Wednesday, December 28, 2005
OK, fine!
OK, what happened this weekend? The annual Christmas party ruled as always. Everyone came to dance & the DJing was great - my personal favorite being Old School Levy whom I had to convince to stay because he didn't want to wait anymore for the DJ before him to finish - but you know how it is. DJs are in permanent "I just have one more song" mode & you gotta stand there and, like, tap your watch or start harassing them with Beatles requests until they get the clue. But yeah, he went on & ruled it & once again I was convinced that my true calling in life is "party director". And DJ Red Red Wine got a real set this time unlike last year when he got stuck with the 4:00 AM - 5:00 AM set where his audience was me cleaning up & someone passed out on the couch. Christmas eve I was hung over & had to finish Christmas shopping & then go to my extended family Christmas thing. I tried to get a nap in but this guy who lives next door in the Tweaker Arms recently got a leaf blower & let me tell you, he loves it! Becks can back me up on this - he wandered around with that thing on for 2 solid hours. No wait, of course he turned it off twice just long enough for me to be all "FINALLY!" only to turn it back on. This guy doesn't even know he has a comedy career but I swear, the more you watch this guy "blow" leaves, the funnier it gets (unless you're me in which case it drives you in to a rage & you fantasize about how you're gonna kidnap that thing if only they would EVER go to sleep over there). He blows a little spot & then stops & thinks about it & then turns around & blows a different spot & then he inexplicably goes in to the street & starts blowing there & his coup de grace is blowing some leaves back on to the original spot he cleared. I'm not joking when I say this is an amount of leaves that could be raked in about 10 minutes. 2 HOURS!! I have to fight the urge to be all "here, let me show you how to use that". I realize he'll never beat the Head's neighbor who was raking his roof but it's still pretty amazing. So yeah, no hangover nap but I always like seeing my family who I only get to see once a year. The kids are finally at an age where I can talk to them. I was a gift from God (aka an accident) so everyone in my family is at least 7 years older or younger than me (mostly a lot more than that) so right about now I get either retirement conversations or tales from high school which I prefer. I know about a sweet New Years party if you're interested. My aunt lives on 4 acres so I went on a walk & I suddenly smelled weed really strong. My cousins are finally upholding a tradition that's been dormant since my sister was young! Personally, I would hate to be stoned around my family but that's the glory of the pre-self-conscious years. And it ruled watching my cousins look through this epic Christmas Eve family reunion book that my uncle put together that has pictures from every family Christmas get together from 1961 to present. There'll be some picture of their mom in 1994 & they start howling & going "DAMN, mom looks HELLA old school!" and then, as it gets in to the 80's, they start going "this is back in the DAY!". By the time it gets to the 70's all they can do is marvel at how crappy the TV's look. I swear, there were 3 pictures that had a TV in the background & they would see it & say "I would die if I had that!". Whatever kids, Atari ruled. And then it was the big day. I went to my mom's with Becky - which consisted of my mom, me, Becks, my mom's boyfriend, his sister, her husband & their son. Everyone but me & my mom was jewish so the mystical convergence of chanukah & christmas had spirits higher than usual. Jewish people are mad for talking about all things jewish so there was a lot of that going on. Some football player would come on the screen to the announcement "he's jewish you know" and my mom's boyfriend's sister's husband (that's the last time I'm writing that - his name's Dick OK) brough this CD called "Chanukah Rocks!" that was by some group of dudes that are in other bands & this is their side project. It sounded like The Rentals or something & all the songs were about like, the dilemma of whether you should put sour cream or applesauce on your latkas. There was so much jewish talk that when Dick asked for a towel, my mom said "what's a tovel?" thinking he'd just asked for some special chanukah thing. Speaking of latkas (which are like potato pancakes), the big plan was to make them. Ronnie (my mom's boyfriend's sister - fuck, get married already mom!) had somehow never made them before & she wanted her & my mom to make them together. They kept talking about it. Finally it was time & Becky offered to help - but within about 2 minutes, my mom & Ronnie had stopped helping & just drank wine & watched Becky. I felt bad for her but she was making me look so good I was psyched! My mom's boyriend's family clearly loves her. She busted out though & they were great & applesauce is the answer to the Chanukah Rocks question. Anyway, it was really fun & pretty relaxing as far as my Christmases usually go. I'm glad it's over though. Christmas is too much pressure! OK, I've done my part (I think) - now someone please entertain me!!
Friday, December 23, 2005
Happy Chanukah...
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Service details
I hesitate to write about this, but I guess I will mention that in a crazy coincidence, a reader of this blog (who I don't know) was with Mike after the accident and stayed with him until paramedics arrived. He stopped to help when he saw that someone had been hit. He said that Mike was not conscious, but that there were people around him that were comforting him and that they covered him with jackets and kept him warm. He said that he held Mike against the protests of some who were afraid of further injuring him because he wanted Mike to know that he was being cared for. I don't know this guy's name, but I'd like to thank him.
Monday, December 19, 2005
sad news

Recently many people in Sac have been reeling from the death of Sac musician Jim Maclean. I didn't write about it because I didn't know him that well (although, like everyone else who met him I knew he was a cool guy) and others who were closer to him wrote some wonderful things. Now we have had more sad news. Mike Guis was struck by a car and killed.
I found this picture today, and although it's not the best picture of Mike (he was handsome as fuck), it shows him doing what he loved most and did best. Mike was an amazing drummer. He was the drummer for the Popesmashers, the Yah Mos and he was the original drummer for chkchkchk.
