Wednesday, August 13, 2014

calypso cola guy

I woke up with the 2014 song "big weight" in my head, which then switched to an endless loop of knock knock "where the world won't end" that at this point I wish I could get out.
More stock photos!
Look how scary these three are! Are they going to train you or stab you with scissors in the eye?


Cody said...

No one wants to deal with The Chang.

beckler said...

this is SO AWESOME! I heard Satan's Wriders might move to Sac or Davis. I would love that. I'm sure they would still play in Stockton a lot

Scott Miller said...

I've kept silent long enough - it's SATAN WRIDERS.

beckler said...

ha on fb I said satans riders

beckler said...

aren't you glad you're not on fb?

Count Mockula said...

Okay, if I was watching Dr. Who and saw those three people, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to learn they were robots or evil aliens in skin suits.