Tuesday, December 19, 2006
killed it
There is also a show tonight that I'm excited about. It's at the Delta of Venus, yet another folkie from Nevada City, Alela Diane (i keep changing this cuz I don't know which one is first or last. Her myspace says the show starts at seven but I'm not sure if that's true or what the line up is. I'll try to call after I get some work done.
Monday, December 18, 2006
she's phoking amazing!

How much do I love Edokko 2? So much that even though they were not answering their phones on sunday I somehow convinced myself that that must be the wrong number (despite the fact that I checked the phone book and called information and called them about 20 times) and drove all the way out to Greenhaven anyway in my desperate attempt for a sunday ramen breakfast. They open at five on sunday but I drew the line at waiting outside the door for five hours. Soooo...I ended up at Pho King on stockton. It was very good. I wish I could say that it was PhoKing Amazing! but that would be going a bit too far. I got the lemongrass noodle soup with pork and beef. That sounds innocuous but the result was rather scary. There were some cuts of beef that looked frightening (with globular bits) but tasted like normal, yummy beef. The pork cut didn't really have any meat, just white, tough goosebumped skin and tendons and stuff. The scariest thing was an exactly rectangular chunk of something that we concluded was either congealed and sliced blood or a chunk of liver or kidney? Can anyone help me out here with what it might have been? There was no mention of it on the menu. I tasted it and it tasted vaguely iron-ish but not as strong as liver. The broth and noodles were really good and I was proud that I didn't get grossed out. Smiller got flank steak pho that had a good tamarind heavy broth.
I'm going to Joanna Newsom at the great american in sf tonight! Yay!
the elder craftsman

I was in Old Sac on sunday (you can't keep me out of the sac. don't try) to hit up Laszlo's gourmet smoked fish for my article and I happened by an awesome store called the Elder Craftsman. It's all crafts created by old folks (or Sacramento's senior artisans as they put it) and staffed by a sweet grandma type. I scored a rad Christmas ornament but the real score was the kid stuff. They had great hand-knitted blankets, clothes and dolls. They had super big amazing sock monkeys. They have some of the stuff online so you can take a look at it. Those big sock monkeys are only 22 bucks! I can't believe I haven't ever been to this place. The lady staffing it said that it's been open since the 80's.
the jerk is me
Friday, December 15, 2006
PE at the Beat?
nog dog!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Thanksgiving Appetite Enhancement Ride 2006

Thanksgiving Appetite Enhancement Ride 2006
Originally uploaded by pinkboi.
I finally found some photos of that thing I can't talk about. I'm in this picture so there's a hint if you don't know who I am. I don't know the guy who took this but he also has awesome pictures of his dog in a santa outfit
super rambling post-try to make it through

Jeez, Darell Corti is always one step ahead of me (and like ten steps on the evolutionary ladder). I thought I was the first to hunt down Stochniy's Russian restaurant (the sign sez Russian, the internet listing says Ukrainian) but that by now legendary (in Sac) sfgate article (linked above, scroll down for addresses) mentions his recommendation of it. I tried it out yesterday for my Midtown Monthly article. The hot borscht was great and really hit the spot on a gloomy day. They give you yeasty, fresh rolls with the soup and a garlic dipping sauce for the them. The stuffed cabbage was also delicious. It was stuffed with very fatty ground beef. I accidentally ordered sweet cheese blinis, which weren't very good. I should have gotten a savory type but I panicked when I was ordering. We got a funny "salad" that consisted of mayo, peas, crab meat, potatoes, and chicken. Not bad bud I wished that it was Junes macaroni salad instead. Man, I have been eating a lot of stuffed cabbage lately for this article. The stuffed cabbage at Cafe Marika is also wonderful. I think I am starting to resemble a stuffed cabbage and my hair smells like chopped liver. Sorry for giving all the dudes reading this a boner at work. Just cover it with the Peterson report until it goes away.
