Monday, January 31, 2005

Shitty. Snotty. Elitist.

Did anyone catch this last comment after all the comments about local swingers, "Anonymous said...
maybe you should all be concerned about your shitty, snotty elitist attitudes instead of who's swinging whoo...just a thought....i'll keep this anonymous of course...."

Wise words indeed. Is that what swingers call it? "Swinging whoo"? Is that like that old-timey term "pitching woo"? Interesting. You learn something new everyday.

Speaking of learning something new, the New Yorker (which is one of the shitty, snotty elitist publications that I read, along with The Shitty Snotty Elitist Review) has an article where they talk about some new college thing, which is a hand-gesture called "the shocker". Apparently it refers to some sexual practice. You curl your ring finger under your thumb and leave three fingers extended. They said that no one over 25 knows what it is, but that 95% of college students do? What is this new thing?


Anonymous said...

I have a good picture from an early Black Dice/Out Hud tour of Sebastian showing us all the shocker. That's the only time I've heard of it until I saw a sticker on a car a few months ago that said 'The Shocker' with a graphic of the hand gesture.

As far as that comment goes, nothing underscores a strong criticism like remaining anonymous.

miller, over 25

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think the 3 fingers of the shocker are for the clit, the pussy and asshole. I use it but didn't know what it was called until I read that article...

And that commenter should chill out. If you can't gossip about swingers, what can you gossip about? It's not like anyone was baggin' that hard...not as hard as they're going to now!

-michele (almost 28!!!)

Alice said...

i think my hand would fall off if i tried to do that.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't it be "swinging whom"?

If the shocker is just in the New Yorker now, it proves the NYer is exactly 2 years behind the internet.

the ugly dude from above

Anonymous said...

i read an article a while back about some high school kids getting suspended for flashing this sign in the yearbook group photo or something like that. and yes, the pinky goes in the butthole and the other two in the poon. no mention of the clit in the stories i have read but it seems to me if you freed up your thumb...

Anonymous said...

Woah! Do you think Edgar Allen Poe really used the shocker!??!!!????

Anonymous said...

The article was about those guys, the ones that sell the foam shocker hands and anything else they can think of....

Anonymous said...

The New Yorker is about 2 years behind the internet on really important stuff like the Shocker...I think it's because they are trying to keep current with stupid shit like the war in Iraq and the Bush administration.