Thursday, August 06, 2009


Finally! My girl Squeaky is about to get out of jail.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if they will really let her out. I kinda don't think so.

But if they do, I'm sure my mom will rent to her. Somebody should write her and let her know.

I just watched an unreleased movie on dvd by robert hendrickson called "the manson movie". He was hired by Mr. Manson to be the family's filmmaker. You can see the girl's embroidery work all over the place in it. That stuff should be in a museum. I don't know if you can get a copy of the dvd, I rather think not. but it's fantastic. Look it up dudes! He is the same guy who made the 70's film "manson".


Anonymous said...

The handiwork of a group of psychopaths who cut an unborn child out of its mother's stomach should be in a museum? Who should get the proceeds from admission to that museum?

beckler said...

yes, ec, who? WHO?

speaking of embroidery, check this link out:

Scott got me this book for my birthday. The pictures are all so good. And, it turns out that the guy who wrote the text, Peter Beagle, also wrote The Last Unicorn and he lives in Davis. I'm going to set up an interview with him when I have a minute.

I want to do some denim embroidering this Winter. I may start with a Steal Your Face.

beckler said...

I blew my zing! on that comment. Here's a redo:

Roman Polanski reads heckasac?

ATWA said...

Huggy bears for Squeaks! Her association with the Aryan Brotherhood always made me swoon

Anonymous said...

"native funk and flash" is another great book like that.

also, unknown commenter, please- I'm talking about textile art, that also has a interesting socio-political-cultural history. Not talking about giving money to manson.

It's a matter of opinion but for me, I can separate the deeds from the artwork. all I'm talking about is the artwork, ok?


Anonymous said...

Squeaky Fromme was not present at the Bianca home the night that Sharon Tate and her unborn baby were murdered. She was not convicted of any crimes associated with the Manson family (I am not going to defend her, I am merely defending facts, coz I am like that.) She is in jail for an attemped assassination of Gerald Ford. Had she been convicted of Manson related murder slash mayhem, she would have been in jail and not in a tree in Capitol Park when Pres. Ford drove by on that day.

The Aryan Brotherhood thing is factual though.


beckler said...

Bolinas used to have macrameed (if that's how you spell the past tense) playground equipment! i just saw a picture online from native funk and flash. it's almost not fun how instant information is on the internet.

seriously, troll, fuck off! go troll somewhere else. the aryan brotherhood? what are you talking about? do you think i really looked that far into it? what's up with YOUR obsession with squeaky fromme?

Anonymous said...

The real question here is whether or not she's moving in to the mansion.


Anonymous said...

check it out!

my verification word: efete. Yah, super customized hippy clothes may be exactly that. Still like to look at the pictures though.


beckler said...

if you go to that link, you can see the macrame playground

Anonymous said...

That's a band name, right?


Jeff M. said...

Her association with the Aryan Brotherhood...

This was Manson's doing. I read Jess Bravin's biography of Fromme last year, and how I remember the story is this: Manson joined the Brotherhood in prison for protection, then he basically pimped his "girls" out to members of the gang. So when members got released from prison, they'd show up on Fromme's front door expecting favors (sex, a place to stay, women to cook for them). It is hard to say how much of Manson's race-war eschatology was a premeditated ideology or just drug-addled blather or even Bugliosi's invention, but it certainly didn't drive Fromme. Her political views were tepid and shallow. She was no Ulrike Meinhof. All she cared about was getting back to Charlie and re-uniting her "family."

Anonymous said...

Heckasac = soft on crime. The facts are all out there now.


Word verification: "goant" (used for expressions of minor perturbance; i.e., "That troll's comments really got my goant.")

Anonymous said...

I guess that should have been "e.g.,", not "i.e.,".


Anonymous said...

Gbomb- la bianca murders were the next night after the tate/sebring/whole bunch of other people murders. I mention this only cause I know you love facts.

We are coming up on the 40th anniversary of that awful time next week. August 9th and 10th, 1969.

Jeff M. said...

Fun facts:

SNL's Phil Hartman and Fromme were friends in high school.

Fromme took care of George Spahn, the owner of the movie ranch where the Mason Family lived for a while. Spahn was an old, blind man, so of course he expressed his frustrated sexual desire for Fromme by pinching her legs and making her "squeak," hence her nickname.