After spending a day in North Highlands thrifting and eating yesterday let me tell you that the Russian ladies can do things with their hair that Americans can only dream of. It really pained me to have to pass a completely empty Pattaya Thai because I have to write that damn article! And I officially decided that Deseret is the best thrift store in the greater Sacramento area. It is cheap and it has great stuff of all types. I picked up an old Levi's womans plaid shirt with a matching strip of fabric that I can use in my hair! For like a buck. And like I've said before, they always have rad handmade stuff because of the industrious Mormon women that stock the place. And old lady there told Smiller that they sometimes take the jigsaw puzzles home and do them to make sure all the pieces are there! We scored a puzzle that is the poster for Dr. Zhivago. A search for the Dr. Zhivago image led me to the rad fan art above. There's lots more where that came from.
Speaking of Cortis (which someone once called "that place you're always talking about" which didn't make me feel like the most exciting person in the world) they are now importing the products of the famous and previously illegal Iberian pig. When chorizos are outlawed...you know the rest. The celebrity couple that US Magazine have dubbed "willa" (actually this is something I accidentally call them all the time-when I'm not calling them CrossField) bought some of the salami and I tried it. It tasted...acorn fed?
another far-flung correspondent
what am I?
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
take that shit to the spicy personals!
1)he is obviously on his laptop at the spaghetti factory
2)look for the typo
Taylor's market is the best!
Be adequite

The band spankrock (that brew saw in SF last night) has a song called lindsay lohan that sez her vag looks like a "baby rat" and tells her to "put that pussy away". Funny. This tshirt was also making me laugh.
This Fortunato Brothers review is going to make some people I know mad and is also comple bullshit. Fortunato Bros has a great cappucino and I don't even really like cannoli but theirs is the best (guess what else is probably going to fall in quality because of NYs stupid trans fat ban? Cannoli.-If I lived there I would be rioting in the streets. I would have a lard-in in the mayor's office)
total melarkey
This article also made me sad, mostly when I read about the Z Gallerie. The reporter mentions in the end that with the softening of the housing market the housing deal will probably take an eternity to work out. Does anyone have any info on how all the luxury lofts are renting or selling? I have a feeling by the time the twin towers and the Liebeskind condos are done that they are not going to have anyone to sell them to, but maybe I'm wrong.
Edokko 2: The return of the ramen.

Hey you guys, don't forget that the Jonathan Richman show is this saturday at Marilyn's. That is always a good time.
I'm making chopped liver for a Hanukah celebration I'm going to. Does anyone have a recommendation for where I can pick up a pound of chicken livers? Making schmaltz is so much work, I don't think I'm going to bother. Where am I supposed to get like four pounds of chicken skin?! Oy.
Monday, December 11, 2006
lost lost lost lost lost lost
Fun weekend. Jaybiz's command performance kept the crowd in the palm of his hand. The walk-on duet with Neil Diamond was completely unexpected, Neil usually calls me when he is in town. Too bad Joel couldn't come to do his toasting part during white white wine. Holy shit! I was looking for the myspace page of jay and joel just now and ended up searching four eyes myspace and there is another band (person) named four eyes. The scary thing is that the song that played was called "becky demo" and I am just self-centered enough to think that it was about me, but the song is bizarre and sucks, so it couldn't be about me (no cracks!) Here is the Jay and Joel show page.
Saw Apocalypto. Mel Gibson is a sick fuck. The most disturbing thing about this movie for me was watching it with a bloodthirsty crowd that laughed at the violence. Also, when a guy's heart was cut out of his chest this middle-aged guy behind me kept saying "eat it" over and over.
Sampinos has continued its roll of good stuff. We got a rotisserie chicken and some corned beef. Both meats were delectable.
If anyone is going to make those bacon cookies, I'd leave out the syrup. Last year I left it out and they were more like bacon sugar cookies which was a better flavor than bacony ginger snaps.
