Monday, January 02, 2006


I was perusing the sac rag and I noted that I recently got zinged. Cool DMZ mentioned smiller's post and this was someone's comment:

Not to worry, Mr. DMZ, I think the personals section of craigslist was down that day. What was heckasac/miller going to do for material?
Posted by: ditshisturber on 12/30/05 at 09:53 AM

I wish there was some way I could instantly calculate the percentage of my blog posts that involved craigslists personals, I would guess over the last year and a half it would amount to about 2% or so of my posts, and usually when I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel for content at the end of the week, so there, jerkoff. Don't think I missed your weak dis.


leon said...

Weak dis indeed. I love those craigslist links you post (along with the commentary)!

beckler said...

See I always wonder if they're too dumb to post, but I figure if I was bored at work I'd read them.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes they get removed, so you might want to start posting 'em instead of just linking to them.

beckler said...

no way! what are you basing that on? i'm the one who writes it, i should know. plus, i don't think i even started doing that until quite a bit into writing it. even if you're basing it on current posts, it's still not that much.

Anonymous said...

I think they are way funny, but really it has got to be like 5-10%.


beckler said...

no way! you are totally off.

beckler said...

the sort of dreaded double post. only it did this weird thing where it published my refutation of charles' comment before charles actual comment, which is impossible because of course i had to read charles' comment before i could expose it for the utter rubbish that it was.