Tuesday, September 06, 2005

thanks dudes

I was happy to see that so many interesting comments came in over the weekend. I want to post, but I don't have time right now unfortunately, so check back later.


Anonymous said...

Correction: I stated this weekend to becky that no Isreali nationals where killed in 9/11, however that was false. 5 where killed due to 9/11 (three in the towers and 2 in the planes). of the Five, four where also US cizitens and only one was just Isreali. Most of the sources claiming no Isreali's where killed where media outlets in the middle east and where re-circulated by anti-semetic outlets in the US.

That said there are still some puzzeling questions souronding Mossad (the Isreali CIA) and 9/11. I will have more facts soon. Mossad are like the king bad asses of the intellegence world. They are so bad ass they found and assassinated the surviving terrorist of the 1972 Munich games. Germany pretty much handed them back to there home countries to avert a, some say faked, terrorist crisis on there soil some time after the Munich incident. The terrorists went into hiding but Mossad found and assassinated them over the next 20 some odd years. I think one dude is still alive in hiding. not to be fucked with.

But I digress. Becky was right and no Isreali nationals where killed. However, my doubts as to a conspiracey remain. As far as Isreal's role, I don't know. My feelings are they knew (like the CIA) and didn't do anything. I will try and give a full report this week if time permits. Some the arguemtns and cliams are good and some are weak. Why am i such a douche bag? only Davey knows. And he won't tell me.


beckler said...

Wait, you made two opposite statements. To clarify, yes, some Israelis were killed in 9/11 and people who say none were are just a bunch of fucking anti-semites who want to blame the Jews for everything (or those who have been misled and have not checked their sources, like my man Charles here).

Anonymous said...

I blame the Jews for making Charles a douche bag. I blame the terrorists for making him a poser.


Anonymous said...

And thank God someone knows how to spell "Israelis" 'round here.

beckler said...

I'm going to start blocking comments that make fun of Charles' spelling. If you have any complaints, just download the Bobby Brown song "my prerogative" off limewire and listen to that and you will see what you can do with your complaints. Alternatively, you could download the Britney Spears cover of this same song but I don't recommend that because I'm sure it isn't as good.

Anonymous said...

No more comments about spelling, I pledge to you now. I've really got to knock that sort of behavior right out of my personality anyhow.

Anonymous said...

"Wait, you made two opposite statements. To clarify, yes, some Israelis were killed in 9/11 and people who say none were are just a bunch of fucking anti-semites who want to blame the Jews for everything (or those who have been misled and have not checked their sources, like my man Charles here)."

Wait, wait, wait. you don't have to be anti-semetic to think that Isreal played a part in some kind of conspiracy in regards to 9/11. Anti-Isreal does not equal Anti-Semetic. There are lots of questions surronding Mossad, and I still haven't researched the name of the suppossed Isreali company that "took the week off" for the week of 9/11. Even if I somehow managed to show that Isreal was in fact a conspirator in 9/11, that doesn't mean Jewish people are evil or wrong. If anyone holds that opinion that is there own poor reasoning that lead them to that opinion.


beckler said...

No, look at what I said. I said that people that made up that "fact" that no Israelis were killed are anti-Semites. Some people who disseminate the "fact" are anti-Semites and some are just misguided and don't know that it's not true. I didn't say conspiracy. I don't know anything about that. I was just reasonably sure that some Israelis died in the attacks, and they did.

Anonymous said...

Ok. gottcha. More on the conspiracy later...