Friday, December 08, 2006
pub rankings
1)Sacramento News and Review
2)Midtown Monthly (slightly biased)
3)Alive and Kicking
5)Sacramento Biz Journal
6)Because People Matter
7)The rantings of USA against racism
9)B.L. Kennedy's 60 page poem about the instant that Jim Morrison died
10)That graffiti in the alley behind the Java Lounge that says "Gett up off my nutts"
11)Sacramento magazine
12)The Sacramento Bee
yelp again
Here is a review of the La Bou in West Sac:
I had a really bad experience at this La Bou. No details needed. I would not eat here again. ever.
This is a really bad review. No details needed. I will not read this review again. ever.
And then K.F. goes off on the alleged attitude of staff and customers at Peets. I went there twice this week. I go there from 1 to 5 times every single week and I have yet to ever receive an iota of attitude. Sometimes the workers are harried, but they are always nice. But I guess I should just listen to the Armeniac's lecture and bite my tongue. Too late though I already wrote this and my backspacing finger is tired.
That's all for now on the driving me nuts. Don't feel compelled to defend it if you love it because obviously I read it all the time. The only other thing that has been twisting me up is trying to figure out the secret identity of this reviewer. He cracks me up because I already wrote about how I hate the "no msg" guy (that's his quote) (oops, looks like he changed his quote) who mostly reviews chains as to whether their food has msg. Well, this persons quote is "monosodium glutamate" and his/her pictures are all msg related, like the chemical structure of msg or a really funny new one of msg going straight to his dome. I have a suspicion but I don't know if it's true because whoever it is worked at Pieces.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
me me me
I made chili verde from the Bledsoe's pork shoulder that I bought at the famer's market (which required some butchering on my part, at Bledsoe's they really just give you a hunk of meat, skin attched). I used JD's recipe from the comments on an earlier post and it turned out remarkably good for my first try! It seemed like something you'd get at a restaurant, only spicier (I added two whole serranos). I also made bagels using the Montreal recipe that G linked to, and they turned out ok except I followed the baking directions and they charred on the bottom and set off the smoke alarm! Maybe it's my oven, I'll have to try again. I do think you'd need a wood-burning oven to duplicate the chewy texture that sets Montreal bagels apart, though, and that would set off the smoke alarm for sure.
I am starting my eastern Euro eating rampage tonight. No goulash is safe!
KW reviewed a downtown restaurant and I learned a new word (soignee)
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
i feel like chicken tonight
service debate, part 69
Speaking of Vietnamese food, everyone who has eaten at Andy Nguyen knows that it is often slow and you shouldn't go there if you have any kind of time limit. I still love the food so I accept this and plan accordingly. However, the other night the portion size of the item I usually order (the awakening of faith rice noodle bowl) was randomly quite a bit smaller! GW confirmed she had experienced this with some soup she got there recently. I hope this is not a trend! Oh Andy when will you ever get it together?
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Toy drive on saturday
Chris Macias is doing a three part series on South Sac rappers. The really entertaining part is the comments after. There are a bunch of the inevitable anti hiphop ones that a bunch of uptight squares wrote. I liked this one:
From a 62-year old man and his 66-year old wife. COOL! Like our dances and concerts when we were younger, audience participation and lots of highs and FUN! What a PARTY!
Now that's the spirit!
Monday, December 04, 2006
goin' apeshit
If you ever mailorder CDs or LPs, don't forget about our friends over at tonevendor. I just got a CD from them and it arrived posthaste.
Also, midtown monthly and Spanish Fly Hair Garage (it caused me a lot of pain to type that just now) are having a toy drive on saturday. I need to find more info, but these are the sketchy details that LM provided:
I wanna say it starts at 5pm. 54321 will be spinning records, acouple of bands are going to play, and we're doing a toy drive.
i make bagels
There was a pretty weird comment somewhere down there about Sactown mag that was semi-calling me out or something. I havent' read it (or even seen it) yet so I can't really say anything. Corti's doesn't sell it. I'm not sure who does.