This past weekend I have again had occasion to marvel at how wonderful my community of friends is. I feel so lucky because my friends are truly my family and I couldn't ask for a more wonderful group of people. I feel like it's amazing we have all found each other because for one reason or another most of us just don't fit in to the normal world all that well. Although in the past few years Mike G. had moved from the center of my circle of friends more towards the periphery, he was still a part of that family to me. He struggled to fit in and find his place in the world because he was so idealistic and innocent, which could be as maddening as it was admirable. He didn't give a fuck about money or possessions and he would literally give you the shirt off his back. The last time I saw Mike was about six weeks ago at my Halloween party. It was really late and he was trying to get a rowdy party guest to leave. He was so sweet and apologetic about it and after he left I realized that he may not have had a place to stay for the night because he was staying out at his moms in the burbs and it was probably too late for him to get out there. I felt like a real fucking schmuck that I had let an old friend down like that. It wasn't that big a deal but it was thoughtless and I should have remembered that you don't treat your family that way.
I think there is a service on thursday, so I will post the details as soon as I find them out.
Friday, December 16, 2005
go to the show
In all fairness, there are two shows. One is Knock Knock at Marilyns with Paradygm featuring Shannon Curtis. Then the other show is the one I'm going to. As I've said a million trillion times, it's the Finches from SF, and Rose Melberg, formerly of Sac legends Tiger Trap and the Softies. It starts at 900 sharp. It's in the Barn at 927 26th st. between I and J behind University Art. Hope to see you there!
a night at the shack
The T street light show is crazy this year. The court around like 52nd st (?) not exactly sure but you'll know it when you see it, is bigger than ever. There is a house this year that has choreographed a light show to music. It was playing Good Vibrations when we pulled up. There was also a drunken christmas carol bongo jam going on at one house.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
aahh!! a dick pic click slip!
don't click on it! it is not safe for work
can't think of wine-related title for post
grotty post
Tonight I'm going to the Sub Shack appetizers night dealy. I have heard a rumor that it's ten bucks for all you can eat appetizers and all you can swill wine. I can put down a lot of wine, so I hope they have stocked up. I'll let you know if it's worth it tomorrow. The breakfast there is the bomb, as I've mentioned before so I expect the dinner food to be great, too. I hope to cruise the jesuschristmas lights afterwards because I think it's going to be really foggy tonight, which makes them look cooler. Exciting, huh?
finches link
Oh yeah, and via Slop Dawg Jr., a link to an all things considered feature on the new folk stuff, including Vashti. I haven't gotten to listen to it yet.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
show tonight
Dark and Stormy Night Yellow Swans (Narnack, Weird Forest Records), Axolotl w/Inca Ore, God, World (mem. of Jackie O Motherfucker)
and don't forget the show on friday, too! with rose melberg and finches! here is the link once again to their myspace. they have named mike r.'s place "the barn" so maybe that name will stick. also, not to start a rivalry but they have more friends than the bananas! but not as many as tender forever. The Finches have a website, too, with an mp3 of a new song. It's a live recording, but you can tell it's a good song.
Holy crap!

LCD Soundsystem got nominated for two grammys! For best dance album and best dance song. Here's all the nominees:
Best Dance Recording
The Chemical Brothers Featuring Q-Tip
Say Hello
Deep Dish
Wonderful Night
Fatboy Slim & Lateef
Daft Punk Is Playing At My House
LCD Soundsystem
The DFA, producers; The DFA & Andy Wallace, mixers
Track from: LCD Soundsystem
[DFA Records/Capitol Records]
I Believe In You
Kylie Minogue
Guilt Is A Useless Emotion
New Order
Best Electronic/Dance Album
Push The Button
The Chemical Brothers
Human After All
Daft Punk
[Virgin Records]
Fatboy Slim
LCD Soundsystem
LCD Soundsystem
[DFA Records/Capitol Records]

I don't have much to post about cuz I spent a quiet night in, finally finishing the Fassbinder movie "fox and his friends" after about 5 tries. This movie has some of the elements I love about Fassbinder, but I think it took a few more years for him to reach his full potential. But I love the fashion of the foxy boyfriend with the mustache, and that it takes place in this alternate reality in which it's completely accepted by everyone (even conservative, rich parents) that the protagonists are openly gay. I like this film still because it shows a typical shot from the movie. A nubile young boy is lounging around naked for no reason. That's Fassbinder in the foreground. He plays Fox.
OK, I'm rambling. All I wanted to blog about was to say that the current New Yorker (the one on the stands, unfortunately the one online is next weeks), is tops! I read it from start to finish (except the fiction of course) and it was all great. The standout piece is Ian Frazier's article on wild hogs. So funny!
I am attempting to abstain from xmas (at least the gift part of it) but I have to buy a few gifts for family members. Have you ever heard of heifer international? It's the best charity ever! You can buy farm animals for poor families. For as little as ten or twenty bucks you can buy some chickens or bunnies for a family in a third world nation and they will be given the equipment and knowledge to take care of them. It can completely change a families economic situation. I just read an article in Harpers about a guy in China who got a few bunnies from Heifer International and is a now a millionaire entrepeneur who trains other peasants to take care of bunnies. I wish I could give money to this organization as my gift, but that's kind of a crappy gift. It's a cop-out because if I want to give money why don't I just give money that I would have used to buy myself something? Rambling again!
Monday, December 12, 2005
show friday
Once again, it's friday at 9pm sharp at 927 26th st. between I and J.
It was weird trying to pick people to hand flyers to about this show at the Calvin Johnson show. There were so many young people and I'm not sure if they know or care about Tiger Trap. You would think a Calvin show would be prime territory but it didn't really feel like it. But maybe some of those kids will come. It's not like I ever listen to Tiger Trap anymore but it seems like it would still appeal to girls of the age that I was when I first got into it (you know, 19 or so).
happy hardcore/afro beat
tell us about the show!
