Why didn't anyone ever tell me that Benji has a blog????? I am listening to an amazing mp3 right now called "good times". I'm getting goosebumps
Why didn't anyone ever tell me that Benji has a blog????? I am listening to an amazing mp3 right now called "good times". I'm getting goosebumps
No less than the Grey Lady herself today features a picture of Sactown's finest, Nic Offer. Here's the article, which fails to mention Out Hud. I'm sure they'll get a mention on Pitchfork tomorrow, when part 2 of the fest summary is printed.
I don't even know if homzee even reads this anymore, but I guess E-40 signed to Lil Jon's label. His new album is gonna be split between Rick Rock (and yes, Rick Rock is also the name of the guy that was recently popped for those armed robberies in midtown. I'm sure he stole the name from the producer)and Lil Jon tracks. Looking into this brought me to this promising hip-hop blog. They have lots of mp3s to download, including the new E-40/Trillville "I'm pimpin' It's good. Download it.
I was looking into the song "Da Dummy" which you can also download off that blog, the blog dude says "it's not that hot" but I beg to differ, especially considering what's on Sac radio right now, but I digress, anyways, it's produced by E-40's 17 year old son Droop-E. They've got a hip-hop dynasty goin on just like Master P and his son, what's his name (lil romeo?) Here's an article about Droop-E and other hot Bay Area producers in the SF Guardian. Oh, and note to Conway, the "I got 5 on it" came out in '95 and is the second most requested song on KMEL ever! Which begs the question, what's the first most requested. Maybe I will try to guess before I look it up.
To elaborate on the reasons why there needs to be a Crest vs. Tower spelling bee
1)I'm sure there are people at both businesses who know they are bad spellers and don't want there to be a spelling be, but
a)no one would be stupid enough to judge anyone's intelligence on their spelling ability. There are plenty of smart people who can't spell for shit. and
b)if you are really nervous about it, don't participate, or if you participate and you are indeed kind of a crappy speller, you will probably be eliminated in the first round, so you will have to endure less than one minute of nervousness
2)The Crest already won the first battle of brawn, and people were tossing around other ideas for physical competition, but I think that there is a good chance that the Crest would win most of them. For instance, softball. I happen to know that Charles is quite good and I think that Candice played in high school or something, so right there they probably have the Tower whipped. It's not fair for the Crest to only agree to competitions which they'll probably win. I mean, for all I know they could win the spelling bee, too. Let's find out!!
There could be a simultaneous arm wrestling competition, too, if people want it.
After the post bonanza yesterday, I'm almost all posted out. I do want to stir up shit as far as the Tower vs. Crest spelling bee goes. Many of the Tower-ites are stoked on this and ready to do some spelling battle. I tried to indicate that with this picture from "Road Warrior". Crest, step up to the plate! Tower is throwing down the spelling gauntlet, how do you respond?
The Bunnygrunt/Razorcuts/Frenchman show was fun, although I cut out before the headlining Frenchman in pursuit of a full night's sleep. The ex-Razorcuts guy was really good. Fun show.
There is soooo much going on this weekend. I guess I will post about it a bit later.
Ha. Lame heading. Alert reader smiller alerted me to this alert. Cockeyed had a crazy adventure with the Foo Fighters in NY. On a much less interesting note, I saw his sister and her friend in Williamsburg on this same trip and thought to myself "I think those are Sac people". I was right! I can spot a Sac person a mile away. Well, his sister bartends at the Flame and looks like the Gilmore Girls girl, so it wasn't really her Sacness that I was sensing.
I knew it! Just recently I was in a couple of different discussions about American Apparel and how crazy it's getting with the pornographic advertising and how they post Penthouse in their store and stuff. When I read that Jane article a couple of years ago where the CEO, Dov Charney, masturbated in front of the reporter (apparently with her consent) I knew a sexual harassement suit couldn't be far behind. It actually took quite a while, but ol Dov's in hot water now, and deservedly so. Check this:
In his marketing, Charney has been adept at weaving his libertarian sexual attitude with his progressive labor practices. But it's another matter to make that attitude a bedrock principle of the workplace. In their sexual harassment suits, two of the women accuse Charney of exposing himself to them. One claims he invited her to masturbate with him and that he ran business meetings at his Los Angeles home wearing close to nothing. Another says he asked her to hire young women with whom he could have sex, Asians preferred. All describe him using foul language in their presence, much of it demeaning to women. Says Keith A. Fink, an attorney for one of the women suing: "The work environment there makes Animal House look like choir practice."
And they mention the article too:
The suits follow a bizarre article last year in the women's magazine Jane. Charney was described as engaging in oral sex with a female employee and masturbating in front of the reporter. Charney doesn't deny taking part in any of the activities described in the article. He says he befriended the writer over the course of the two months it took her to research the piece. "I've never done anything sexual that wasn't consensual," Charney says. The reporter, Claudine Ko, confirmed his take on events to BusinessWeek
Here's yet another juicy quote:
"It was a company built on lechery," says a former stock person. "I thought it was a male contemporary perspective on feminism, but it turns out to be just a gimmick," says another ex-employee. And another: "I made sure to stay away from the store when I knew [Charney] was coming into town. It's not one person -- he's aiming for all women."
Just check the whole article here, if you're interested:
And, one more product endorsement, the American Apparel panties (I love that word, but I used to hate it. Panties! Panties!) are great, and can be purchased here.