Joanna Newsom was fucking amazing, or course. I guess both her shows in SF are sold out so hopefully she'll add another one.
The really earth-shaking news (for me) is that I made bagels this weekend. At around eight on saturday night I had the brainstorm that rather than constantly lamenting the lack of good bagels in Sac I could just make them! I had all the ingredients on hand and by 11pm I was stuffing them down like nobody's business. I used the Joy of Cooking recipe, but I want to try different ones. They are small, they are funny looking, and they're not as dense as I'd like them to be, but they're better than the bagels you can get around here. I thought that boiling them would be scary and they'd fall apart or something, but once I figured out to just drop in a couple at a time (the Joy of C makes it sound like you dump them in all at once but they expand like crazy!) I was OK.
Also, I bought a giant pork shoulder at the farmer's market this weekend. Does anyone have any ideas about what I should do with it (and don't be rude!)?
Friday, December 01, 2006
food! i'm hungry
Also, we passed a place called Mariscos Mazatlan that is right near it. Has anyone been there? I really want to try it. I'm hoping they have smoked marlin tacos!
Thursday, November 30, 2006

I was searching for that bacon fat cookie recipe because I am going to make them for another potluck when I came across this website.
hipster tots
KW reviews a place in Roseville. Can we at least stick to the city of sac most of the time? This is great for readers in roseville but with a jillion Mexican places in sac that I haven't tried yet (a billion on Franklin alone) I am not heading out to the boonies to try one. The Bites column this week is really good. That's interesting about the SMUD defeat. That seemed like such a clear cut great idea that I was puzzled as to why it didn't pass. It seems like people would catch on that PGandE was spending so much money and spreading lies to defeat it, but I guess most people only knew what PGandE told them.
All you reading types out there, when was the last time you hit up the Book Collector? Don't forget about it. Too bad they don't carry US magazine or I could go there more often.
breaking news
RIP Gino Corti
This place Smaak sounds intriguing, but I can't tell exactly what they serve. They really scored by getting the url europeanbuffet.com. I'm suprised no one else had snapped that up. I am definitely going to go to Stolighniy Russian Ukrainian & American Cuisine for my next article. And I can't wait to eat at Cafe Marika. I've never been there!
Get this-can you believe that tickets to see Jackie Greene at Marilyn's on New Years Eve are sixty fucking dollars! Luckily, tickets to see Jonathan Richman at the same venue are only fifteen. It's on saturday, December 16th.
Lastly, RIP Gino Corti, who was the cofounder of Corti Brothers along with his previously deceased brother Frank.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
becca? becky? same thing.
A big reason the blog has been pretty boring and has had little content of late is because I rarely eat out anymore. That's a 180 degree turnaround for me because I used to eat out every single night but I really like to cook so I wasn't always that happy with that. Not to mention that I was spending most of my income on food and wine. I've been doing a lot of cooking and learning new things in that arena, which is exciting to me, but hardly exciting to write about. Also, you try writing a blog for years on end and try to find new things to say. I'm just thinking out loud here because I wonder why it's gotten so boring (for me too). I'll think about packing it in but then there will be a day here and there where everyone is commenting and it's fun so I can't decide.
Hmm..music. The new Joanna Newsom is really growing on me. I am going to see her in Santa Cruz on friday with Bill Callahan (or as she calls him in the record "dear Billy") opening. I'm also excited about the upcoming Alela Diane show at Delta of Venus. For those of you in the Bay Area, J. News is playing there mid-month. I also heard she's playing in London with the London Philharmonic, which is insane. I want to get the new White Magic album because I liked Quixotic (I won't spell it the right way) more than they probably deserved. I guess it's because I saw them live before I knew anything abou them. The Finches have a show midweek next week in SF. I really wish I could go, but I probably won't. They are entreating people for shows this winter. Who can help them get a show in Sac? Not it. Seriously, click on that link and listen to Last Favor. I love it!