Possibly the most disturbing thing Fromme did, next to pointing a gun at President Ford, was lace a hamburger with LSD and give it to Barbara Hoyt. Hoyt was a former Manson Family member and star witness in the Tate-Labianca murder trial. The idea was to boggle Hoyt's mind so that she couldn't testify against Manson. It didn't work, and Fromme did a relatively short prison term for the crime.

When Fromme moved to Sacramento with Sandra Good (Manson dubbed the two women red and blue, respectively, and they wore hooded capes matching their colors), they lived in an apartment on P Street.

While in Sacramento, Fromme "befriended" 64 year-old man named Manny Boro. They were rumored to have been lovers (cf., daddy issues). It was from him that she borrowed the Colt .45 which she pointed at Ford.
In 1987, Fromme escaped from a West Virginia prison after hearing news that Manson had been diagnosis with cancer. She was picked up two days later.

More fun facts here:

Anonymous said...

Regarding that apartment on P st, I knew some folks who lived there in the late 80s and they found some Family related graffiti. I doubt that it is still there.

Also, thanks ec for settin' me straight. I realized on lunch how rarely I actually know OR defend the facts.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it's too late to speak up, but I'd gladly accept the proceeds from a Manson girl museum. That's just how I am, though.


Verification word: "bromian," which speaks for itself.

Anonymous said...

I talked to my mom, she said squeeks could have the mansion for $1500 a month.

The Manson Mansion


beckler said...

I'm using the proceeds to fund my steal your face embroidery factory. hands off, jw! if there's any extra profit, I plan to construct macrame playground equipment at southside park.

beckler said...

is there a manson family mansion discount? or is that the full price?

Anonymous said...

That is WITH the discount, to quote my mom, "for old time's sake".


beckler said...

Maybe when you're here we can make a "Squeaky Fromme welcome home" sign for the window. Or embroider one?

Anonymous said...

why not turn the mansion into a manson girl's musueum. it's appropriate on so many levels.

maybe we can get the American Girl people in on this?


Anonymous said...

everyone knows that the Manson plan was to start a race war, so that blacks could ultimately function as slaves to the Family. Manson family were not good people...


Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm waaay less interested in all this mason talk than in the talk about the macrame playground! What an excellent addition to my hippie fort. I'm getting on that asap.

verification: blesso 'blesso be the children who play on macrame'

Jeff M. said...


The Beckler Family is just trying to gin up controversy with the inadvertent help of innocent people like you, so they can unleash this evil blog from the internet ride around sacramento in dune buggies, ruling with an iron fist.

as to what "everyone knows," I will say this: the facts about what the Family was up to or what Manson was thinking will always be murky and mired in myth, but we do know that Manson started to spout paranoid fantasies about race wars AFTER he stabbed a black panther named "Lotsapoppa" whom tex had burnt on a drug deal.

"Lotsapoppa" is a really awesome name, btw.

beckler said...

speaking of cool names, I was reminded recently whilst I browsed through family photos of my mom looking very manson girls-esque that my parents had a biker friend named "tune up".

Anonymous said...

Herm was telling me he met a hippie named Frisbee at Reggae on the River this year.


Anonymous said...

What about "Bunchy" Carter? another rad black panther name.


Anonymous said...

Dude, don't forget Kibbe's friend "Starlight Compost" !!!


Anonymous said...

Fromme was also arrested in the early seventies for involvement in an Aryan Brotherhood double murder. She was involved with an AB clan (klan?) living at a house in Stockton. cops got tipped off and found the corpses of two people the AB had robbed, murdered and buried in the basement of the house- Fromme wasn't at the house at the time but called one of the AB to 'come pick me up.' The cops did instead, but were unable to prove that she was involved- most or all of the other people in the house that day did time.... she was just lucky to be out when the cops showed up.

SF is a sick racist motherfucker.


beckler said...

ok, jeez, I hereby formally withdraw my emotional and financial support from one Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme!

Anonymous said...

You should be ashamed of yourself! Shame on you! For shame!


Anonymous said...

Couple things: The Sacramento location is 1725 P St (Which ex-Fug Ed Sanders erroneously write was 17250 in his book. Twas in the attic. I too knew people who lived there and claimed to see "witchy" artwork. I was going to try to rent it but they wanted too much.

The Helter Skelter theory seems to have been the most effective method to get Chuck involved in Tate/LaBianca, since there was really no direct evidence against him.

It ain't uncommon for whites in prison to associate with the AB even if they're not racist, since unaffiliated people can have it rougher there.

I can't wait for her appearance on Oprah!