The Calvin Johnson/Tender Forever show was a bit of an endurance test. Tender Forever really rubbed me the wrong way when she yanked my scarf off my neck, practically strangling me in the process, and then put it in a pile on the stage with other stuff she had stolen off of people (shoes, etc.). Then she played for like a million more years and my neck was cold and I couldn't leave without looking like I was storming out (everyone was sitting down and I was at the very front) and I was petrified with fear that I was going to have to struggle with her if she tried to take my purse. And I'm sorry, it's all well and good for me to make fun of America but she was wearing a Journey shirt and had riot grrrl hair circa 1993 so who is she to make fun of anyone? And her music sounded sort of like she could sell a song to Pink or Xtina if they wanted to record a song with a punk edge that still has a positive uplifting chorus. Hated it! Then Calvin came on and it was what I expected. I enjoyed the between song banter more than the songs and he had a Q and A session in the middle. It's nice to see that in the year 2005 he is still making young kids get uncomfortable and leave when he starts interpretive dancing.
Friday, December 09, 2005
kerazy sculpture
Tonight I command every single one of you to go to southside park the minute the sun goes down. Because the spaceship sculpture is finished and it will blow your motherfucking mind. It is covered in 10 different colors of neon and filled with aliens. If I had high-tech shit like a cameraphone I could post it. I hope someone else will.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
what's up?
Lots of shows coming up. Tomorrow is Calvin Johnson and Tender Forever at Fool's. Saturday Lyme Regis and the Losin' Streaks are playing in Nevada City. I would like to go but I'm going to a white elephant party hosted by a hott librarian (that doesn't sound like I'm not stoked on the party, does it? I am). And I will keep flogging (and blogging) the show next friday (the 16th) at Puppet Towne. Rose Melberg, the Finches, maybe Knock Knock and the song stylings of Jane H. I am separately excited about each of these performances, so they add up a heart-pounding, roller coaster ride of a pop show. Any shows I'm forgetting?
Will someone remind me when the four-eyes xmas show is? I want to get the next day off cuz I'm gonna PARTY TILL I PUKE!
overheard in sac
1) One of the kids (the one who was getting the record for his dad) seemed to have a signature line as if he were a character in a sitcom. Everytime someone would say does your dad like this band or that band the kid would reply "Does he!?" in an emphatic way and the effect was somehow incongruously old-fashioned in a funny way. He did it like ten times
2) There was a adult there we later nicknamed "the Goob" who had a slightly creepy and space-inappropriate mien. He kept getting too close to me at the record racks and I would have to move. He was eavesdropping on the kids and condescendingly said "so what got you guys into vinyl?". A long-haired one replied "a turntable". SHUT DOWN! It was awesome.
3) The kids proceeded to debate the relative merits of Darby Crash and Jim Morrison (I am going to wager that this is the first time this debate has ever occurred, anywhere) and one kid's viewpoint was that Jim Morrison was way smarter and read and stuff. The other kid said, "No way, Darby Crash heckaread and heckawrote". Excellent use of Cali slang!
4) They all agreed that Frank Zappa sucks.
the oldest brau in the world
I ate at the Sam's Hof Brau in the Country Club Plaza last night. This place is pretty crazy and it's old school in the strictest sense. As the oldest dude would say in his querulous voice, "It reminds me of the 90's.....the 1890's!" I tried to look up stuff on the net about the history of this Sacramento-area (former) chain, but no dice so I am relying on you Sactophiles to help me out. I know it was started by Sam Gordon, who despite the name, I suspect may have been a Jew. I am basing this on the tingling of my Jewdar, which was activated by stuff like the reuben on the menu and a rad big picture of Sam and his buddies in 1962 at a bagels and lox dinner. I don't know, maybe not. I don't know when it got started, how many there were, or where they were. I know there used to be one where Hamburger Mary's is now until maybe the 80's.....the 1980's! It's hecka old-timey inside. Kinda like a more authentic Spaghetti factory. It's cafeteria style and there is stuff like hamburger patties soaking in kraut and giant slabs of meat that are hanging from chains and dripping juice. I tried to stick my head under there and drink the juice for free but the workers said no for some reason. Smiller got a carved turkey sandwich and stuffing. I got stuffing and mashed potatoes with gravy. The sides are $1.14 apiece! There is a full bar but the only discernible drawback to this place is that the beer prices are outrageously high. 5.25 for a pint of Hefeweizen! That's nuts! I thought the old dude next to us was gonna have a coronary when he got two brews and the total was $10.50, so it wasn't just us that were surprised. If you have been feeling old lately, for instance if you regularly posted on the indie list and have just been referred to as "grampa" by John Pritchard, then you should make a trip to the Hof Brau because it will make you feel like a spring chicken. We got carded for everything (even an extra serving of gravy) and each person would remark on how young we look. I guess we do look young compared to a pack of octegenarians. I mean, it looked like a taping of the Lawrence Welk Show in there! And I loved it! No age discrimination tolerated on this blog.
Here's the old News and Review review
indie list dead?