The new Midtown Monthly will be out this weekend. I apologize in advance for the corny jokes in my column. Sorry if they make you groan. I am hatching some sort of Eastern European column for next month, if people have suggestions. I can't believe there is no Polish food in the Sac area! That is insane. Standard hangover food.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
post for niki

hope her boss will let her have a minute away to read this interview. I think that Tony Bourdain is really inspiring. Those are a couple of his yearbook photos.
spin magazine
Monday, November 27, 2006
not even worth clicking on the publish post button
I just noticed this letter in the news and review from last week:
Whine whine baby
Re “Ice ice baby” by Becca Costello (SN&R Nothing Ever Happens, November 9):
I’m going to just come right out and say what thousands of SN&R readers are no doubt thinking: Becca Costello’s weekly column is as annoying as hell.
I think I’ve given it more than a fair shake. I’ve been reading it nearly every week since its inception, waiting for the turnaround, but at this point it is quite apparent that none is forthcoming, so I will no longer bother. You should rename her column “Nothing Ever Happens Because I Am Too Busy Whining and Being Insecure to Just Let Go and Have a Good Time.”
The premise of this regular feature is good, but the execution is poor. Here’s an idea: In doing a column about happenings around Sacramento, choose a columnist who actually enjoys doing things! Otherwise, you get what we have now: A person who approaches four out of five activities with fear and trepidation, complains about discomfort during the whole experience, resents those who appear to be enjoying themselves, then wraps it up by copping out. What exactly are her qualifications for writing this column?'
Ed LaFrance
That reminded me to check the column and it was gone. Temporary hiatus or has it run its course? How's this for an exciting blog post?
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
no narcs allowed
Turkey Day Bike Ride
Monday, November 20, 2006

This Bee headline is making me laugh. It has awkward phrasing. Sadly, the Experience motel in West Sac (picture stolen from this flickr set) is going to make way for-da da da*-Luxury motherfucking lofts. Will West Sac continue to be the best sac (as some, not me, have termed it) or will it revitalize itself into blandness? Stay tuned.
You probably already know this, but Joe Sun is toast. At least they got a big payoff. I'm glad to read that "the breakthrough on the payoff was greeted warmly". If they mean warmly as in intense, heated anger that it is going to be replaced by a Z gallerie (that's not how you fucking spell gallery!) then they got that right. Which Z Gallerie will I shop at, the one in the mall, or the one right next to the mall (I know, I know, they are probably closing the other one)?
*that is supposed to indicate some sinister music
carnitas monday
I ate at Tres Hermanas for the first time in years last night and it was fucking good. Better than I remembered. They've done some remodeling and they now have a full bar. I got a chicken enchilada with a very rich mole and a chili verde burrito that was the bomb. I got a taste of the carnitas taco and without ever having had the Vallejos carnitas (which I hear are the best) I'll say that the Tres Hermanas carnitas are the best I've had. So many crispy bits! And their house salad dressing is delicious also, although they could try a bit harder than strictly romaine and small tomato bits.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
come to your senses again for the first time
get lost, creep
sexxeee snr

Wow, the news and review has really stepped things up in the sexy department (which is on the third floor, behind the housewares). To counter, I would like to announce in this forum that the cover of Midtown Monthly next month will feature me, naked as a jaybird, eating the mixed grill from Yummy Guide. There will probably be some pepper gravy covering the critical bits, but wait till you see what I'm doing with the hot dog! R.V. Scheide has really broken new journalistic ground with this piece. To sum up:
1) many of the men who frequent strip clubs are lonely and searching for intimacy
2)he used the word "perineum", shaved perineum, no less, maybe this is a little clinical, but I don't know that hair usually grows there, not that I have one or anything (OK, I do and it's pierced) also, he used "fuck-me pumps" which is a loathesome phrase.
3)lap dances give you boners
Pulitzer prize, here he comes!
I kid, they gotta do something to shake things up, however, I'm as liberal as they come but it makes me cringe just a bit to think of little kids picking this thing up. Just a little.
