Wednesday, January 25, 2006

barley wine, feelin' fine?

Not to rub it in to a certain someone who's going to miss out on this, but Sac Brewing co. is having a barleywine festival. Unfortunately it's only at their town and country location. That's dumb. Here's a cool nytimes article from today on barleywine.

I have to go. I strained my back lifting my laundry (yes I am a wuss, did I ever pretend otherwise) and I want to go home and take a muscle relaxer.

Back tomorrow and I will review the roast duck from cheung hing! That is, if the guy that serves doesn't refuse to sell it for me for some reason I won't understand.


Anonymous said...

Geez, rub it in! Maybe I'll just get my license & drive out there myself! And then get pulled over on the way home & go to jail. I hope your happy.


Anonymous said...

If you want to go, I want to go. Let me know. It's open until the 29th.

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is off topic, but gurgle gurgle gurgle.

Anonymous said...

Chris, I'm curious: How would you do a feauture on these places without divulging the location and identity of the operator? -ez

Anonymous said...

Have you heard or read any of the Hidden Kitchens pieces on NPR? The Kitchen Sisters found a lot of their subjects through churches, homeless shelters and other community-building resources. You may want to ask around in places like that, if you haven't already done so.

And anyone into food should read the Hidden Kitchens book! It's terrific and the recipes are amazing.