mark took down the sacto_indie account on yahoogroupsthis week because no one was really using it anymore. however, i thinkthere remains some utility in maintaining a salon in virtual reality/semi-realtime connecting the brother/sisterhood involved in doing whatever it isthey do in the context of underground music, film, eating, and getting wastedin the sacramento area. more importantly, i look at the archives featureas a documentation of sorts. essentially, we need to record what the bestburrito in sacramento was in APRIL 2002...for POSTERITY.a couple of things are going to be a little different.first off, i'm dropping the word "indie" from the title because ihate that word and i think it is too narrow with respect to what this isabout. ok, diy is kind of dumb too, but i think the term is generic enough toencompass all that cool crap we do that isn't even music. basically, iwant people to still bicker about dumb stuff and get tricked into going tofake shows i make up when i am bored at work. anyway, here's the link:'m also going to make a bigger effort to get awayfrom the "invite only" nature of the old list. i think in the early days,this served its purpose but one of the reasons the old list petered out isthat there just wasn't enough new blood coming on board regularly and theaverage age of anyone on the list creeped up to what i affecionately call"grampa". soooo, the list will be in the yahoo groups directory where anyschmuck surfing the net for "music that sucks" can find it, however all memberswill still have to get approval from a moderator. which will be me and iguess 1 or 2 other people i assume. that way we can regulate on the spammers andalso our sworm enemies: funruiners, cool hunters, and narcs like thesac where i REALLY need help is getting thisinformation out to people, basically i don't have a record of everyone's emailaddress from the old list. like not even close. i'm going to email this toeveryone else i can think of, even people that i don't think were on theold one or quit the old one. i would like to ask those of you reading this todo the same, even if you don't want to sign up or take 30 seconds to createa damn yahoogroups account for yourself. basically, don't leave ANYONEout that you think might even be a little bit interested.ok, hope to talk to everyone
I would maybe be interested in joining the new one. I have been curious about it but as I've said before I tried it a way long time ago and didn't like the confrontational style. He seems to be saying that anyone can join the new one but then he sez you need approval. So not ANYONE. In fact, probably the exact same people who could join it before. Also, that crack about the age of the average poster is irritating. As a thirtysomething I don't see why that would matter. A lot of times whether someone is active or not in that kind of crap is just a matter of what kind of job you have, and often the late teens/early twenties types are still working cafe jobs or in college so they don't have a bunch of time to kill at the office.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
and another one...
look ma no capitalization!
loft living
Voisin has not responded. Not surprising because the tone of my post was pretty insulting. I hope it didn't hurt her feelings, but she's got to stop if just for the sake of the caliber of her journalism. It's not acceptable to publish the same column over and over.
I ate breakfast at the Lucky Cafe today for only the second time ever (and the last time was probably in like 95). It doesn't feel like you're in midtown, that's for sure. The bathrooms were pretty unappetizing, unless spiders whet your appetite, but you do walk through the kitchen to get to the johns and the kitchen looks perfectly acceptable. They specialize in different kinds of sausage so if I were a real restaurant reviewer I would have tried the housemade smoked duck sausage or chorizo, but I'm not so I just got the boring one egg breakfast with bacon. It was OK, but I don't really like hashbrowns. The coffee was terrible. Still, it's a cozy little place and I'm sure they do some things well. A big group of peeps went to SubShack on sunday and everyone was raving about the fluffiness of the eggs and pancakes. Next week I am going to try to hit up the shack on thursday night when they have appetizers and wine. I want to eat at 55 degrees soon or whatever that swank new place is called. I also want to eat at Taro's. I want to eat everything, all the time, as a matter of fact.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
google me
hott drinks!
ff article
Nicks and Buckingham

Nicks and Buckingham
Originally uploaded by katymonster.
these are my favorites of katy's pictures. there's so many it's hard to choose.
Monday, December 05, 2005
trekkies link
That picture of Jimmy Page is so rad. Why am I making the same dumb face in every picture, though? Whatever happened to a smile? I do not recall anyone taking any pictures of me at all, so I was out of it, obviously.
Olsen had the link to the Imdb post for Trekkies 2, and that led me to the message boards. There's not a lot, but this entry is particularly good. Seems some people had a problem with the way they were portrayed in 1 and 2 and it generated some controversy in the Trek community (of which I am a proud part). I searched the net for the site where the Spiner Femme from 1 details her grievances, but I'm pretty sure it's been taken down. This also led me to The Kid's website!!!!! (which I think I may have linked to before but as this blog goes on longer and longer I'm sure I'll start to repeat myself all the time, just like hanging out with me in real life).
monday monday
The Halloween show. What can I say? Insane. The liquids that I imbibed that night were including and thank god mostly limited to a small hot sake while I waited for my food at Tamaya, an entire bottle of Mondavi Zinfandel and a diet Sparks. I was telling Grace and D.P. last night that I wish I could rig up some kind of neural alarm system whereas the instant my brain transmitted the thought "I am being so funny right now" that I would get a big electric shock if I tried to take another drink. That is a sure sign that I am not being funny at all. So that is my disclaimer about my own personal behavior. But enough about me. I hope people will post some pictures soon. Everyone was sooooooo good. The Mac ripped it up, the girl who sang for Heart took everyone by surprise, Heckamax was definitely the MVP for the night and somehow managed to expertly channel both Robert Plant and Sting, I was quite attracted to Heather dressed as Phil Lynott especially because of the package (sorry Mike you know she looked hot), some members of Oasis got a little too in character and took the piss out of everyone (did I just use that slang right?). Favorite moments and acts, everyone? Let's get this thing started out right today, it's gonna be a loooooong week.
In other news, I'm moving!!! No, not out of Sac, silly, like that's ever gonna happen. Nope, I'm moving out of my house on 11th and U all the way over to an apartment on 11th and T. I will miss DB and DP, but this place has a balcony, which I need, and a giant cute kitchen and a nice view of trees and I'm very very excited about it. Of course, being Sac it has no heat whatsoever and central air is a laughable dream, but that's the breaks. My new landlord Chung Fong is a funny guy and most importantly, he will never raise the rent. That's one of the best things about the southside, no crap-ass property companies, just a guy that gave me and Aimee a lecture about how if one of us gets married and moves out, we still have to pay the full rent. Oh really? So then it's exactly like renting any other apartment anywhere? I don't just get to decide what portion of rent I'd like to pay on any given month? Weird.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Coke Show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
celeb photos
Also, Taki is reopening soon with a new owner and the Ernestos people are opening a small Tortas shop next adjacent to Zocalos (which they also own). I'll try it, but if you like tortas, go for the grilled chicken at La Fiesta. I bet that's cheaper, too.
