Friday, February 23, 2007

new reviews

The spring Japanese food festival at the church on Riverside is March 11th. I was writing this to remind myself to go cuz I thought it was this sunday but funnily enough I will actually miss it cuz I'll be in Japan eating myself sick. The udon can't be beat but don't be a sucker waiting in line for 40 minutes for tempura!

Banzai Sushi review. I want to check this place out. KW reviewed Biba this week, she calls that task "intimidating" and I would feel the same way. The text gives the feel of a three or three and a half star review to me, although she gave it four.


A P M said...

PF and I tried it with Beanie early on, back in summertime when it was still in its Grand Opening stages.

Service was slow, but the food was very good. They were also very accomodating for Beanie, although I really wish they would put outdoor tables for wiggly toddler usage. We'd probably go more. We hit Edokko as often as possible.

Anonymous said...

Since your coming here in March don`t miss the cherry tree blossoms.Grab a blue tarp,a nice combini bento a couple cheap hopushuu(cheap salt water brau) and some sho chuu..Find a nice park(yoyogi park should be hella busy) and lounge or people watch.If yer sitting next to other folks ya might get invited to join in their fun.Plenty of Gon Gon Nomu fun!!!As for udon..i`m more of a soba person.Green Cold Soba is the thing in the summer.Dipped in Soyu sauce and served on a bamboo like plate!!!Check out Natsume Soseki`s 210th day..It`s about trying to climb mount Aso after a night of udon eating,drinking and Onsen dipping.They try to climb while there is a big eruption going on.I`m going to Nagaski Tommorrow to see the Lantern Festival and getting omiyage`s for friends.I bought like ginseng wine there 5 years ago and still haven`t touched it'(abunai).Isogashii desu---jay