However, I would like to give props to DB's blurb on the movie Sweetie. Succinct, informative, stylish, as always. Soak that in and then read this one (I have no idea what else this guy writes so I'm just using this to illustrate how difficult it is to give good blurb). Huh? Did he like this album or not? What does it sound like? The Beatles and the Eagles, but not? See, it's hard.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
A travesty
And here is an article that is online, Arena round 2 (isn't it more like round 15?)
it's twisted all right
I was hoping to check out Twisted 88's late tonight for my Midtown Monthly thing, but looks like it's only open Wed thru Sat so friday night it will be. It's open until three on wednesday thru saturday(!?!?). Check out the website, this is without a doubt the weirdest and most ill-conceived food-serving venue to open in Sac since America Live (hey, remember when that was going to be the thing to revitalize Sacramento?). C-Webbs new restaurant (Center Court) comes in a close third. Maybe I will go to Mr. Perry's instead. Or Original Perrys, across the highway. They are both open 24 hours and you can't get any later than that. Any Perry fans that can recommend anything? The Armeniac likes the chicken fried steak but I refust to order that.
I watched Age Of Innocence and now that I have recently seen that and Casino I can stand even more firmly behind my assertion that The Departed is the best since Goodfellas. Scorcese failed to solve the problem of converting a book into a movie by having some chick just read long portions of the book over the scenes. I guess that's one way to do it. Daniel Day Lewis was really good in it, though.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Getting koozie

First things first, those are koozies. Stupid name, worthless product. I hate them too. And forthwith I am banning them from heckasac. Also, the Ethiopian coffee from Old Soul is quite good.
Secondly, the Four Eyes are the best, they have always been the best, and they will always be the best. They can play any band under the table. Five minutes into their Dirty Dancing medley any band (be it Panic! At the disco, Chin Up, Chin Up, Tapes n' Tapes, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah to name just a few) that deigned to challenge them would be curled up in a fetal position on the floor sobbing. I was mentally and physically exhausted after the show and had to be given both oxygen and intravenous fluids. And that was before the first encore! Too bad they forgot to play Oldest Dude In The World.
Went to Chita's late on friday night and it was officially off the chain. It is like Benny's inside only brighter and with Mexican food. This makes it a bit scary but the food is pretty good. You can read my real review in which I will use phrases more creative than "pretty good" if you finally mail that check for your subsciption to Midtown Monthly. It's on 75.99 a year, which is 180% off the newsstand price.
Friday, November 10, 2006
I checked out Old Soul today and got some coffee. The owner (Jason) is super busy roasting up a shitload of coffee for the True Love, which has its grand reopening wednesday. I'm happy that it's finally re-opening. It's going to do blockbuster business.
I got a rotisserie chicken at Sampinos yesterday (btw I am eating their roast beef like it is going out of style and have yet to have even a bite of gristle, it's sooo good). That guy is so nice and his two little kids (I think) were hiding behind a rack and telling me that they sleep behind there at night. Awww, it's so cute when kids lie like that. Going to Old Soul and Sampinos made me think about how I love it that in Sac when a small business that is clearly rad opens up people fall all over themselves to support it and get to know the owner. I love hearing all kinds of types of people, in suits even, brag to their friends that they've been supporting Temple since the beginning. It warms my heart.
You know I love the freak folk and I checked out this lady and liked her songs and was so stoked to see that's she's playing at the Delta of Venus on December 19th. Delta of Venus books so many good shows!
Tonight is the Shiny Objects screening of a horror film called Graveyard Alive. Tomorrow is the party with the Bananas, Four Eyes, Megacools and someone else. Four band party? Insane.