In other exciting food news, Corti Bros is now online and they are archiving Darrell Corti's newsletters. I can't wait to waste a bunch of time today reading it! Check out this page on their H.P.O. early muscat, which E.C. turned me on to. Delicious.
The terrifying specter of missing McCartney
She trots out the same tired shit (Arco is "long in the tooth and built on the cheap" ooh nice turn of phrase there) and some new tired shit. This time we get the threat that Paul McCartney may not choose to play here. Excuse me? McCartney JUST PLAYED AT ARCO on November 16th. Are you talking about his projected tour in like 2007? Do you have some inside track on that? That is so pathetic that that's the only other argument that you could come up with. Try again, Voison.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
the horror of cold toast
mikunis blog
sample quote:
Do you take a shower or just rub your body with your towel? I like to be as clean as possible and so I take shower at least once or twice every day. It works the same way in the restroom, too. Whenever I go to the restroom, I would like to be washed not just wiped because I just don’t feel clean using only toilet paper.
chowhound excitement
Also, I realize some of you may not have a registration at the NY Times so you may be wondering what that last link was about (I know a bunch of you are reading today, I'm getting a ton of hits). It's a two page article in the Times about people getting grumpy when they're hungry and how this is now considered a legitimate thing to blog about. People are inventing names for it and shit.
bbq place in the burbs
What do you guys think about the state of bbq downtown? I guess I like to think about eating bbq more than I really like eating it, because I rarely go to bbq restaurants. I guess I like to pretend the restaurant food I eat is healthier than that, so I feel guilty when I go. Anyways, what's your favorite? Sandra Dee's was really good last time I went. I still want to try the ribs at Everett and Jones, but it's so far out.
free piano
cockeyed on TV
Coke Show tomorrow!

Christ on a rubber crutch, people, 91 comments! That's awesome. For the record, I've read Play It As It Lays (didn't leave much of an impression besides that she's a cool customer who takes a lot of care that she comes off that way, but I'm sure she writes differently now that she's really old and probably doesn't care if she sounds cool anymore) and I tried to read the Royal Family and fucking hated it and also read some Vollmann essay on Afghanistan where he made it sound like maybe burkas aren't so bad (yeah right). Right now I'm reading the Bellow novella Seize the Day (as if you care) and it's very funny and the people in it think just like me (i.e. self-loathing, weak characters who are completely self-absorbed and always scheming under the surface ok now I'm making myself sound bad, that's me at my worst)so of course I like it.
Coke show tomorrow, this has developed into a gigantic bandstravanganza. I sat in on the Cab Calloway practice yesterday and they are going to knock your socks off. C.O. channeled Cab and it gave me chills. It was also very cold in the apartment so it could have been that. C.O. is also tackling Elton John. A partial rundown of bands (which I think I gave earlier but oh well) includes: Led Zeppelin, the Eagles, Heart, Oasis, the Mac, Aerosmith who am I forgetting? It starts tomorrow at nine. Then on saturday there is another good show. Here's the press release from Charles:
At the Distillery, 10pm, 21, 6 bucksRock the Light (back from their tour of Japan)Westwind (from San Fransisco)The MegaCools (talk about Charles)This show is going to be the show of the year. Really. No lie.
Ha! Look it's thursday morning and I am pretending that the weekend is here.
Post-script- The cappucino at Temple (coffee shop in old Levinson's book shop) is the best to be had in Sac, College Greens, Arden-Arcade, and the Del Paso Heights Area. If you are wary of visiting this place, smiller has tons of two for one coupons so just ask him for one and go with a friend, you cheap bastard.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
you know you're pathetic when...
pipe down, liver
interesting article
stop the zelda bashing
public service announcement
boosting the sac
Speaking of Sac boosterism, it can and does run amok, especially when it is faked by the business community in an attempt to line their pockets. Did you know that a bunch of these business types have banded together to "brand" our region? So creepy. Remember when they tried that last time with the stupid Ken and Barbie doll thing? Their first step this time is coming up with a nickname for the area. Here are the proposals they voted on recently: Capitol of the West; Central City of the Central Valley; Land of Golden Opportunities; Learning Community; and Green Place. Barf. None of the above was the choice that won, so sanity prevailed. I hope this plan fails. I have read recently that people are starting to move out of California, so that's encouraging.
The New Yorker had a really interesting little one-pager this week (that I can't link cuz their site sucks) about leisure time and wealth in Europe and America. We all know that western Europeans get more vacation than we do, but they also just have more daily leisure time in general, and consequently they spend way more time doing stuff like cleaning their houses and cooking, which are tasks that Americans increasingly pay other people to do. So we work more and generate more wealth, but then we spend it eating out, paying people to do our laundry, etc., etc., so we are on a continual hamster wheel and getting nowhere. The stats they threw out is that the average French woman (of course) spends 10 more hours a week on household tasks than the average American woman and that we eat out three times more than the Germans do! I eat out waayyyyy too much but you all know how it is when you get home from work the last thing you feel like doing is fighting the crowds at the local market and coming home and cooking for an hour or so and then cleaning up after. It's so much more pleasant and restful to let someone else do it for you. If I cook that's usually pretty much my plans for the night. Now I'm just thinking aloud but the article was thought-provoking. Once again the Euros have it right.
