Thursday, October 28, 2004

Spooooooooky doooobies!

If memory serves me correctly (which it rarely does) that was a phrase coined by Benji before the midnight screening of Blair Witch and Tower and uttered in an appropriately creepy voice. This cracked me up, perhaps because I hate the word "doobie".

I haven't been too excited about Halloween this year mostly because I chickened out on my costume of being Nell from the movie Nell, but I have been checking out some spooooooky websites today and it's getting me in the mood. First, some discussion about one of my favorites, The Shining. Apparently there are various theories that it's about either the destruction of the American Indians or television. Here's an amusing site about it:
This second one is about the American Indian theory exlusively:
Here's a very extensive FAQ page on the Shining:
It has a neat bit of trivia about Kubrick's obsessive refilming:

9/ Is it true that The Shining holds the record for the most takes of a scene in a film?Well, according to the Guinness book of records it does. They claim it took Kubrick 125 takes to capture the scene were Shelley Duvall climbs the stairs near the end of the film. But Gordon Stainforth contests this, "I'm sure Shelley never had to repeat a scene 125 times (I think the most takes on one scene was Scatman in the kitchen which was something in the order of 75-85 takes). The scene of Shelley backing up the stairs with the baseball bat was NOT all about acting, it was a very technically difficult piece of Steadicam camera operating as well. Loads of things can and did go slightly wrong on that kind of take. (If my memory is correct it was something in the order of 45 takes.)"

This is making me wish I had a book on Kubrick's filmaking. Maybe I will look for one. By the way, while I'm typing this I'm all alone in the lab and something just fell in the other room, making me jump and I'm still kinda freaked out.

Sac's very own retrocrush (which is linked on the Blacktable today) has a good site with the 100 scariest moments:
Local blogger Amelie is printing Sac ghost stories:
and of course, Art Bell is always good for a spooking. I believe last year on Halloween I ended up listening to Art Bell with Heather and others and it was spooooooky fun. Art Bell isn't the host anymore, but the website still has amusing crap-tastic ghost pictures:

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