Thursday, December 01, 2005

chowhound excitement

A storm of controversy is brewing over at chowhound. OK, that's a little strong but a Mikuni's employee got busted out trying to shill for Taro's (the new place in the Arden Mall that was opened by the Mikuni owners). If this makes your pulse quicken, read the posts here, here, and here.

Also, I realize some of you may not have a registration at the NY Times so you may be wondering what that last link was about (I know a bunch of you are reading today, I'm getting a ton of hits). It's a two page article in the Times about people getting grumpy when they're hungry and how this is now considered a legitimate thing to blog about. People are inventing names for it and shit.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You can get registeration for the NY Times (and a ton of other sites) for free at

For NY Times:

Name: paintball
Password: forum

Anonymous said...

hey! this is a serious problem for some of us. just ask all my friends who carry around snacks for me,and the one who went so far as to send me this article earlier today. Before the days of blogs I had a running email I sent out chronicling all I had eaten throughout the day and my reaction to it. what i didn't get about the article was they never mention all of the very real medical problems that could be at the source of this 'crankiness', like hypoglycemia. I would give up eating all together if I could. jana