Casbah
The band is presently doing the whole "intermittent recording" thing, at work on a new batch of feel-good hits that should drop via Touch and Go sometime in Summer 2006. Indeed, !!! hope to use this tour to debut some of the fledging dancefloor anthems, which are, according to guitarist Mario Andreoni, "stripped, wiley and raw...but wiser." Truly though, what could possibly trump the wisdom emanating from "like I give a fuck about that motherfucking shit"?
Where the hell is Pomona? And what the hell is the Mezzanine? That's rad that they're going to be in town around the holidays. Get your tickets now. I hope they can have a show in Sac. Maybe on the 8th?
I voted (imagine me saying this smugly) I'm smug! Smug!
Oasis was pretty well behaved last night except when Liam offered me a shag in the loo. I don't really know British slang but I don't think that's very nice so I politely turned him down.
If you are worried you won't have time to vote today I wouldn't because it took me about 30 seconds. So go on your lunchbreak or something and help us stick it to the governor in the way he deserves.
I'm sure that C.H. can give me some good advice, but for additional points of view, I'd like to ask if you had about two days in D.C. to do touristy type stuff what would you do? I've already ruled out the Holocaust museum because I've spent about 15% of my waking life thinking about the Holocaust so I don't think it's a must-see for me. So whaddya say?
Also, I'd like to officially proclaim that Animal Collective is the best band in the world right now. Does anyone care to dispute this? I'd like to see you try.
Monday, November 07, 2005
shout out to nationwide
The guy who wrote the book (Anthony Swofford) is from Sacramento. I was reading it last night and he mentions how while in Saudi, he was daydreaming about where he’d eat his first hamburger when he got home, a double french with cheese from Nationwide Freezer Meats.
vote it up
seatbelts save lives
Infiltrating all media
Oasis will be screening a DVD at my house today, so for God's sake if you see Damon or Graham tell them not to come by (this joke is not getting old for me). Also not welcome: Thom Yorke, space aliens.
Selected quotes: (for those of you who think that Liam has all the good ones)
This guy came up to me from some band and he said that 'Man, I'd hate to be you right now, no privacy at all' and I was thinking, 'Sure thing man, I have a fucking Rolls Royce, a million dollars in the bank, a fucking mansion and my own jet and you think you'd feel sorry for me? What are you? I'd hate to be you, broke as all hell living in the dole.' "- Noel
"If I ever get to go to the moon, I'll probably just stand on the moon and go 'Hmmm, yeah...fair enough...gotta go home now.'-Noel
red hot

Originally uploaded by becklerg.
If you're like me and you never get sick of looking at pictures of Gal Costa, go here: http://www.keller.com/bass/gal/
On an unrelated note, a couple of people have mentioned the Marsden Hartley exhibit at the Crocker. I've never heard of this guy, but I want to check it out. It's up until the end of January, but don't delay too long because the gorey photos from the Mutter museum are only up for a couple more weeks. The Crocker is open until 9 on thursdays, if that helps, and it's free on sunday from 10-1 if you're a cheapskate.
broze own?
I would like to give an official thumbs up to Jarhead and recommend it highly. Unless a shitload of great movies come out at the end of the year it's sure to make my top 5. For the record, 40 year old virgin is on track to become number one, perhaps the first time a silly comedy has ever placed at that spot for me. I'm contrasting that to Woody Allen's bittersweet-style comedies. Sure Jarhead is meandering and weakly plotted, but that war was pointless, hence plotless. Why everyone gotta hate on Sam Mendes?
Tried to go to Chaat Corner on Northgate with the Head but it was inexplicably closed on a friday night!?! They have a brand new ad in the SNR so I don't think it could be out of business. We salvaged the trip by going to 524#2, which was excellent as always.
I also made my third trip to Dragonfly and this place just keeps improving. Our cali-style sushi roll was really, really tasty. The best I've had in Sac in a while. The Dragonfly menu stands out because of their numerous healthy options, and both that we sampled (a tofu veggie bowl and a thai chicken soup) were flavorful and satisfying, especially the thai chicken soup. This is in sharp contrast to, say, Paesanos, where I ate on saturday (I know, it's insane but I spend the majority of my money on food). Everything on the menu is a total gut bomb. Even the salads come drenched in cheese and bacon. All the pastas have a cream sauce, and the pasta I got was swimming in orange oil. I felt ill rather quickly after eating there.