Monday, November 28, 2005
playground review
Playground review:
First, let me get this straight: I am not some kind of let's all return to childhood and frolic-type person. I didn't enjoy my childhood all that much and I prefer to do adult things like have sex and drink. But, that said, the new playground at Southside park is amazing. It is the trippiest playground ever, and it seems to be designed to be used in conjunction with weed. I mean, come on, it's called "universal universe"! A stoner had to come up with that. Right next to the sign with the name on it in spacey writing at the entrance there is a giant silver phallus. There's nothing that little kids love more than phallic sculpture. Across from this, towards the lake, there is a sculpture-in-progress that incorporates an Airstream trailer on a pole that has been turned into a space ship complete with an alien peeking out the top. There are numerous mazes and things to climb on. There is a giant rocking boat that can fit at least six adults. There is one of those dangerous metal merry-go-round things and a running hamster wheel thing that is going to really hurt some kid for sure. You have to run on it and try to keep up but it flings you off within seconds onto the squishy foam rubber ground covering that surrounds all the equipment. The piece de resistance (mispelled no doubt) is the red bucket. It doesn't look like much, just a tilted red bucket that you can sit in that's attached to the ground by a short pole. But as you sit in it and move slightly it begins to spin, and it starts to go quite fast and can be difficult to stop. You have to check it out, I can't describe it very well and I don't understand the physics of how it works. Go play on this playground before all the little brats break the equipment and tag it up.
daisy spot

Originally uploaded by pariscinq.
I have heard a lot of grumbling about this old port-o-let song that Daisy Spot has recently added back into their reportoire. I don't think anyone from the band reads this anyways, but I would like to report that the buzz is that they should put it back in the vaults. I am staying neutral. It doesn't bug me, but it's not my fave, either.
Oasis interview
DW: Ricky Gervais (the boss on the office)told me there's a story that Liam thinks Spinal Tap are a real band. Is that true?
NG: Yeah, he thought they were real people. We went to see them play in Carnegie Hall. Before they played, they came on as three folk singers from the film A Mighty Wind. We were laughing and he said: 'This is shit'. We said: 'No, those three are in Spinal Tap. You do know they are American actors?' 'They're not even a real band?' 'They're not even English! One of them is married to Jamie Lee Curtis.' 'I'm not fuckin' 'avin that,' he says, and walks off right up the middle of Carnegie Hall. He's never watched Spinal Tap since. He'd seen the film and loved it and thought they were a real band.
bike ride photo

Originally uploaded by becklerg.
I however have no qualms about stealing this photo from Katy. This was at the end of the Thanksgiving bike ride, at Discovery Park.
xmas party date change? yay or nay?
I'd like to hear about the Poinsettia trip if anyone who went is reading.
The Rubicon bike ride was off the chain. I'd say between 3-4 hundred people were there. There was meat, beer, dogs, babies, crusties, mardi gras beads, old dudes, young punks, slackers, stoners, burnouts, doctors, lawyers, and what have you. In short, it was Sac in a nutshell and I loved it. Riding the wrong way en masse down N street was the highlight for me.
Then I staggered in a haze over to Thanksgiving dinner at Gillie's which was delicious and fun. She had lots of weird liquor that I was smart to stay away from. About midway through eating my plate of food I felt really nauseous and had to go lay down. It's embarassing (yes i know i probably spelled that wrong) when you eat so much that you make yourself sick.
In a bit I will post a playground review of the new playground in southside park, but for now I have some important business. A few folks can't hang with the December 23rd date for the xmas party and Katy is contemplating moving it to the 16th. She is soliciting responses to this idea. My response is that it would probably be best not to change it because I would guess there will be a whole new set of people who can't make it on the 16th, but I can go to either day so I won't care all that much.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Happy turkey day, turkeys!
I like this ad.
And I love this ad. This guy is a catch. He just looks fun. There's no other word for it.
This one is a bit cringe-worthy. I don't think that herpes is such a big deal that he has to mention it in his ad. Wouldn't he be better off just trying to see if they hit it off and later telling her? If you believe those celebrex ads there's a one out of three chance she would have it anyway.
What title? Let's see, how about "do you like demanding assholes that think the way to attract a woman is to write a personal ad with a rude, abrupt tone?"
ok, that was weak and what am I still doing here? Someone just hit my blog googling "rubicon thanksgiving bike ride". Some poor dork that isn't cool enough to find out where it starts, or maybe an SN&R writer looking to bust it out?
sad news

Originally uploaded by becklerg.
I got seriously choked up when I learned that sam, the world's ugliest dog has passed. Check out his owner's blog and I guarantee a tear will flow.
guy-guy poo play?
on top again
Are you cheap?
Hot Potatoes lyrics
My baby woke me up this mornin'
She said get down that labour exchange,
And if you don't come home with a job son,
You'll get no dinner to-day.
You gotta secure me a weekly workin' wage.
You'll get no more fancy cookin',
You'll get no more apple pie,
You'll just get those plain hot potatoes
To satisfy your appetite.
La la la la la la Potatoes,
Boiled, French fried, any old way that you wanna decide.
Hot potatoes, yeh,
I want your lovin' every single day.
I said I don't need your fancy cooking,
I like the simple things in life,
Just give me those plain hot potatoes
And I'll be well satisfied,
They'll satisfy my appetite.
La la la la la la Potatoes,
Boiled, French fried, any old way that you wanna decide.
Hot potatoes, yeh,
I want your lovin' 60 minutes an hour,
I want your lovin' 24 hours a day,
I want your lovin' 7 days a week.
Yeh, yeh, oh yeh.
I want your love, I need your love,
But all I get is hot potatoes
When I come home late at night
To satisfy my appetite.
Don't give me no more potatoes,
Boiled, French fried, any old way you wanna decide.
Hot potatoes, I want your lovin' every single day.
I want your lovin'
La la la la la la Potatoes,
Boiled, French fried, any old way that you wanna decide.
Hot potatoes,
Hot potatoes, yeh.
Also, I'm thankful for Fleetwood Mac. Which kind of goes hand in hand with the Cali thing.
I have heard some buzz about the new show at Fool's Foundation. I've heard that it involves nudity, so I'm there. It's a collabo between Olivia from Ollipom and some other guy, and Olivia's a nice and lovely lady so check it out. The gallery is open from 3-8 thursday and friday and 12-5 on weekends but I'm sure it's closed tomorrow.
