Wednesday, February 23, 2005

out hud

out hud
Originally uploaded by becklerg.

The new out hud is coming out (finally) on March 21st. If you go to:
You can download some MP3s. Some are just samples, but some are full length or close. I love the harpsichord sounding keyboard parts in How Long. This album is gonna be big.


Alice said...

this stuff really cheered me up yesterday. i can't wait to buy the new album.

Anonymous said...

fuck yes! i love it! i saw the blurb in entertainment weekly's "download this" section (page 75) and did so. i rocked it on my iPod all the way to work today on the subway whilst wearing my out hud T-shirt that i only wear when i have no clean laundry. it just so happened coincidentally that i had to no clean laundry today.