Can't we all just bike along?
Me and smiller had just eaten at the bagel shop way down on H street (it keeps changing its name, I don't know what it's called now-lets say Fly-By-Night-Bagels-it's better than Noah's though, which isn't hard) and had gotten on our bikes to ride further down H. A ruddy-faced blond lady of about 35 years of age was jogging on the sidewalk towards us. Scott went into the bike lane going the wrong way, but I stayed on the sidewalk, just starting to bike and slowly picking up speed. There was plenty of room for both of us and I was going very slowly, not whizzing by by any means. I was on the extreme outer edge of the sidewalk and I noticed that she hadn't moved over and indeed seemed to be trotting in my direction. As she came parallel with me she said "you're riding on the SIDEWALK" and she punctuated that last word with a weak-ass punch to my arm and kept jogging. I was dumbfounded and turned to watch her jog away. I quickly became incensed and rode my bike after her, cutting her off at the corner. In the heat of the moment I missed it, but Scott said that someone, perhaps this other guy riding his bike who had witnessed the incident yelled "beat her up!". I cornered her and started yelling that she was a fucking lunatic and had problems. She said, "you were riding the wrong way on the sidewalk" as if this were a punchable offense. Then she tried to shake my hand, as if in apology, although no apology had been uttered. I continued to repeat that she was a fucking nut and she began jogging away. The end.
Why do people hate bikes so much? Why would a jogger make this her issue? I'm sure cars try to cut her off when she's crossing all the time. Just yesterday I was riding my bike across one of the busy streets downtown in a mid-block crosswalk and this giant truck honked at me and when I looked over the passenger was flipping me off. Keep in mind that although I DID have the right of way, I had crossed way far in advance of this truck and there is no way they would have even had to slow down a little bit for me, although it would have been perfectly within my rights to bring them to a complete stop if I wished. What is wrong with people?
Friday, November 04, 2005
I call bullshit.
Chilis, Too review
insert heading here.
I went to the new coffee shop in Levinson's this morning. It's called Temple. It's really swank inside so that the bums can sit in comfort. Nothing against bums, some of my best friends are bums, we were just wondering the other night if the dude that opened it knows what he's getting into as far as regulars. The espresso was good. It tasted really similar to Naked coffee. He had the usual assortment of pastries, and of course no bagels. Things have been tough in this town since Arnold passed that anti-bagel intitiative, but it needed to be done. Bagels are just too delicious and too perfect as a breakfast food. If people were that satisfied with their breakfasts, they would probably just skip lunch and all the lunch places would go out of business, and where would we be then? Better to just stick to eating cardboard-style sickly sweet and fatty croissants and scones all the time.
I'm busy this morning. No, not working, planning out what I'm going to eat when I'm on the east coast next week. So far I have a small list: Bar Tabac, Egg, a trip to Chinatown with a stop at Joe's Shanghai for the soup dumplings, a trip to Murray's cheese shop, Grace is going to Peter Lugar's but I'm just not that into steak, who knows maybe I'll go, it is one of only two places in the country where you can get a properly aged steak. I could use other suggestions, especially anything cheap and delicious, because I unfortunately can't afford Masa and Per Se.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Randy Paragary I call you out
p.s.-Juniorquenchfan-I'd like to make a suggestion that you take the 300 bucks I made for you and use it to buy a ticket to the Xmas party. I know it's right before the holidays and all that crap but who cares, really? What could be a better way to celebrate our savior's birth than dirty dancing to dancehall? Assuming that Jason D. will also be in attendance.
local blog rundown

Originally uploaded by becklerg.
Now that Michele mentioned movies I want to recommend that if you like horror movies you rent Suspiria. I chose this image to post over the numerous other ones available because they were all too disturbing (I know, I've been posting some dark stuff but it's cuz of Halloween!). This movie is INSANE. Can any other horror fans recommend which Argento movie to rent next? He's got a lot.
