Thursday, April 21, 2011

I'm just trying to get my space together

Here's my writeup of the movie tomorrow in the SNR.  Don't forget, advance tix on sale at Phono Select and ten percent off merchandise with purchase.
Woah, I just upgraded to the new blogger so that I could add "after the jump" posts (I know, gettin' fancy) and it's kind of blowing my  mind.  Course my mind is easily blown. I like that you can move pictures around more easily. 
Add caption, eh blogger? OK, I got this at the Davis Beer Shoppe
Using the Brew Awareness logo always reminds me of MK, who designed it.  Which reminds me that I found out that he's in a new band in LA, and that his bandmate played teenaged John Locke on Lost!  That's so L.A.!  
So  yeah this is the Upright Brewing Four, I think it was ten bucks at the Davis Beer Shoppe, great, food-friendly beer. Lemony with a nice, dry finish.  If you care about beer, take a gander at this write-up in the K and L newsletter (scroll down for the write-up, he talks about all three beers Upright makes) by Bryan Brick, a dude with super good taste.

And with that, here's my first after the jump!

Went to Maalouf's yesterday.  I've had favas on the brain but have not yet gotten my hands on any fresh ones, because I am a loser and I never go to the farmer's market.  However, Maalouf's serves an excellent version of foul muddamas, a dip with canned mashed favas, lemon, olive oil, garlic, and parsley.  They serve it with a pile of raw onions and pita.  
Random backyard photo, ferns are lookin' good.
When are Sonny and the Sunsets going to come play in Sac?!?!?

Maybe it's the White Rhino talkin' but last nights screening of the Grateful Dead movie was the best thing I've paid 15 bucks for in a long time.  Before the movie there was an excellent slide show

Last night I learned that Bob Weird (heh, I wrote that accidentally) is the cutest dead member until he opens his mouth.  Then, Lesh becomes the cutest

Kreutzmann was just unbelievable. The best.

Look at  Lesh's sweater! Not everyone can rock a sweater like that, especially while  playing a bass that weighs 50 pounds.

Again, it may have been the White Rhino, but as Jerry spilled those glorious  notes I really felt a love swell for this dude.  There's just something about him.  I think I've really caught the fever.

Some memorable hippie-isms from the movie:
from Jerry, about Bill Graham: he's not a dedicated head
from a hippy, too high on acid, trying to get into the show: I'm just trying to get my space together
from I can't remember: he's advanced to a different trip


Anonymous said...

My favorite quote of the night was from Foster after the movie: Smiller, I have to admit, you're right about the Dead. They're the best!


Anonymous said...

Upright 4 is the best. Taylor's had 5 (the hoppy one), but they're all gone last I checked. In regard to the K&L write up, I thought 4 was closer to a berliner weiss, and 7 a straight up saison. But whatever, they're all good and worth a try.

The lower the number, the more I liked them.


gee whz said...

Foster and I both agree with you that Bob Weir is the cutest until he opens his mouth.


gee whz said...

We have spent many a 4/20 discussing it.

Anonymous said...

Bob Weir's plan for 1975 (the Dead's hiatus year) was "to get real focused on one thing or another". Some serious commitment form Weir!
