Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Keep Saving the Tower!! Forever!

There is an article in the Bee today about how the city council's hopes for building more screens at the downtown plaza are fading. I guess the city has for now put their 5 mill subsidy to Westfield on hold because they are freaking about this Wal-Mart thing. Good. There are already plenty of screens there and that's a waste of tax dollars. Steve Cohn said something about using the money for housing. Good idea. There was another "Save the Tower Rally" and screening last night. If any reader went I would love a report. A certain homzee I know pointed out that it's a bit tacky to hold this event on MLK day. Especially since the corporate flacks had flown out and were probably crying poor again. By the way, their "save the tower" website is almost impossible to find just by using the obvious search words and no one is updating it. While I was searching, I found this old article in the sac biz journal about how the company that owns Tower is continually losing money: http://www.bizjournals.com/sacramento/stories/2004/11/08/daily15.html
I'm not surprised.

Has anyone noticed the shitstorm brewing at the SacBee because of an editorial cartoon? I couldn't find the cartoon to link, but I saw it in the paper. It's a three panel, the heading is something about the Sac Fire Department. The first panel is three firefighters raising a flag (like the 9/11 thing) only the flag has a Playboy bunny on it. The second panel is modeled on the picture of the firefighter with the baby from Oklahoma City, only he's carrying a girl in a bikini and saying "hey babe", and the third is a truck pulling up to the mayor and saying "wanna lift". I thought the first panel was kinda funny. The Bee is catching tons of shit for this. They published an editorial in which the writer said that the people that are writing from outside the Sac area are the ones getting the angriest. While I'm not outraged at the disparaging of firefighters in general, to the Bee I say: enough already. Let up on the fire dudes. Graswich should stop sticking it to them. Unless they do something new. And using a fire truck to propose to your girlfriend does not count as a new offense in my book (or my blog, I guess). That was lame that people made a big deal over that. It's not like they were letting a fire rage on just cuz some guy wanted to use the truck for a few minutes to propose. Jeez!

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