GG suicide barrier
I caught a glimpse this morning of part of a series the SF Chronicle is doing on the debate over putting a suicide barrier on the Golden Gate bridge. Check it out. I have a feeling that this could finally happen. I think the momentum may be there. The first time I really thought about this issue was in 2003 when the New Yorker printed this article on it. The author, Tad Friend was clearly on the pro-barrier side, and I agreed with him. The case that struck me most clearly was the guy in the 70s who jumped and had left a note in his apartment that if one person smiled at him on the way there, he wouldn't do it. So sad. Your first reaction may be that it's not worth spending money on or possibly obscuring the view because those people will kill themselves anyway, but if you know anything about the thought process of suicidal people you would now that that's just not true. Most people who are suicidal are not thinking logically, and some people kill themselves impulsively when they are particularly down. At this point, the bridge is such a powerful symbol that it attracts people who are in this state of mind. Well, read the articles if you have time, especially the NYer one, because he states it more eloquently than I can.
I eat, you reap the benefits
Friday night: I was doing some late night eating, so I decided to try Ink again for the first time. I once tried a tuna melt and mac and cheese there and remembered it as pretty good. This time smiller got the mac and cheese add hot dog (because he cannot resist ANYTHING with a hot dog added to it) and I got the boca with grilled mushrooms and fries. A word about the ambiance: it's all right (stunningly descriptive) with stupid tattoo flash art crap around and at around 9:30 it wasn't too crowded or obnoxious, although I'm pretty sure it gets heinously packed with drunk people on weekend nights especially after the bars close. Scott's food was more like hot dog cheese soup and was pretty flavorless, I thought. The mac and cheese seemed completely different from the tasty baked stuff that I remembered. However, my boca may be the best fake burger to be had downtown. It was really meaty and the bun was all grilled and buttery. The fries were kinda shoestring style, I said nay, miller said yay.
After this late night meal I of course awakened ravenously hungry and we rode bikes to Nopalitos. You probably have not eaten there because they have terrible hours, especially for nine to fivers, but you should try. They serve breakfast monday-fri from 6-1045 and lunch from M-F maybe until 2? 3? Lunch is really good, but the breakfast is even better. What's the thing you got, Scott, some cactus thing? It was like a breakfast relleno and it was so fucking delicious. I got a breakfast burrito with chorizo that was very good, especially with their excellent salsa, but I was a wee bit disappointed that the chorizo was overly salty and didn't have the spicy taste I expect from chorizo (my therapist always says that I need to stop putting chorizo on a pedestal).
Later, after some dinner debate, we decided to drive to Vientianne. If you haven't tried this place you are missing out, big time. The number one dish you must order is the stuffed chicken wings. They are stuffed with a delectable mixture of garlicky ground pork and jelly noodles and served with a fiery sweet sauce. As detailed by Ella last week, there are numerous delicious items on their menu. And it's so cheap. The whole meal with beer for two was barely more than I usually spend on sushi just for me. I never have room, but all of the three dessert items they have are just about the best desserts ever. They are combos of either mango, coconut ice cream (which I suspect may be housemade) and sweet sticky rice.
***This is a complete lie.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
i'm out
Cameltoe Contest
Jump on it!
Young Gal Costa

Originally uploaded by becklerg.
My next few entries will show how bored I am. The actress from the Stepfather is named Jill Schoelen and she was 24 at the time it was filmed, so even though she really did look 16 it's not too scandalous that she was nude. However, it's (semi)interesting to note that she dated Keanu Reeves and was briefly engaged to Brad Pitt.
crime alert
I was checking to see if there was a press release from the sheriff about it (maybe it's a police thing, I don't understand the diff), and I started looking at sacto's most wanted to amuse myself and I couldn't help noticing how many of the dudes, especially those in on DUIs looked hella banged up. In light of the recent and growing jail scandal this is interesting.
You know! A family and all that traditional crap!

Originally uploaded by becklerg.
Man, The Stepfather still holds up as a great (and funny) scary movie. One thing that I've never seen, because I think I only watched it on TV a coupla times is the gratuitous nude scene with the (supposedly) 16 year old daughter. If you haven't seen this movie, rent it!
The power of this blog has apparently made juniorquenchfan 300 bucks from checking the website that I linked. I only expect a 10% comission on that. I'll accept a check.
I don't understand Charles comment about the RTL show. If you have a show on December 3rd, why would you want the Halloween show (why are we even still calling it that?) on that day? Can someone clarify?
As for the Heritage Party 2, when is this going to happen? I hear the theme this year is "American Heritage" and I'm all over that like tree jizz on my car.