Oh yeah, I'm also going to try to check out that new Denios-style auction at Fruitridge and Florin. And I'm going to check out that new Mexican place by Benny's for the article on late night eating. Hmm...it feels weird to write this like I'm talking to myself.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Trattoria Bohemia review
No time to blog!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
yes, boring
I haven't been up to much this week, as you can tell. There is a Bananas/Four Eyes gig at a soiree this weekend and maybe the involved party wants to post the details? Maybe not. You can just hack into my GPS coordinates and find out where it is I guess.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Here we are. At the crossroads. Which way will you turn? Towards the past, a dark past of a Sacramento with no valet parking, nary a Hummer to be seen on the street, affordable rentals, and without an Urban Outfitters. And. No. Luxury. Lofts. Do you want to live in a place like that?
Or, will you turn to a bright, shining future? A real city where you can hold your head high when you're traveling to...wherever it is you can afford to travel to once your rent has doubled, let's say Fresno. Yes, you're in Fresno and you can finally say "I live in Sacramento, cow-town no more. And we have an arena, a great gleaming new arena that I have never been to but I have heard that the luxury boxes are the most luxurious available. With soft couches upholstered in baby seal fur and red bull and Grey Goose on tap". And you will see this hypothetical Fresno person look at you with respect. And envy.
It's up to you.
Pull the lever, or fill in the bubble, or touch the touch screen, whichever way you vote in your particular neighborhood.
Yes on Q and R.
Monday, November 06, 2006
what a weekend!

Quite a weekend. Some idyllic time in the country was bookended by the Shiny Objects screening on friday, which was well attended, thanks in part to the Midtown Monthly cover story, and was followed by a lively Q and A with the director, complete with semi-heckling by Dave Smith.
Then on sunday, Midtown Monthly pulled some strings and I was able to get into the booked-for-months sunday portion of the weekend-long celebration of the ten year anniversary of the Waterboy. There was so much love in the air that I'm getting choked up thinking about it. I finally got to meet Rick Mahan and he was so friendly and rad! I'll be writing about it in Midtown Monthly in the December issue. I think I'm going to the very reasonably priced thursday night dinner that they have once a month the menu is under events on the website). This month it's on november 16th, early cuz of Thanksgiving.
I missed Olsen's bday celebration cuz of the Waterboy thing but I'm guessing it was very fun. Any party reports? Hope it's ok I stole this photo to post.
Friday, November 03, 2006
this weekend
Besides that, I don't know. It's the Waterboy's tenth anniversary this weekend. There will be an old-timey birthday party on sunday for you-know-who. Borat opened and I'm glad because NPR has been like the all-borat-all-the-time station for about two weeks now and I feel like I've already seen the movie. This is like how every fashion magazine has been all atwitter about Marie Antionette for a year and it opened and it's a big dud. Hopefully Borat will not be such a dud. The Tower now has an all-monarchy lineup with "The Queen" (snoresville) and "The Last King of Scotland" (goresville).
suck it, Taro, you suck
Now on to Taro, a meal that cost 4 times as much and was one zillionth as good. I didn't go in there with any axe to grind, I used to like the old Mikuni on Fair Oaks and I was hoping that this place had it together. It is so fucking tacky that the menu has ads in it. I think the one at the Mikuni downtown does, too, but this one has more. Taro's (the link is to his webdiary, he is such a nut!) picture is on the front and this is his pet restaurant in the sense that he has more creative dishes. We ordered a mix of traditional nigiri and more out there stuff and the quality was very consistent. Consistently poor, that is! My sister got a spicy asparagus dish for six bucks. It was FOUR SPEARS OF ASPARAGUS. Cutting them in half did not fool us into thinking there were more than four, but nice try, Taro. They were normal steamed asparagus, not especially good quality (I have blanched tender young asparagus and come up with much more tender, tastier, brighter-colored spears) with, surprise! some sort of spicy mayo sauce. I tried the hokkaido scallops for nine bucks, because I remembered mikuni has a special scallop dish that was great. This was four scallops topped with some mayo sauce, some black tobiko and some crispy fried bits. It was not very good and mostly tasted like, you guessed it, mayo. My sis got the flamin shrooms or some stupid name like that. They were fried balls filled with mayoey crab salad and mushrooms. They were OK, she liked them. Both kinds of nigiri I got were gross. I got the toro, which, as my sister remarked, looked like it had varicose veins. Please don't serve me a mangled looking cut of fish with visible red veins! It was nasty and fibrous and I couldn't eat the veiny part. The fresh salmon nigiri was also tough and fishy. I know fresh salmon is often fishy but this was in a bad way. The sake at the all you can eat place (Nobu) in Davis was better! It was my sister's bday so we got a dessert. Green tea tiramisu, her choice. Nasty fridge-tasting green tea creamy glop in a martini glass with a teeny bit of cake floating in the glop. I am never going to any branch of any Mikuni restaurant again, unless the original one is still good.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Yummy Guide!!