So is there a Knock Knock show on friday? What are the details? Also, what's up with the bike ride tomorrow? When and where? Bananas play a free show with Daisy Spot at Red Square on saturday but I will be going to John Cale at Cafe Du Nord with Heckamax that night.
Also, I'm thankful for H&M and the Kinks song "hot potatoes".
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
call the whaaa-mbulance
As the show was starting we pushed our way towards the middle and proceeded to get stoned, as did 99% of the other people at the show. Everyone agreed that this was the stoniest show they had been to in ages. It looked like there was a fog machine going. I took two pretty big hits and was about to go for a third when smiller warned me "watch out, this stuff is strong". I kinda smirked and almost went for it when I hesitated for a second and thought "Wait, I can feel my eyeballs vibrating". That seemed like a sign that I should stop and good thing I did because if I hadn't I can almost guarantee that my night would have ended in the emergency room. Animal Collective took the stage. It was really hot down on the floor and I was wearing a sweater and the third or fourth song started to get scary and intense and I started to pass out. I was lightheaded and my vision started to go black. I stumbled and pushed my way out of the crowd and to the back (stupidly pushing my way away from my friends) and was terrified that I was actually going to faint and that someone would call an ambulance and that I was going to be forced to tell the ambulance driver that I had just gotten too stoned, and imagining myself thrown in jail as a result. I thought maybe if I could cool down in the bathroom I would be OK. I was still drifting out of consciousness so I couldn't make it and I just ended up sitting on the stairs with my head between my knees. I'm sure I was white as a ghost and I was burning up and covered in a clammy sweat. A song or two passed by while I was in this state and finally an employee (who seemed to be able to tell that I was having some sort of drug freakout, I bet they see them all the time) told me he could get me a glass of water but I was going to have to move off the stairs. I found a seat upstairs and proceeded to talk myself down and convince myself that no, the weed was not laced with acid, it was just really strong. The music? Amazing but I only had stoney, disjointed thoughts about it. It was a very different show from last time. Really catchy and poppy. Last time I was down in the middle and lots of the crowd was distracted and chatting while Davey did stuff like crumple paper into the microphone for 10 minutes. This time the crowd was going absolutely apeshit. It was crazy. More unforced, genuine enthusiasm than I can remember seeing in forever. And the band was feeding off of it and seemed touched. They were called back for two encores and I'm pretty sure they didn't expect the second one but the crowd wouldn't give up. Afterwards the Stooges song "no fun" played and a hippie dance circle started with some Animal Collective acolytes who were dressed in like batik and backless shirts and shit. Is A.C. the new Greatful Dead? Only time will tell.
Blanas blares back
I have sent you the email message that I sent the SN&R Magazine regarding the story you read. As you can see I replied to the magazine within a time frame allowed according to the California Public Request Act. My answers are in blue under each question. If you have questions I am always available to talk, please contact me at my office. I would be happy to provide you with answers you might have surrounding the concerns we have with factual reporting in Sacramento’s only local newspaper. Please give us the opportunity to respond to you directly. We reply to all media inquires that are made verbally or in writing. I will attach a copy of the Sheriff’s Media Policy for your review.
Very Truly Yours,
Sgt. R.L. Davis, Sheriff’s Spokesman
Here are the answers to the SN&R questions (I bet the reporter didn't know that the sheriff's office is forwarding his email around. As you can see, he sent out the questions wednesday at noon for a friday deadline. This doesn't give them much time to answer yet he spun it like they were deliberately not responding. On the other hand, the spokesperson responded to me within hours so maybe they were dragging their feet on purpose. No way to know. Also, note the not-so-subtle insult when they say that journalism should be based on facts, not sensationalism):
From: Jeffrey Barker [] Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 12:16 PMTo: Davis, RobertSubject: questions for news story
Sgt. Davis:I have some questions for a news story I am working on. My deadline is Friday morning. I'd appreciate a response by then. I'd prefer to speak by phone and would welcome your telephone call (the only reason I am e-mailing now instead of calling you is that I just got back from a two-hour trip to the dentist and my mouth is numb. Ugh.). Thank you so much. Questions follow.
What is the policy for responding to media inquiries from the Sacramento News & Review?
The media office will respond to verbal or written requests from identified employees of your organization (press credentials).
What is the policy for responding to media inquiries from The Sacramento Bee?
The same
When were these policies put into effect?
We have always had these policies.
Are the policies written down anywhere? If so, where?
See attachment
Who originated the policies?
Our policy is based on the Government Code
Are there policies regarding how the Sheriff's Department Media Bureau deals with other members of the media, i.e. television and radio reporters?
See attachment
Has the department's legal staff reviewed the policy regarding the Bee or SN&R to determine its legality?
The policy for the SN&R magazine is the same as all of the media.
Are there specific, factual errors in stories published by either the Bee or the News & Review that prompted these policies? If so, what are they?
Our policy is very clear and if we have any problems with either organization we will ask for a retraction/correction. If further steps needed to be taken we would contact the organization’s management.
Does Sheriff Lou Blanas believe that he, as a public official, and his department, as a public agency, have a duty to remain open and accountable to the public which he and the department serve?
We are a transparent organization and we do feel that it is important to be accountable to the public, just like we feel it’s important for journalism to be based on facts, not sensationalism.
Does Sheriff Blanas believe the media-contact policies with the Bee and SN&R help or hinder that kind of openness and accountability?
We have an open policy with the media and will continue to do so.
