Tuesday, March 06, 2007

i'm so hungry i could...

According to smiller, Japan is off the chain. He's already eaten horse sashimi (gnarls) and gone to a Hitachino Nest tasting (brewery with the cutest labels evs). He said I'm gonna hate the smoke and indeed I will. Me and GW leave tomorrow. I might do a little posting if our hosts have internet. Otherwise it's back to the grind on the 19th.


leon said...

so jealous. I love Hitachino beer

Anonymous said...

I couldn't post comments yesterday for some reason so let me say, "I would have just given you more meat"

On to today, have a great time.


beckler said...

that was the problem, our food and little korean snacks (what are those called?) took so long to get there that the sake went straight to the dome. marie has a theory about certain asian cuisines not having enough carbs to soak up the alcohol and she is probably right. i'll see you when i get home! i hope to bring cute gifts for everything. kawaii!!

archbishop said...

There's salt water beer, normal beer, sochu in vending machines all over the place. Plus you can get Calpis which you've probably tried here in the US at Asian markets.

Everyone in Japan smokes. And there's umbrellas everywhere.

Tower is hiring management.

DB said...

Have fun, Becks!