The new article is off to an auspicious start because I ate at Yummy Guide on Halloween. Holy crap! That's all I'll say...FOR NOW! Too bad it's a chain, but I think it's a very small chain. In fact, all I can find is a branch in Oakland and a branch in Sac, so that doesn't even qualify as a chain in my book.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Let's talk for a minute about KDVS. It is such a great community resource and such a gathering place for people who are instrumental in the Sac/Davis musical world (note: I didn't say scene). I don't listen nearly as much as I should, but I frequently go to shows that are organized by people who are either directly involved with KDVS now or were in the past. And of course you can stream past shows if you can't get the signal or can't listen at the time. Soriano has a show, Larry has a show, This Week in Science is always funny and informative, Cool As Folk plays some great stuff and always has interesting guests., Brendan has an eclectic show (look, the Megacools!) and books rad shows at the Delta of Venus, the young firebrand Heather Klinger has a show and there's more! Also, the KDVS record swap is this sunday at Fools from 9-3.
I got crabs at my house last night.

Stupid fucking blogger won't let me upload a picture of a crab. I'm angry this morning because of a few things but one is that people respond to fog on the causeway by driving like complete fucking maniacs. Do most people besides me think they are immortal, or at least very, very difficult to kill? Why don't people understand that speeding only gets you there a few seconds earlier?
Anyways, the good news is it's crab season! They are 3.99 a pound at sunh fish on broadway right now and they are delicious.
Hey, whaddya know, now I was able to upload the blurry picture of a crab clasping his mortal enemies, lemon and butter, to his armored bosom (if a crab has a bosom). He must have heard those wise lines that Benjamin Franklin penned so long ago (like in the 1600s or something) "I keep my friends close, but my condiments closer."
New Midtown Monthly out tomorrow, get it....well, I can't find it anywhere either but I've heard if you go to the editor's house he has a coupla copies. JK, you can get it at Tower Theater and Temple coffee, I think. I don't know who's on the cover either, but I know that Gbomb gets a makeover within the pages. My next article for the December midtown monthly will be late night eating, so tonight after midnight I am heading to Yummy Guide down on Freeport with Smiller and the Armeniac.
For you New Yorkers out there, if I lived there I would go see this exhibit. I am bummed that there doesn't seem to be a poster related to this exhibition as I would give my left nut to have a print of the painting on the webpage.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Lynette "dont' call me Squeaky" Fromme

The Heritage Party 2: Try Burning This One Asshole was a blast. I ended up going home without my shoes, my coat, or my borrowed flask, and with a ripped dress and beer-soaked socks. Now that's a party! Is anyone going to post pictures but please God none of me. In case you saw and didn't know what the hell I was supposed to be because I didn't really feel like being in character, I was supposed to be Squeaky Fromme (on the left) and if you don't know who she is you need to learn your Sac history. The big highlight for me was the old-fashioned sock hop because I never knew how fun it is to spazz out to the Georgia Peach. Also, the appearance by Cat Stevens/Optimus Prime was amazing.
Other than that I would like to tell you that the roast beef at Sampino's market (which they roast there daily) is the best roast beef I've ever had. Either go there and get a sandwich or just buy some and make it at home. I didn't even think I liked roast beef before I tried this. It's tender and rare, and so is my love for it.