And for a really exciting read, here's the official media policy:
news media policy and procedures
the purpose of this general order is to define policy and procedures regarding news media relations.
i. general
a. policy
this department recognizes its obligation to provide accurate and timely information to the public regarding law enforcement activities.
the policy of this department shall be to permit free access by recognized news media representatives to all public areas under the control of sheriff's personnel whenever possible. news media representatives are those persons who identify themselves as such through the use of press credentials, media business cards, agency credentials or other documentation which establish their primary purpose to be gathering news.
b. access
watch commanders or other officers in charge of an operation shall permit members of the news media access to the scene and shall not prevent the photographing of the scene, Sheriff's personnel, or the operation.
c. restriction of news media access
the media may be controlled and/or restricted during the conduct of departmental operations when the media may be expected to cause:
1. contamination of the crime scene;
2. injury or death to another person (this restriction shall not apply to authorized press personnel who have been advised of potential danger to themselves, and whose presence does not increase the hazard to others); or
3. interference with essential movements or actions of law enforcement or other emergency personnel.
the presence and identity of news media representatives may be recorded and/or escorted at the discretion of the scene commander where it appears reasonably necessary to maintain site/area/situation security and/or protect the property of another.
ii. responsibilities
a. public information and communication is a basic responsibility of management personnel.
b. the authority to respond to a media inquiry may be delegated directly by the office of information or operationally within the service areas through the chain of command.
c. the department member, rank notwithstanding, who is most familiar with an investigation, crime, or incident should be designated to respond to media inquiries and shall advise the office of information. when this is not practical, the immediate supervisor or superior should respond after being fully informed by knowledgeable subordinates.
d. under no circumstances will any employee be compelled to respond to the media. each employee or supervisor shall assess the particular inquiry and direct the reporter to the appropriate individual.
e. in situations where a media inquiry has been received and is not connected to an immediate and on-going situation in the field, response to the media representative may be made only after clearance from the public information officer, his/her designee, or the service area chief deputy. this section does not preclude advance delegation of authority to spokespersons.
f. comments to the media regarding any investigation being conducted by the internal investigations unit, litigation involving department employees, and investigations conducted by other agencies regarding department employees is prohibited. such information may be provided to the media only by the sheriff, undersheriff, or a designated representative.
g. any employee or service area wishing to make a press release or secure media coverage of a particular event shall coordinate the announcement or notification through the office of information.
h. no comments shall be made regarding any case that has been referred to the district attorney's office for prosecution/evaluation. no comments shall be made regarding cases being actively investigated by other police agencies. official comments shall be the exclusive purview of the lead agency having responsibility for the conduct/prosecution of the case.
i. problems with news media personnel shall be reported through the chain of command to the public information officer.
iii. notification
a. major incidents
in major incidents the on-duty patrol watch commander shall direct and ensure that the on-duty communications bureau supervisor notifies the undersheriff and the media information officer. when no watch commander is on duty, notification direction shall be assumed by the responsible patrol supervisor. a major incident is a potential or actual disaster, a situation requiring the commitment of a large number of officers, the arrest of a known public figure or celebrity, or any other event likely to attract news media either at that time or during the following day.
the media information officer shall respond to the scene and assist the on scene commander in providing liaison with news media present. the information officer shall prepare general press releases for other media who are not at the scene as appropriate.
b. media releases
personnel responding to media inquiries and/or making press releases, shall advise the office of information verbally or in writing by the next regular business day.
iv. report access
a. arrest reports
during non-business hours, the media shall have access to copies of arrest reports kept on file in the main jail classification/booking area. copies of arrest reports are not considered "on file" until the completion of the entire booking process. during regular department business hours copies of arrest reports shall be available at the office of information.
b. offense reports
face sheet copies of offense reports (7401 form 012) shall be made available by the records section for media review at the front counter of the sheriff's headquarters building. sensitive information protected by law shall be obliterated if not already excluded by the use of the "victim address deletion form."
c. other reports or contents thereof shall not be released to the media except through the office of information.
v. guidelines for the release of information
when authorized to provide information to the news media, the following guidelines shall apply:
a. information which may be released
1. facts and circumstances of the arrest
(a) time and place
(b) resistance put up by the suspect
(c) pursuit necessary to apprehend
(d) use of weapons by officer or suspect
2. identification of investigating and arresting officers and length of investigation.
3. limited description of evidence seized (do not make any references to confessions, admissions, or statements).
4. disclose the nature, substance, text of charge (can include a brief description of the offense charged).
5. quote from or refer to public records of the court in the case without personal comment.
6. schedule or result of any stage of the judicial process.
7. any request for assistance from the public to obtain evidence.
8. the identity of victim or complainant if the release of that information is not otherwise prohibited by law (no release of victim identity may be made if the crime is defined in the penal code or covers sections 261, 264, 264.1, 273a, 273d, 286, 288a, or 289).
b. do not release
1. prior to the arrest, do not release the identity of the suspect.
2. prior to arrest, do not release the results of investigative procedures.
3. can release above items 1 and 2, if:
(a) will aid in the investigation
(b) assist in the apprehension of the suspect
(c) will warn the public of danger
4. prior criminal record, reputation, or character (can release name, age, residence, occupation, and family status).
5. identity or any personal information of a juvenile arrestee or suspect.
6. existence or contents of any confession or statement given by the suspect or the refusal to make a statement.
7. give an opinion about the possibility of a plea of guilty to offense charged or a lesser offense or other disposition.
8. performance of any examinations or tests, or the suspect's refusal to or failure to submit to an examination or test.
9. any photographs or mug shots except:
(a) if release will aid in arrest of suspect
(b) aid in the investigation
(c) warn the public of danger
10. the identity, testimony, or credibility of prospective witnesses.
11. any personal opinion concerning the suspect's guilt, innocence, or merits of the case.
12. any information which would be known to be inadmissible in court.
13. do not move or pose suspects solely for the purpose of allowing photographs or news film to be taken. however, do not prevent photographers from taking unposed pictures in public places.
14. references to investigative procedures such as fingerprints, polygraph tests, ballistic tests, or laboratory tests.